Sky Dungeon

Chapter 589: I'm afraid that I will get pregnant

All the players who supported the Cloud Riding and Falling Snow Guild clapped their hands and cheered. They also squeezed a cold sweat for the Cloud Riding Team. After all, the moment they were stared at by the Ten Green Wolf, countless people began to shout "Run away" and " "Tactical retreat".

However, when they saw the village woman and Zhao Yunxue'er and they went to meet the Ten Cyan Wolf crowd, all the supporters couldn't bear to look down and switched to the second team.

But when they saw the first team of Qiyun appeared in the field of vision of the second team, countless tears of excitement fell!

After another shouting of "great", "the sky has eyes", "Long live GM", "Long live the empress", they saw the wonderful performance of Sister Mouse, and everyone clapped and praised!

The female emperor's husband group is completely boiling, as if it is an international holiday that is worth celebrating.

The scene of the trio stopping the Ten Cyan Wolf and killing the Tingyu Tower was recorded by countless people, and then it became a textbook-like existence. Related videos on the forum received countless views and comments.

However, textbooks are also divided into simple and esoteric textbooks. Almost no one can read this kind of esoteric textbooks. Most people can only occasionally inspire them. After all, how many people can have Yang Mimi's sense of spear **** game?

The Blue Wolf guild is so popular that they just slap the floor. You must know that whether they killed the ice spirit sika deer or killed the enemy player before, they did not evenly distribute the final blow strategy. After all, the two teams were evenly divided. I can’t get a good ranking. What's more, the hearts of Tianlou and Dilou are not as harmonious as they seem on the surface. Originally, there was a disagreement over the status of Tianlou and Dilou. The other party's superior?

Therefore, the two teams of Qinglang rely on their own ability, but in terms of output ability, [Tingyulou] is the highest of the two teams!

Naturally, he also robbed a lot of heads, and the problem is here. Ting Yulou died in the hands of the village woman, and all the antlers he obtained were transferred to the village woman. The ten green wolves vomited blood in their hearts!

They knew clearly that the actions of their two teams were completely monitored by the guild players. Ten of them were blown up by the three of the Riding Cloud Guild, and one was lost. They had to consider that after the game was over, How to deal with the tens of thousands of guild members, and how to deal with the soul of the blue wolf who paid a high price to invite them into the game?

I really lost my wife and broke down!

It's impossible to say that if you get into the tiger's den, the key is to be afraid of getting pregnant after entering the tiger's den!

The Soul of Green Wolf regretted listening to the report of the detective, and ordered the two teams to quickly search for the Cloud Riding Guild and the BOSS.

The Five Buildings and Five Small Buildings may not be able to imagine at all. The players of their own guild have already cursed them as pig heads. From the beginning of the battle, the spark-like jokes have turned into a sky of criticism and criticism, so that all their operations have been Recorded into negative teaching materials.

The negative textbook is relatively simple and easy to understand, and everything makes people complain about it. Even the bones can be picked out of the eggs. It is much simpler than the technical summary. The people who eat melons like to do it the most. Even some unrealistic analysis and criticisms appeared on the official forums and in the future, causing the reputation of the Blue Wolf Guild to plummet. This is why the Blue Wolf Guild has to let people move Wutianlou and Wudi. The wonderful video of Lou killing other players is edited and published to suppress the forum crisis.

I have to say that the methods of the Blue Wolf Soul are still quite sharp, and the wave that is not conducive to the Blue Wolf Guild was picked up by him.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to suppress the forum and instructed players to speak for the tenth floor during the game, then the guild might be turbulent.

Continuing to describe the situation of the game, the delayed skill commands of the Blue Wolf Guild members still arrived as expected, because they were not sure whether there would be any ambushes waiting for them by their side. If another stalker with purple grade equipment appeared There is a sneak attack, maybe the [teaching building] really has to lie down once.

Therefore, Feng Gulou didn’t think much about it, and directly sacrificed a glorious sacrifice. The battle flag spear plunged deeply into the soil in an instant, and all hostile targets in the range could no longer use single skills to attack the teaching building. At the same time, two healers directly brushed. With the light shining, everyone's bloodline quickly recovered, and the output of occupations was not idle. All the group damage skills were thrown around the teaching building to see if the stalker could be defeated.

But to their disappointment, there is no enemy around the teaching building!

"Damn it! I was fooled by them!"

I didn't care when I should be careless, but now it's a stumbling block to be suspicious.

But they didn't dare to be careless anymore, they were also completely shocked by the strength of the Riding Cloud Guild. If they didn't recover completely and chased them up, they might completely lose their advantage in crowds. They have tried too much, they had no stalkers but they didn't ambush at first, now Feng Gulou regrets it.

He directly ordered on the current channel: "After the Moon Studio has recovered, we will sneak in and prepare to respond ~ Our two teams are slowly advancing in two directions, keeping within the scope of vision, and echoing each other."

The current channel is purely helpless. After all, only the current channel and the team channel can be used at this time. If the command is issued in the team mode, the Wuxiaodilou will not be seen at all.

Orders issued on the current channel are naturally easy to be seen by the lurking enemies, but at this time, where there is so much control, Gufenglou adopts the most appropriate method to deploy. Even if someone is overheard, he is confident to wipe out the opponent’s five people. Squad.

Only the complete annihilation of the Cavalry Cloud Squad can show the evil spirit and find the place back!

However, the nine members of the Blue Wolf still naively believe that the three who emerged from the Cloud Riding Guild are all in a team, and they were suspiciously thinking about whether there are stalkers around, and they don’t know their elementary school mathematics. Did the physical education teacher teach it?

No, I think this is an insult to the physical education teacher, even a physical education teacher can be counted, if a five-person team with three ambushes, then the remaining two must be playing the BOSS, then how can there be stalkers Run to ambush, unless a healer is left behind to carry the BOSS?

It is simply a contradiction, the bull's head is wrong.

The Nine Bluewolves were also stunned for a while, but what they did could not be considered completely redundant, not to mention that the second team on Qiyun Luoxue really had a stalker, that is, other hostile male stalkers passed by. Maybe it's cheaper to pick them up!

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