Sky Dungeon

Chapter 587: When did you become the female general of the Yang family?

It was exactly the same. In the supporting audience of the Riding Cloud Guild, everyone instantly boiled...

"The female emperor is mighty!" id [Sunny Umbrella Rainy Sky Sword] took the lead.

"The female emperor is mighty, I just switched characters to watch, the village woman can't hold it here, the female emperor is now sending charcoal in the snow to turn the tide!" id [Antarctic Husky] barked happily like a pug.

"The female emperor turned the tide!"

"The female emperor will win!"

Haha, it hasn't been hit yet, how come you can see that you are turning the tide?

Even the little friends in the audience who supported the Riding Cloud Guild began to feel resentful, but these little friends would definitely not open their mouths. After all, the number of fans of the Empress is really amazing!

"There is an enemy attack!"

The players of the Blue Wolf Guild reported the situation for the first time, but they found that the control tower was paralyzed and all the in-game communication methods could not be sent out.

Feng Gu Lou was even more shocked. The [Residential Building] in the five small buildings in the past clearly saw the situation of the Riding Cloud Guild, how things changed again and again, this time, which **** is it, do you give up the boss? Is it done, or to put aside a tank for treatment, consider sending three people to kill us, and then solve the boss?

I really don’t know if your self-confidence is extracted from the air.

The key is, who is able to continuously inflict critical damage on himself, but this is in the smoke barrier effect. Is it possible that the person who launched the attack has opened his eyes to the sky?

Or what is the comprehension skill that you don't know?

In the next second, Feng Gulou wanted to understand where the problem was...

After all, before the effect of the smoke barrier, their positions can be regarded as fixed, but what kind of memory ability is needed to record the positions of the ten of them in an instant, and they also deliberately take care of their heads and aim at their heads. hit?

It is horrible to have such a god-man!

However, Feng Gulou is naturally sentimental. Where is the target? The tracking bullets fired by [Sister Who Doesn't Eat Rats] clearly hit the heads of the Green Wolf Guild in succession, without exception!

The audience outside the venue was already frantically swiping the screen with excitement, and the shouts reached gāocháo!

Of course, most of them are members of the female emperor husband group, otherwise who would be so fanatical?

At this time, the most shocking is of course [Phantom Tower]. You must know that she has performed special avoidance moves under the cover of the smoke barrier effect and the blessing of the speed increase effect. It is impossible for outside players to fully understand how she is now. If it is said that the blind cat encountered a dead mouse for the first time, what about the subsequent critical injuries?

You know, she didn't get ordinary damage at all, and that's the secondary harm, which is enough to explain the problem!

Is it a plug-in?

Of course, how to do this kind of thing, I am afraid that only Yang Mimi, who is an alien, knows... Oh, no, maybe she doesn't know why, and she will answer: because the enemy is there.

Wearing a Tier 2 Starscream’s mask, the firepower of [Sister who doesn’t eat mice] is astonishing. The mechanism box in her hand is like an ak47 equipped with infinite bullets, and the steel needle is like a bullet pouring towards the ten souls of the blue wolf. Next, they were unable to move for 7 seconds.


After the six-second second-order Starscream’s power dissipated, Yang Mimi did not rush to continue other control methods in a tacit understanding. Zhao Yunxue'er had already played the delicate magic flute with lavender light in her hand. The melodious flute sound remembered, It is the group control skill she is good at: Second-order [Magic Sound Break]!

At this time, Zhao Yunxue'er was already standing in front of the people of the Blue Wolf Guild. This magic sound broke all the ten members of the Blue Wolf without a doubt, and successfully triggered the racial hidden characteristics of the Fox Beauty, which was delayed by 1 Seconds of fear time, the fear of the blue wolf is four seconds for ten people!

Of course, the ak in the hands of the empress shoots randomly... Oh, no, when [Sister Who Doesn’t Eat Rats] used Tier 2 Starscream to control the field, Liu Yaya was naturally not idle. The death sickle in his hand was waving, accompanied by ordinary attacks. She had already used the [Fraud Throw] to smash the purple death sickle on the face of Feng Gulou. It also penetrated his head and stuck to the body of a player behind him.

Her incense hand flicked randomly, and she had equipped her with a purple flower axe from the package. Although the large axe looked a little uncoordinated in the hands of the fallen angel, it was danced to the wind in the next second.

This village woman is simply a perverted berserker!

Feng Gulou looked at the behemoth that smashed at him, but he was unable to fight back. His heart became distorted. When did he encounter such a shame in this competition?

Watching his face being beaten by a village woman, Feng Gulou's face changed and changed again. He began to regret that he underestimated the courage and strength of the Riding Cloud Guild, and was hit by three female players. .

It is said that the Riding Cloud Association is a local tyrant's club. When did it become the female general of the Yang family?

Are all men dead?

Never underestimate women next time!

At this time, the audience of the Green Wolf Guild erupted with sighs. After all, the advertisement of the Green Wolf Group Guild was so loud that it still attracted the attention of many players, especially the Chinese players. This is the gathering place of the Chinese players' alliance!

Although the three people in front of them really couldn't do with the ten of them, it was enough to embarrass them just to meet and lose the first hand.

The audience watched as ten members of the Blue Wolf Guild were beaten by the three of them. Even the official members of the Blue Wolf Guild could not sit still and scolded at UU Read

The Soul of the Green Wolf, who watched the whole process, punched his mattress with one punch, not knowing how many mites were raised in the air.

It also happens to be because this is a lush virgin forest. Otherwise, Feng Gulou would definitely curse: Why did the sixth person pop up here, and it is the sixth person of the Riding Cloud Guild? This is a coincidence. The two teams are like this. I have encountered all the accidental things, and I must buy a lottery ticket today.

In the same way, it was precisely the dense virgin forest that became a natural deception. Everyone in the Green Wolf Guild mistakenly believed that there was only a team from the Cloud Riding Guild. At this time, sitting on the well and watching the sky was a triumphant song, and the bloodline of the boss plummeted. Of course, it wasn't because the three of them had a big burst of output, but Luo Xia took the other three of the second team to join the battle of the quick-kill boss.

"Go hard, the enemy may be two teams, we must go to the village women and them as soon as possible."

Sitting on the well and watching the sky wield more sturdily weapons. Unfortunately, for the future battles, he must have certain skills reserved. It is impossible to throw away the skills without reservation, otherwise the subsequent rush to help might become: food delivery. 14

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