Sky Dungeon

Chapter 542: Sure enough, things like Lao Lai are blooming everywhere

Jing Tian gave Yang Mimi a big compliment in his heart. This woman is very talented in games, and her grasp of attributes and insights in games these days are even better than Zhao Jiaxue.

It's a pity that the timing is not yet ripe, and it is not obvious that the lucky value increases the critical strike rate at this stage.

"How about it, how about it, why don't we take out another piece of equipment produced today to compare?"

Zhao Jiaxue was already happy, she even admired herself a little in her heart, and she didn't know how she thought of such a good way to win back a city.

Now that you get back a city, try your best to turn defeat into victory, and earn a meal ticket for Jing Tian. More importantly, you can eat more. Why not?

"Forget it, it's better to fight tomorrow. Our Scorpio beauty may not lose your luck. Game planners and programmers are estimated to be otaku. They deliberately take care of female players. 80% want to keep more female players privately, female. As long as there are too many players, how can there be fewer male players? Is this considered **** discrimination? How can we men swallow such a clear **** discrimination? It is better for us to report this unscrupulously planned setting together, and strive to let him tomorrow Laid off."

One-armed Cancer usually doesn't speak much, and when he speaks, he spit out and add poisonous tongue. Later, everyone knew that it was Taurus who would not let him speak more. After all, one-armed Cancer is a bit angry.

"Uh...we're offline for dinner."

Jing Tian left a word and went offline. He didn't want to listen to the angry youths talking about anything. He thought that there were only many angry youths in China, but there were many in any country.

Sure enough, the appearance is simple, but the heart is evil!


Yun Yiyi said coldly, and the three of them had already taken off the VR wearable devices and sat on their own beds.

"A guilty conscience? What a guilty conscience... Oh! I remembered that the game is indeed unequal between men and women. Female players are naturally not higher in luck than men. This is made by the frog. What is it to give the disadvantaged groups more innate benefits? Isn't it really a small trick to keep female players?"

The place where Zhao Jiaxue's thinking ability is strongest is where she diverges. Before Yun Yiyi gave any hints, she understood.

Suddenly, Zhao Jiaxue didn't give Jing Tian a chance to explain, and said directly: "Go back to the game and report that unscrupulous plan together. It's a **** demon, a sinister and cunning **** demon, an unscrupulous **** demon who guards himself for the sake of being surrounded by beautiful women. plan!"

"Uh...Is there, I really want to make girls pick up corpses and explode equipment better, so that male players are willing to take female players to download copies, isn't this protecting vulnerable groups?"

Jing Tian still felt that he should explain and clarify that he was a good person, but he was treated as a vicious **** by everyone.

"I, big liar, you want to say that women are not as good as men in playing games. You can single out the village woman and try it. As long as she doesn't let go, it depends on how you win!"

Zhao Jiaxue refused to accept it and directly moved out his rival Liu Yaya. Of course, in the face of world issues like men and women, personal emotions are naturally small to the level of microbes.

Give up to the ego, for the ego, in order to prove the strength of women, I believe Liu Yaya will not let go!

"Of course, I don't think so, you goddess, where can there be men to compare. But, after all, most girls have less experience in games, and the gods have to think about women who haven't played games much, right? That is justice, justice must save all sentient beings.” Jing Tian continued to defend lightly, of course, there is no lack of compliments.

goddess? goddess?

It sounds like a big bucket of honey in people's hearts...

"Hmph, count you acquainted, but how much more lucky value does the system add to female players?"

Zhao Jiaxue is very curious about this question.

“Of course it’s impossible to show it on the attribute panel. If I didn’t guess wrong, I kicked the patio and adopted another plan of mine. The high lucky value of female players is just an assumption. The lucky value is increased. After all, the actual lucky value itself fluctuates, so it is likely that the chance of picking up good equipment has increased. Naturally, this hidden attribute can not be easily intervened, and there will be no fluctuations in the real lucky value. The probability of female players picking up good equipment is generally higher. Unfortunately, the gender of the players must be the same as in reality, otherwise a large number of women's ladies will be online." Jing Tian joked lightly.

"Go to hell, you actually have such a hobby, a gangster or a ladyboy, why don't I use a fruit knife to complete you?"

Zhao Jiaxue rolled up her sleeves and stepped on the sandals, making a gesture to do something exciting.

Why do I have such a hobby?

Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking is indeed a disease!

"do not!"

Yun Yiyi said coldly to stop her, how could she not know that Zhao Jiaxue was joking, the next second she only heard Yun Yiyi coldly said: "Keep it, the plastic surgeon is useful."

Plastic surgeon? Jin Chengwu?

Keep it, what's the use for him?

In the next second, Zhao Jiaxue remembered something. She laughed and said, "Yes, how did you forget the plastic surgeon Jin Chengwu? He has been looking for mice, Jing Tian, ​​it's better to give it to you today. A ticket to South Korea for plastic surgery? Don’t worry, we will pay for the ticket. You only have to worry about the operation."

"I don't have I don't have a passport. I once went to apply for a passport, but the immigration bureau informed me that I am Lao Lai and won't do it." Jing Tian joked.

"Oh? Did you really escape the marriage? You won't lie to other girls with a large dowry, and then ran away. The girl took you to court for financial disputes. You are now called Lao Lai? You? How much money has been scammed and haven’t paid off the salary for these years? It’s okay to swindle money, but it’s not right to swindle feelings. That thing will never be paid off for a lifetime.”

Zhao Jiaxue's leaping thinking was out of power, and once again perfectly fabricated the details of Jing Tian's escaped marriage, and even put him on a high hat that deceived his dowry.

"I really convinced you. I ran away from home in high school and overdrawn my credit card. At that time, there was no money to pay back, so I became an old man. Although it was later paid off, I don't know why I kept posting an old man. s Mark."

Jing Tian explained lightly, it didn't matter what he explained, and the two women realized that what Jing Tianyuan was talking about was not a joke, but a truth.

It turns out that there is an old Lai by his side!

Sure enough, things like Lao Lai are blooming everywhere!

However, Yun Yiyi seemed to hear something tricky, and said coldly: "Can high school students get credit cards?"

"Uh... the parents come forward to guarantee that they are handled by acquaintances, as long as there are loopholes in the place where there are people, they can be exploited."

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