Sky Dungeon

Chapter 659: 10 years of work in the kitchen for 1 minute in bed

What am i coming?

What are you coming for? Are you coming for meat?

Some people already have an unbearable picture of two women intertwined in their minds, right?

However, Jing Tian was the roundworm in Yun Yiyi's stomach. He clarified in the next second: "Okay, then Yiyi Huanfeng Ji, wronged Yiyi."

Although the tone of speech was still so calm and calm, there was a strong sense of guilt towards Yun Yiyi in his voice, which of course was deliberately done by Jing Tian. In doing so, it is obvious that Zhuang Gong's sword is intended for Pei Gong!

Zhao Jiaxue really couldn't stand this sensational atmosphere. She was the most loyal. She wanted to make her girlfriends and sisters suffer. She would rather eat this by herself, rather than wrong Yun Yiyi!

So she immediately repented and said: "No, I'm just kidding. I'll change me. I'm thinking about getting off the assembly line to prepare a big meal earlier. I have to give Lin Yumian a reception banquet. Show your fists, if such an important matter is handed over to Yun Yiyi, I can't worry about 10,000!"

It sounds like your cooking skills are much better than Yun Yiyi! Isn't it just that you are stubbornly on the right side, researching out a cooking secret?

However, the plan to prepare a feast was not justified. In addition to fighting for beauty and figure, the most important thing for a woman to fight against each other is to fight for cooking. A smart man will never marry a vase who knows nothing. On the contrary, he will marry an all-round woman with superb cooking skills. After all, it is impossible to get married. Eat takeaway every day after tomorrow. The high price is a trivial matter. Intestinal flora disorders and other illnesses are dàmá annoying. If you eat another milky blood or something, you will have to go to the kitchen in this life!

As the saying goes, one minute in bed, ten years of work in the kitchen, don’t let yourself have a shovel in your left hand and a kitchen knife in your right hand because of the pursuit of the ultimate in love...

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some men practice cooking in order to marry the goddess of beauty. After all, according to United Nations statistics, women have a higher demand for refined food. However, the author would like to advise that goddesses like to lose weight. Good cooking skills may be one of the reasons why they keep away from you. After all, home cooks are the biggest stumbling block on the road to weight loss.

After all, food is as addictive as opium, so the best way to avoid addiction is to cherish the body and stay away from the chef.

Unfortunately, the handsome guy who worked hard in cooking is lying down again.

Zhao Jiaxue is also self-aware, and she feels that her face value is the lowest among the women around Jing Tian, ​​so she has to practice cooking hard, and she has to use this big killer to rub the strength of the female local tyrant. She absolutely does not believe it. The pampered Lin Yumian will cook by herself!

Using one's strengths to combat the weaknesses of rivals is one of Zhao Jiaxue's life mottos.

From here, Jing Tian lightly sent a short and pleasant message to Nangong Lingxi: "Kick her!"

Nan Lingxi had all the hardships at this time, she never expected that Jing Tian would actually agree to her request and give Lin Yumian her feet! She even produced an illusion, as if Jing Tian petted her, the little sister next door, far better than petting Jing Tian's own deity, let alone the sudden death of Lin Yumian. Compared with herself, it is not enough!

Sure enough, Brother Jing still likes himself more!

Maybe, Brother Jing prefers poor breasts!

Nan Lingxi had already started thinking about it, but his hand movement did not stop at all, and he directly kicked Feng Ji out of the instance.

This is the most pleasing thing she has done today.

It's so cool to kick the rival out!

Where did the female local tyrants have suffered such anger? After all, they have never played a copy, and they were kicked out of the team somehow!

At the beginning, she was still wondering if the scene of the dungeon had been switched, but when she found herself standing outside the door of the dungeon, a system message immediately arrived, and she found in disbelief that she had been asked to leave the dungeon!

Lin Yumian, who was burning with anger, directly sent a voice message to Jing Tian to report the black situation...

This black accusation was so loud, but how could Jing Tian believe what Lin Yumian said, and it was even more impossible for her to get false justice, after all, he personally agreed to kick her out of the copy.

However, it was impossible for Jing Tian not to take care of Fengji's mood. He naturally comforted a few words hypocritically, and told him that the anger in Lin Yumian's heart slowly subsided after he took her personally in the next round.

After all, her goal can be achieved, even if the process is a bit unpleasant, it doesn't matter.

From the very beginning, she decided to add chaos, and she always had only one purpose: to pay with Jing Tian!

Reminiscing about the current awkward relationship between Nanjia and Nan Lingxi, Lin Yu didn't have the mood for revenge. After all, even if she didn't take action, Nan Lingxi would not be better off.

There were no ups and downs Lin Yumian also got what he wanted, and carefully visited the 30-level heaven and earth meteor crater. The speed of this woman observing the scenery of the dungeon is somewhat outrageous, not to say She went to observe the details of the corners and corners of the dungeon environment. It was not that she was studying the appearance and characteristics of the dungeon monsters, but that this woman had people taking selfies for her all the way!

That’s right, it’s just constantly taking selfies, taking selfies from various angles, and from time to time I have to let Sit Jing Guantian appear in the same frame with her. What’s more important is that this crazy woman likes to capture the moments of battle, and she ran directly to the boss to take a photo. I'm here to travel!

More importantly, in the game is a first-person perspective, the selfie is actually taken by him, and everyone on the team helped her take it!

Every time this guy puts up a poss, he will twitter and let people take pictures. Everyone walks through the copy while taking screenshots. It's really cheating.

Later, everyone simply turned on the screen recording mode. As soon as Fengji shouted, everyone turned their heads to look at this guy, and sent her the video in the future so that she could intercept it herself!

Jing Tian understands how Nan Lingxi feels, and even says that it is more than that. No wonder Nan Lingxi, who is thoughtful and thoughtful, makes mistakes beside the female local tyrants. Not only does she have to deal with Fengji’s ever-changing feelings, but also Take a screenshot of her!

At this time, the nickname of this mad woman was deeply imprinted in Jing Tian's mind. Feng Ji, Feng Ji, no wonder your surname is crazy! No wonder it is called a "crazy chicken"!

Affected by Feng Ji, the advancing speed of the dungeon has dropped drastically, and it is also a key point because of her Selfie that caused everyone to make mistakes in the strategy, and there were as many as two groups annihilated!

After all, this mad woman asks from time to time to sit down and watch the sky and stop taking selfies with her. Can it not be destroyed?

It seems that the group hasn't been destroyed for a long time, so why are the copies under the Scenic Party so tired? 14

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