Sky Dungeon

Chapter 601: Get up with me 1 romantic suicide

Sure enough, women have a heart to gossip!

The key point is that this is the first time I have seen "Jiao chuan" in the night, how come I have become an old acquaintance?

Also, what does this have to do with the shampoo girl that Luo Xia once invented?

Do you really believe in the dirty water that the fat man pours on you, and you really believe that you used to be a man who patronizes shampoo girls every day?

"Uh...I didn't give my full strength, I didn't listen to what she said. After all, I never fight in saliva." Jing Tian is clever, and immediately explained. If this kind of thing is not explained clearly, he will definitely not have a peaceful life. It's over!

On the other hand, the "jiaochuan" in the night hasn't fallen down, so he said to the chestless boy on the team channel: "Little milk sauce, come and save me, we are going to die."

"Sister "Jiao chuan", you asked me to hang out with you, and then you guys will be resurrected?"

Although Xian Xiao Wu Dai has a distorted personality, he is not stupid at all.

"Hehe, then you just dedicate yourself for the sake of sister and Dao Dao, Dao Dao will surely make you flogged, and it will make you proud."

The "Jiao Chuan" in the night did not feel the slightest loss because of being about to be killed, but a little regretful that he could not kill Sit Jing Tian, ​​this man who made their achievements can be upgraded to another level, but to blame it is to blame him. Woman, that black does not understand white is really a pretty good ghost Cheng Yaojin, which perfectly destroyed her plan.

"For the knife!"

The little breastless voice was mixed with the sound of saliva overflowing, how disgusting and disgusting. After making such a disgusting roar, he manipulated the character and rushed towards the people riding the cloud.

Everyone in Qiyun thought that there was another enemy attack. When they saw that the visitor was a lone priest, they were completely dumbfounded. This guy wouldn't be slapped by bricks, right?

But when Jing Tian saw the guild logo of the visitor, he subconsciously understood what the other party wanted to do.

I don’t know how dedicated this guy named Chestless Milky Way is. He didn’t even get a single antler. Is it because he has been adding blood to recover?

Sure enough, not exporting professional skills is a very sad thing!

"Go, find a place to recover, ignore this guy, he wants to bring the whole team back to death before coming up to death, let them die for a while to have a longer memory."

"Broken tendons!"

After Jing Tian gave the order, he stabbed the oncoming breastless breastless lower body casually. Needless to say, where a person who sent to death would deliberately avoid the Fang Tianji that was stabbed by sitting in Jingguantian, he was directly brought in. During the 4.5-second freeze.

That's right, it makes him more depressed than killing the little chestnut to keep him alive.

After only 4.5 seconds of holding his body, the people of Qiyun had already moved away from him. For Pastor Shennong, who had short legs and no acceleration skills, it was impossible to catch up with them.

Xiongxiaowudai didn't arouse anyone's thoughts at first. The cooling of his skills allowed him to save one person at most. Two people were trampled to death, why bother?

"Hey hey hey, do you want to ignore me so much, don’t you just have no antlers on your head? Are you treating me so differently? Just come and kill me with a little brother, even if I give birth, I won’t fight back... Go, no, I will give 100 gold to the person who killed me!"

Although Xian Xiao Wu Dai was making crazy noises on the current channel, no one from the Riding Cloud Guild paid any attention to him.

The point is that one hundred gold is too little. If there is more, Jing Tian will definitely consider sending him a ride.

Not to mention, this may really be a bug. If no player kills him, then the whole team will not be able to resurrect. It seems that the plan is to add a suicide method...

However, at this time, where the public toilet bathed in the hot springs to care about whether I could resurrect, laughed loudly: "No milk, do they know you are gay, so they run when they see you, there is no yùwàng who stayed with you for a second what?"

Needless to say, the little chested milklessly sang the tears of God and pulled him up before the corpse disappeared from the hot spring in the public toilet.

"Your sister! What are you doing to get me up? I'm not interested in you, don't do it on me!" The public toilet yelled at the hot springs.

"Go, accompany me to a romantic suicide." Xiong Xiaowu Dai deliberately said in the tone of eachother, scared the public toilet to wash the hot spring and ran away without thinking.

Stay with your sister! You **** gay, you want to find another man with your death Mingzhi...

Although Qiyun everyone was commendable in the next game, they did not encounter a team that brought them too much threat. It can be described as smooth wind, and Jing Tian also encountered the Jade Demon League in the game. In the guild team, everyone greeted and looked for the next goal. This is an agreement that everyone reached before the game. Avoid it if you can avoid internal battles without affecting your harmony.

Of course, they actually missed an opportunity to reap even greater fruits, and the combination of many small guilds will become the mainstream of the future competition.

This is also the best plan summed up by many guilds after the game. Only by combining the strong and strong can the benefits be maximized.

With the ringing of the wonderful bell, all the participating players, even the characters in the fierce battle, were swallowed by white light, and then the entire hegemony arena once again became a large competitive arena covered with heavy stones, and the player's characters lined up into one. A phalanx stood majestic in the field. UU reading

Lina Li appeared in the vision of all players again, and she said in a sweet and beautiful voice: "Thank you to all the participating players for bringing us such a shocking competition. I have seen every guild exhaustive ways to take away the antlers. The road of the competition was full of blood and sweat. However, Lina Li is still unable to announce the results of the competition, because the last item of the first guild competition has officially started, and the content of the competition is exactly what everyone has been waiting for: 5v5 team competition!"

Before Linali's words were over, everyone in the audience was boiling and clamoring, and those players who were frustrated in the previous games were gearing up to prepare for shame.

"The 5v5 team competition will not be limited to random matching of opponents. All matches will be based on a points system. However, surrenders and passive matches will be severely warned and deducted by the system. Don’t forget that your strength has been recorded in the system and the system will automatically Evaluate whether everyone is a fake match, so everyone must not touch the high-voltage line, otherwise there will be corresponding severe penalties in the future guild hegemony!" Lina Li reminded.

However, after a ten-minute break, all participating players did not know what to do, and all the spectators yelled at the system. The two teams from all guilds all met in the first team game. This is what Lina Li said. Isn’t the team game limited to randomly matching opponents? 14

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