Sky Dungeon

Chapter 554: See also shield and shield

It's a pity that this blow could not directly attack Nangong Lingxi, but Nan Lingxi used a delayed attack command, and a series of commands were completely scrapped because of the unexpected and interrupting attack of the village woman.

However, Nan Lingxi didn't only have the delayed command card in her hand, her ability to control the puppets in time was definitely a respectable existence.

Seeing the village woman leaping forward, Nan Lingxi gave timely instructions while manipulating the character to move. The moment the village woman touched the ground, the two warrior puppets turned into two blasts and charged towards the village woman.

Because the distance was too close, the village woman could not avoid it, but Liu Yaya's beautiful eyes moved slightly, as if she had expected it. When looking at the village woman, she did not know when she pulled out a thin shield from behind. [Sister who doesn't eat mice] The shield and breastplates used are consistent.

See also shield, armor, shield!

It seems that Liu Yaya was inspired by her sister who doesn't eat mice, and secretly made such a special breastplate that can be used as a shield by taking out the back armor.

Shield armor itself will not drop significantly in speed like a specially equipped shield because it becomes a secondary weapon, and the speed drop is only 15% when the shield is blocked!

However, the general one-handed large shield or one-handed light shield will reduce the movement speed by 50% during the process of blocking. It is simply a fantasy for those meat shield professions to have high mobility.

Although the ability of lifting a shield to absorb damage is extremely limited, it can completely resist the negative state caused by a frontal attack.

Undoubtedly, the charges of the two warrior puppets did not cause any negative state to the village women, and the village women who blocked these two blows did not waste time switching weapons, but directly used a bluff and flew the shield out. , A warrior puppet who was close to him was shot and froze in place in an instant, but the village woman did not know when he raised the war scythe again. With a casual wave of the purple shimmering war scythe, the other warrior puppet was also shot. Interrupted in place, but the village woman relied on her own speed to directly bypass the two spirit puppets and rush towards the Nangong Lingxi.

Jing Tian had to scream in his heart. Was he surprised when the village woman pulled out the shield and shield? He even suspected that Liu Yaya had taken the wrong medicine.

After all, if you use a shield, armor, or shield, you might not be able to switch the secondary weapon...

However, to Jingtian's surprise, this shield, armor, and shield can also be thrown away with a bluff, and the secondary shield can be recycled into the package as an independent component.

It seems that I am still a little ignorant!

"Hey... this is stealing a teacher, this is my original creation, and it really is easy for Internet celebrities to be plagiarized!"

Yang Mimi will really put gold on her face. If it is your original, what is the original game plan Jingtian?

At the same time, the two ghost puppets with delayed commands are launching fierce attacks towards the air in front of them because the commands that have been set cannot be corrected. It seems that a group of invisible monsters in the air are being beaten up by them. of.

The other two magician puppets also raised their wands and cast group attack magic towards further places. Of course, their magic could only be nothing more than a bamboo basket.

There was a little pity and wonder in everyone's hearts. If everything were to be performed in accordance with the script written by Nan Lingxi, then the situation of the village woman would be sad.

Wait, why are there only two magician puppets attacking under the delayed command?

Shouldn’t it be three?

Thinking about this issue, Jing Tian saw the third puppet's staff also lifted up. It seems that the third puppet's delayed command was deliberately staggered with the first two.

At this time, there are two magician puppets and a repairer puppet beside Nangong Lingxi who can be dispatched by her. I have to say that Nan Lingxi’s current puppet army’s professional composition is somewhat interesting. There are 5 magician puppets. The puppets, 4 warrior puppets, and 1 repairer puppet, this is considered a violent output formation.

But at this time, all the four warrior puppets were sent out, and none of them could stop the village woman. Even though there were two magician puppets beside Nangong Lingxi, the physical defense and energy of the magician puppets were relative to the warrior puppet The blood value must be much lower. As long as the village woman gets close, it may be affected by her fierce attack, and it will fall apart after a long time.

It can be seen that although Nan Lingxi has a large number of chess pieces in his hand, most of them have become abandoned pieces, and there are very few that can be used.

How could Nan Lingxi not understand this? She immediately mobilized two magician puppets to sing and attack magic, but the time for these two magician puppets to raise their staff was obviously so late. The body of the village woman was already impressive. Pounced!

However, to everyone's surprise, when the village woman rushed towards Nangong Lingxi and her magician puppet team, a large circular magic circle appeared on the ground under her feet. Liu Yaya who had calculated everything was too late. Thinking about who made this range of magical attacks, she knew that there was no way to avoid it. She put away the purple war sickle, with her hands crossed on her chest, pulling the trigger, three in one go!

Jing Tian screamed again in his heart. After the village woman threw a shield and shield, she was equipped with a crossbow as a backup weapon. At this time, she could not get out of the attack range of the formed magic circle no matter how dodged~www. Of course, it is better to pull out the crossbow to interrupt the magical singing of the two puppets before the magic circle attack. If you don't interrupt these magical singing, I am afraid Liu Yaya will definitely lose!

You must know that for the villager profession, the biggest advantage is that the enemy can be taken away by the enemy's one-stop skill, and the biggest weakness can also be taken away by the enemy's one-stop skill!

The villager profession lacks control skills. As other professions become stronger and stronger, the villager profession can only stare at it with admiration when awakening strong control skills.

Precisely, other people are temporarily unable to take away the village women by one dragon, but it does not mean that Nangong Lingxi can't do it. You must know that she holds ten puppets in her hand, and the number of skills is amazing. The village women are bombarded in turn. Can't afford it.

Because of the tight time, the crossbow's three-shot burst also fired two crossbow arrows, and the magic circle at the foot suddenly broke out, it turned out to be a spring of chanting!

The small magic circle instantly sprayed amazing spring water into the sky. Under the strong push of the spring water, the village woman’s actions were completely interrupted. Fortunately, the attack magic of the spirit puppet has a low probability of negative effects, otherwise at this time. The village woman is afraid to enter a short floating state, once she enters the floating state, then she will face a fierce magic blow.

However, how could Nan Lingxi miss this opportunity? She immediately manipulated two warrior puppets capable of regaining their freedom of movement and turned to rush towards the village woman. Unfortunately, the movement speed of the warrior puppets who did not sprint was too slow, it seemed impossible at all. Attack her before the village woman regains her mobility.

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