Sky Dungeon

Chapter 538: Play as a pig and eat tiger and sheep

"In fact, not only that, the difference in gameplay between the Demon Race and the Alliance should be getting bigger and bigger. After all, the Alliance side can be regarded as the sheep pen, while the Demon Race is the wolf den. If the sheep pen is not properly fattened, If the number is large enough, can the wolf survive? Therefore, continue to give more benefits to the alliance players, and make the Demon players more gold, which will be the main principle of the game." Jing Tianyi was disappointed and outlined lightly. The future of the game.

"Puppet mother, what kind of sheep are our generation, if it is a sheep, wouldn't it be a very disharmonious existence? A sheep is better than a wolf?" Yu Yan elegantly said the confusion in her heart.

"Kill the sheep." Yun Yiyi said these three words coldly.

"Yes, I have seen the news that a sheep killed people. We are killing sheep. People can kill. Are you afraid that you can't slaughter wolves? But killing sheep doesn't sound good. It's better to call it a pig. Tiger sheep."

Everyone was sweating, Zhao Jiaxue seemed to be pretending to be full of gossip news, but what the **** is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger and sheep?

Sheep pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Is role playing necessary?

Why don't you just ask to pretend to be a sheep and eat a tiger?

Everyone seems to have forgotten that it is not Zhao Jiaxue who proposed the concept of killing sheep, but the cold queen Yun Yiyi. It seems that women have a gossip heart, no matter how they look, this gossip heart cannot be changed.

"Uh... our existence is not a bad thing. If there is no outstanding performance of the leader, how can the wolves know to continuously improve themselves? Besides, if the slaughter is one-sided, there is no fun and challenge at all, our existence can only Let Tengyi feel fortunate, not only is it not a discordant bug, but it is a stimulant they should support. Unfortunately, Tengyi does not seem to support us, and it does not give us some heaven-defying equipment and skills." Jing Tian joked, pretending to be a lost tone.

Jing Tian naturally knows the reasons for this, equipment and skills. Sky Dungeon has no staff intervention. This is the principle of the game. So how can GM send them heaven-defying equipment and skills, let alone him There is no unique anti-sky equipment or skill in online game novels for games planned by one hand. The only principle of Sky Dungeon is that there is no uniqueness.

The originally boring task of expelling Warcraft was no longer so boring as everyone discussed the differences and prospects of the gameplay between the Alliance and the Demons. The journey seemed to have become shorter, and everyone soon found the unlucky one arranged by the system.

Needless to say, a group of people, like hungry wolves, will repel the unlucky ghosts.

Today’s guild mission activity ended successfully, but when everyone was about to leave, Jing Tian immediately stopped everyone and said: "Everyone has seen it today. If the enemy is stronger, we will capsize. I don’t know if the guild mission will be in the future. You will encounter more difficult opponents, so it is urgent for everyone to improve their combat effectiveness, so arrange for everyone to team up to attack the 30th dungeon. Do you have any comments?"

"Oh? The slaves are exempt. They are dressed in purple and have nothing to pursue. Let others give the opportunity."

Liu Yaya actually took the lead to speak, but did not follow Jing Tian's pace as before, making people even wonder if there is any conflict between the two of them.

Indeed, in the past, people were passionate about sticking cold ass, how could they stand up and sing the opposite today?

Either you took the wrong psychiatric drug, or you just want to have a hard time, right?

After all, sometimes, playing a little trick to retreat, let the other person feel lonely and cold, but women like most!

The women speculated in their hearts...

Jing Tian glanced at the village woman gratefully. Others didn't know why. Jing Tian couldn't be unclear. Now there are 16 people from the Qiyunluoxue Guild. There are three teams of dungeons. Naturally, there will be one more person without a dungeon.

In fact, the main purpose of raising this matter is not to improve the quality of everyone’s equipment. The more important thing is to integrate newcomers into the team, especially the black and white impermanence brothers and sisters. They like to go with each other and rarely team up with other players. Although they can't get together with everyone in the guild, at least they can get to know a few more members so that they can form a fixed team in the future, so they can work together.

In the current situation, the village woman’s equipment is the best in the guild. I don’t know how much gold she has gotten. I don’t know how much gold she has made. I don’t need to say that she has a purple equipment. She also has a few more purple weapons. Take advantage of it.

"Indeed, the village woman has no equipment to satisfy her quest even if she is down to level 30, so the members of the Taurus team will not be a group of five, Yun Xueyi, Zhao Yunxueer, plastic surgeon, and Luojing Xiashi. The King of Sword Cavalry leads the sister who does not understand black, black does not understand white, does not eat mice, and does not eat mice as the last group. The three groups jointly go to the level 30 dungeon heaven and earth meteor crater to see who can pass the dungeon first, which is a competition. It's a guild activity of teamwork." Jing Tian faintly suggested.

"No, my brother, you are clearly bullying, you are the only team that clears the dungeon. And why do you want to separate the silly sister and me? I don't want to act with this dragging lunatic! "Yang Miaomiao was the first to stand up and object.

He was obviously afraid that his sister would fly strange kites in the copy!

Does a 30-level copy have such a chance?

"Brother stupid, it’s you who are holding back, okay? I’m the first to control the output. You don’t add blood well, and output a fuel bottle with no explosive power. You will only secretly study how to get the BOSS all day long. You should stand outside the dungeon. Up!"

Sure enough, they are not sisters and brothers.

By the way, Yang Miaomiao, when did you secretly go to the boss? Still thinking of destroying the map!

"Uh...that is the case where there are village women, you can interrupt the BOSS indefinitely. UU reading now has no Yaya, everyone is the same starting line, I will tell you the situation of all the BOSS and the previous strategy. Of course, the strategy cannot be copied and applied. After all, everyone does not have the huge number of skills needed to continuously interrupt the BOSS action. Let’s start with the half-boss crystalized white bear after entering the dungeon... well, entering the questioning stage, what do you not understand? local?"

Jing Tian faintly narrated the settings and strategies of all monsters and BOSS in the 30th dungeon, and finally did not forget to give everyone a chance to ask questions. This time the teacher should be responsible.

"I have a question Meow, Brother Tian, ​​can I equip Meow with the Crystal Thorns Sword in the hands of BOSS No. 1?"

Yang Miaomiao's thoughts began to jump again, and the idea of ​​a weapon in the BOSS's hand was raised again.

"PASS, next question."

Jing Tian was itching with hatred in his heart, and slightly skipped Yang Miaomiao's question.

"What are the methods of BOSS's attack?" The one-horned Taurus asked the question he cares about.

"Uh... we had village women who interrupted the BOSS continuously before, so the attack tactics against the BOSS are not particularly clear, so this time everyone is fair to open up wasteland and thoroughly understand the normal strategy of the dungeon."

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