Sky Dungeon

Chapter 592: Law of Relative Effectiveness of Skills

Shi can be killed and cannot be humiliated, but now he can't move like a stone man and can only be humiliated. How can this keep him from getting angry?

He already thinks that sitting on the well and watching the sky is a deliberate provocation, deliberately attacking his little brother in front of the world players!

Sitting on Jing Guantian, the devil's joke that attacked the younger brother, also spread like wildfire. Later Jing Tian shook his head after hearing this. The dumb ate Huanglian and continued to work in the cooking class, and carried the scapegoat all the way.

You know, Feng Gulou's field of vision can see the picture of his little brother being bullied, which means that all the players in the world who support him have also seen it, and it is the first point of view, countless people subconsciously reach out to help their crotch, They all wonder what the consequences would be if they were shot.

Why do you have to look down when your glory is petrified!

Of course, it's not just Feng Gulou alone who has this bad problem. Many Glory Paladins can't stand the oncoming attack, so they don’t consciously move their eyes when Glory is petrified, and even close their eyes to avoid them as much as possible. The attacks that came, even though these attacks would not have any special effects of blood splashing on the head, they looked uncomfortable after all.

Feng Gulou guessed nothing wrong at this time. At this time, he and the players who were sitting on the well and watching the sky in the same field of vision laughed loudly. The girls wanted to cover their eyes. Everyone laughed at Feng Gulou. Descriptive language such as "the egg is broken in one place" appeared in the auditorium, and the fame of sitting in a well and watching the sky was ruined. It seems that at this moment he has become a shameless middle-aged eccentric uncle who specializes in digging out bird nests.

This video naturally became a popular content among all comrade players. They all pointed out that sitting on the well and watching the sky was suggesting a certain aspect of Fenggulou, and it was posted to bless the two of them, and it was a big talk about bravely pursuing true love. In terms of class, let Feng Gulou click the official complaint button several times.

After Jing Tian learned about it, he was relatively calm, and he even spit out a word, making Luo Xia turn around and ran away.

I only heard what Luo Xia said when he described it to everyone later: "The frog is definitely a **** guy. I told him that lùntán was telling him to confess his confession to the ancient building and wish them together. The frog was not nauseous, but smiled mysteriously. I said something very, very disgusting..."

So far, the women around Jing Tian are seriously considering this issue, and they will give Jing Tian a biology lesson on how to establish the correct sexual orientation whenever they have the opportunity.

After all, China is developing towards developed countries in the world, and some cultures are easily absorbed and learned, for example: engaging in basic culture...

Compared to sitting on a well and watching the sky, the sister who does not eat mice seems a bit more comfortable. She raised her hand and put on a pangolin mask covered with golden lattice scales. The steel needles shot at this time are naturally armor-piercing bullets. Where should I consider how to use the gaps? The character behind the attacking Feng Gulou is simply qiāngqiāng penetrating!

What I have to say here is the law of relative effectiveness of skills. Relative effectiveness of skills refers to the current situation. When an attack made in a penetrating skill state touches a player in an absolute defense state, the penetrating state is Whether the attack can penetrate the absolute defense.

First of all, it is worthy of affirmation that the mouse sister in the pangolin state will not be able to cause any damage and penetrating effect to the Fenggulou in absolute defense. Although the steel needle does not penetrate the petrochemical body of the Fenggulou, the steel needle The penetrating force formed by the needle continues to spread behind him, which is equivalent to that although Feng Gulou blocked the steel needle, but did not remove the force on the steel needle, it was like fighting a cow from a mountain. Players will still be hurt.

This is the same as the effect of defeating Qianjun. Even if the thrown weapon fails to penetrate the player holding the shield, the penetrating power generated will still affect the character behind the player holding the shield.

Therefore, at this time, it appears that Feng Gu Lou blocked all the steel needles on the screen, but there are still red data mosaics on the bodies of Mingfeng Lou and Huanyin Lou behind him, telling the fact that they are under attack.

Although the previous lightning chain is not a physical attack entity and has its own jumping ability, it can also be explained by the law of relative effectiveness of skills.

Feng Gulou was angry at this time, but he had already seen Wuxiaodilou had reached the flank of the five Qiyun people, and in the next second he unabashedly used the current channel voice and said: "Let’s rush together and kill them. !"

To be honest, his petrification status cannot be cancelled voluntarily. Although the slogan is loud, he still has to stand in place and poses, but the corner of his mouth has a triumphant smile. After all, he does not believe in Qiyunwu. What tricks can a person play under his deployment.

This feeling is a safe chance to win?

The Moon Shadow Tower was also fast sneaking in the void under the order of Feng Gulou, but the anxiety in her heart became a reality. She was hit by a steel needle again, and she was forced to show her figure abruptly!

It's not a coincidence! Sure enough, that shaman can perceive his own existence!

Isn't it said that the sound engineer is a sneaking natural enemy?


An impossible hypothesis suddenly passed through the heart of Yueyinglou, but she couldn't verify it.

The Wuxiaodilou is quite powerful. After the people from Qiyun flank in, they quickly rushed into the long-range attack range. The Magic Archer Residence Building and the Element Mage Teaching Building have already chanted their skills.

Seeing their skill singing began, the smile on the corner of Feng Gulou's mouth became more cheerful, everything was developing as he had imagined, he seemed to have seen sitting in the well watching the sky and they turned into a picture of white light being taken away by the system god, wait a minute You can be ashamed, this feeling is simply too floating!

That's It's too floating...

As everyone knows, the audience is already boiling, and the supporters of the Riding Cloud Guild are waiting for the moment to close the net!

The spy was even more disintegrated. He had already called Feng Gulou three times in a row. Why didn't the other party answer it, but he had no choice but to contact the management to come to the phone of Yueying Building. Now he has just connected, he just called "There is an ambush", but it's too late...

Although Fenggulou's delusional speed was the speed of light, the chanting of the residential building and the teaching building was not halfway through, and it was interrupted forcibly!

Why was it interrupted?

Suddenly, a disgusting feeling of eating flies flooded in Feng Gulou's heart.

It was no one else who interrupted the residential building and the teaching building, it was: [Black does not understand white]!

Hei does not understand Bai directly used the shadow whirlwind out of nothingness, and Xiao Hei thought silently in his heart: "Kill your brucellosis, don't want to poison us, the germ must die!" 14

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