Sky Dungeon

Chapter 636: Why do aliens like opportunistic tricks more than earthlings?

However, at that time, his goal was achieved, destroying the station, completing the invasion mission, and being besieged. That is also to give yourself free air tickets, right?

Domineering fell into hesitation again...

Hesitate to hesitate, if you come, you will be safe, hegemony ordered the various forces to guard the resident gate of their respective declared war target guild, waiting for further instructions.

After all, the primary purpose of this invasion operation is to destroy Qiyun Luoxue. As long as we securely take down the Qiyun Guild resident, after the primary goal is achieved, we will strive for the icing on the cake to destroy the resident that can be destroyed by the joint resident.

The overbearing guild led by Ruiyue guild smashed nearly four hundred elites into the inner city gate of Qiyun Luoxue, still without any resistance, can not help but remind the overbearing of China's famous empty city plan!

But when the city gate was broken and the Demon players who acted as pioneers poured into the Qiyun resident, they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them!

All the demon pioneers even have the urge to rub their eyes at this time. What is the situation and where are so many people coming from!

That's right, the mighty npc mercenaries who stood in front of the demons at this time were definitely more than the number of players in the Ruined Moon Guild.

Ben is like the Demon players who have advanced into the unmanned realm. They are completely dumbfounded. The arrogant arrogance that he exudes just now shrank like a pierced ball.

Fortunately, Domination and other guild management have seen the internal situation clearly. Although Domination does not understand why there are so many NPC mercenaries, he is still very calm and said: "Everyone is calm, but they are just some NPC monsters, nothing remarkable. Everyone summoned the monsters and wanted to stop us with these monsters, it was a dream!"

Although I said so, but the overbearing mentality is also a direct murmur, not from the alliance, the number of NPCs hired by the hotel is limited, at best it is only about 50, but how can the riding cloud guild do it all at once? Hundreds came out?

More importantly, how can this group of npc mercenaries reach level 40?

The monsters in Sky Dungeon will vary a lot with every 5th level difference. After all, players can change their equipment every 5th level, and now they have to leapfrog and kill monsters properly.

Overbearing will of course not understand that after the upgrade of a building like the Guild Hotel, not only will the level of npc mercenaries that can be purchased be increased, but the number of npcs that can be hired will also be subtly changed. This quantity system does not give a clear explanation. , Not because the number has not increased, but the system will determine the difference between the upper limit of the number of demon forces and the declared war alliance guild.

In other words, if a 500-person demonic force attacks an alliance guild that is also online with 500 people, then the guild can still hire 50 NPCs at this time, but if a 500-person online demonic force attacks the Qiyunluoxue Guild... Um huh, the system naturally needs to balance and help the weak, and it will allow Sit Jing Guantian to hire at most 500 NPCs in this demonic invasion.

Don’t look at the system’s measures to take care of the weak and small guilds. These more than 500 npcs are all for money. The employment money is very painful for the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. If it is not for the guild’s resident land lease, some rent will be collected , With Qiyun Luoxue's family background, it is impossible to hire this huge army.

Fortunately, as long as the NPCs do not die, these NPCs can continue to participate in the war in the next Mozu invasion without paying a second time.

But when I think about it, I can understand, how can there be no death?

This is not more than 500 bosses in the world!

Moreover, this time, the demons came prepared.

Overbearing has experienced several failures, and never dare to underestimate the Alliance Guild. After all, although the Alliance Guild has poor individual combat capabilities, it is better than the crowd and endurance. After all, it will capsize if the away game is not good.

Therefore, Domination bought 50 summoned beasts from the animal pens of his own forces this time. These summoned beasts can only be used in the Qiyunluoxue resident of this attack. Summon Warcraft.

That's right, the away game is so passive, even the reinforcements that you buy for real money can only be summoned after a lengthy reading and singing.

At this time, the overbearing began to regret that he was too conservative. As soon as he entered the joint station of Qiyun Luoxue, he could actually summon these 50 beasts, but he gave up because of the idea of ​​preserving his strength.

Nor can it be said that the domineering approach is wrong. After all, if you use the summoning as soon as you break into the gate of wàiwéi, you are likely to be attacked by many small league guilds, then your own 50 summoned beasts will fall. , This will affect the final battle against the Cloud Riding Guild.

However, now that 50 guild players have been arranged to summon monsters, it means that they have lost their first hand. The mercenary army riding Yunluoxia has already blasted all kinds of attacks!

Jing Tian stood behind the NPC mercenary at this time and said lightly: "All the videos are This time, it's a dead end. It is absolutely necessary to make the Demon players fear and not dare to challenge our guild again. Otherwise, all the rent collected will fall on the NPC, and we won't have any dividends to earn!"

"My god, these NPCs are so expensive? Because of your relationship with the gm sister, you can't walk through the back door, it's a discount?"

Yang Miaomiao heard that all the rent had to be smashed on the NPCs. Although he was not short of money, he still wanted to use the money he earned in the game to use the equipment to improve himself and achieve his great goal of not paying krypton gold.

So this kind of thing can also go through the back door? Why do aliens like opportunistic tricks more than earthlings?

"Oh? Stupid boy, the system doesn't look at it in this respect. After all, Tengyi company is counting on this to make a big profit. Where can the elite guild route be so easy to follow? If you don't have to pay, you want to win with less. That's simply Just wishful thinking."

Liu Yaya unceremoniously corrected Yang Miaomiao's three views on the game.

"Play more passionately!"

Jing Tian didn't say much, he rushed up as he operated the character. Now he has seen the two sides fighting together, and some NPCs have died in the first wave of firefight. This is all money! This is hard-earned money pulled from others!

It is shameful to destroy the income of others!

Jing Tian did not review his own guilt of occupying other people’s labor, but he was inexplicably strange: I really wished that it was him who died just now. After all, he won’t lose anything when he died. After all, the money is everyone’s bonus. In the end, I couldn't make any money, so I really had no place to put my old face.

However, the overbearing side is even more painful. He couldn't believe that his own tank was dropped by a wave of seconds, and the healing profession has been scouring blood. Is this existence really reasonable?

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