Sky Dungeon

Chapter 557: Penetrating power

"Huh? Indeed, the shot just now seems to have a penetrating effect, much like my armor-piercing bullet."

Yang Mimi's voice is full of curiosity. She has been paying attention to the skills played by the village women, but since the last time she used it, she has maintained normal attacks and basic skills attacks, and has not used her signature skills.

In other words, what is that shot?

Feelings, you alien will automatically translate everyone’s attacks into FPS knowledge!

However, at this moment, there was an illusion that Cao Cao had arrived. Nangong Lingxi replaced the gentian gun in her hand. She quickly adjusted her position and threw the gentian gun out. Everyone stared. With big eyes, I want to see clearly.

In the next second, everyone was surprised to see that the magician puppet hit by the head was interrupted instantly, but a warrior puppet behind it was also interrupted by the action, even the one in the middle of the fortress. Nangong Lingxi was also unable to move!

The ultimate barrier for village women was broken so easily!

The village women who did not have the effective range of group attack skills actually produced penetration damage, which turned Nan Lingxi's countless calculations into futile.

What the **** does this happen?

It's impossible!

Does a bluff throw itself have a penetrating effect?

But why didn't you notice it before? Did everyone not notice?

Everyone recalled what Jing Tian said just now, "or that the skill is no longer a scam." It seems that an answer is already in the hearts of everyone: this is clearly an upgraded version of a certain skill book. Fake defeat!

Everyone is a little unwilling to believe this answer. After all, according to the official forum, there are only a handful of villager players who have combined the tricks of a bluff, and the chance of a bluff is horribly low, and of course many people do not. Give up, they are all continuing to try according to the official fuzzy synthesis strategy.

However, when many players who dream of becoming a real villager profession are still trying to synthesize the core skills of the gameplay, and when they are traveling from east to west, Liu Yaya actually swipes a big pen, ignoring the importance of fraud and defeat to her profession. Let the bluffs and throws merge with a broken page of other skill books...

You need to know how great the risk is. The result of the fusion of comprehension skills is random and not controlled by the player. As long as the original appearance of the skill of the bluff and defeat is damaged, then the new and successful skills will be powerful, and the villagers will be completely professional. Declared shattered.

Isn’t Liu Yaya actually playing enough of the villager profession and want to change to another profession, but she can’t find a reason, she is undecided, wants to make a terrifying mistake and end her villager career.

Why doesn't Tengyi company know to seize the opportunity? This is a great opportunity to eliminate the 43rd career. How can we let it go?

Sure enough, Liu Yaya's status as a senior game consultant is very special!

However, because of such serious consequences, Liu Yaya did it lightly, and did not hesitate at all. He had never even thought of discussing it with anyone in the Riding Cloud Guild, which shows how so proud Liu Yaya is.

What makes everyone even more unbelievable is that this upgraded version of the bluff and throw seems to perfectly retain the original appearance of the original skill, and adds a penetrating effect to the original effect, which is simply going against the sky.

"Penetrating power."

Yun Yiyi said coldly, she had studied the leftover pages of this skill book before, but unfortunately this type of skill book leftover pages specially provided for novice players before taking up the job, even if they are learned, once they take up the job they will be forcibly forgotten, otherwise this [wear] Power of Through] The comprehension fusion skill created is definitely the most powerful in Sky Dungeon and one of the preferred fusion skills.

"That's right, it is very likely to be a penetrating power. This skill is also a scrap page of the villager's skill book. The original effect is to make your weapon burst out with a strong penetrating impact after using it, attacking all enemies in a straight line ahead. The target, the penetration distance is increased by 20 meters. Even close-range weapons can also be used for long-range attacks, which can be regarded as a more practical long-range monster attracting skill. However, the original intention of the game company to design these villager skills was for novices to learn at level 10. One is to improve the efficiency of upgrading. If you can't complete the inaugural task at level 20, you can learn two skills to clear the job." Jing Tian explained indifferently.

"I'm doing it! The villagers are really willful. If she were to merge like this, wouldn't it be going against the sky? The range increased by 20 meters, which is far sharper than the pangolin of the mask shaman. It is simply a combination of the power of pangolin and the power of white eagle. Ah, fortunately, it's not a continuous state skill that acts on ordinary attacks, otherwise my wife will be invincible in the world."

Luo Xia even complained about the setting of this skill. He seemed to forget that this skill was what he proposed to increase at the time. After all, the melee game he played had no charge-like skill, which was very short-legged, and there was no group damage. Attacks have always made him quite unhappy, who likes melee careers.

Of course, Luo Xia proposed at the time to set up such skills to achieve the remaining pages of the skill book that can be learned after the job, which was directly rejected by a unanimous vote. After all, it would affect the balance of the game.

Imagine that all the single long-range attack skills are integrated to comprehend the [Penetration Power], wouldn't it be possible to change the single skill into a group attack skill with a high probability?

"Huh? I seem to hear someone making comments that underestimate and question my It really hurts me. I am already an invincible internet celebrity player. Being defeated by one of my men will damage my reputation. , I'm still a bit angry." Yang Mimi pretended to be traumatized and said.

She really flattered the horseshoe. Luo Xia was bitter in her heart, and she immediately flattered and said: "My dear, let's be low-key and humble. Although you are now invincible in the world, you have to pretend that you are not second in the world. Those stunned youths like to find the best duel in the world. If you are entangled by them, you won't be able to go away, how disgusting."

"Really? I think you are afraid that a group of men who are stronger and fatter than you will appear in front of Mimi, and then you will be green, and then dismissed. Don't treat the eyes of the crowd as color blind." Zhao Jiaxue Tucaodao.

It's an old filthy lady, she's filled with complicated things.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go, but if there is someone fatter and cuter than you, I will consider expanding my family members." Yang Mimi said softly.

In other words, even if you are not fat or cute, you will definitely expand your family. The members of the female emperor husband group cry every day to form a family system with you!

"Don't, I promise, I am definitely second to none in terms of fatness and cuteness. Although some people can surpass me in tonnage, they are absolutely unmatched in terms of cuteness." Luo Xia patted her chest in her heart.

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