Sky Dungeon

Chapter 839: Self-defeating?

Captain    glanced at the desert cactus not far away, he seemed to have seen a few shivering puppet masters, with a disdainful smile on his mouth.

   Obviously this little conspiracy can't get into the eyes of the captain.

   "Brother, you are really wise, these cute guys dare to leave their puppets. Isn't this the old star of life drinking dichlorvos, it is too long?"

   So, the team of the Milk Eggplant Guild bypassed the puppet formation in Nanlingxi and wandered behind Nangong Lingxi.

   "Big brother, if no other puppet masters have been found, will they be buried?" The younger brother didn't dare to question the captain, so he could only ridicule.

"What do you know, this desert landscape can't bury people at all. It seems that the opponent is really only one person. This guy can win the first game. Either he has extraordinary strength, or the enemy is bought by her. There is a stalker!" After speaking, the captain immediately used a range attack skill on the spot, but in the end, even a strand of hair was not hit.

   "That's right, I think there must be stalkers, four stalkers." Another teammate expressed his opinion.

"Yeah, don't you see the other party's guild logo? That is the cloud riding guild, the elite route, where so many stalkers come, there is also a little beauty named black but not white." This little girl from the Milk Eggplant Guild The team leader can be considered to have some understanding of Qiyun Luoxue's gossip.

   "After a long time, there are only two people, so what are we waiting for?" The team member puzzled.

"Last big-headed ghost, didn't you see anyone who didn't bother to fight us? Without even looking back, just show us the back. Maybe there is something to rely on." The captain was thinking about Nangong Lingxi at this time. intention.

   "I think she just left suddenly because of something. I'll give her a shot and explore the reality." With that, the element mage in the team rushed into the attack range and chanted attack magic.

   This magic chanting time is obviously longer, but in the face of the constant chanting of the Elemental Mage, Nangong Lingxi did not move. Range of attack magic: [Falling Fire Day Punishment]!

  The rain of meteorites in the sky fell and hit Nangong Lingxi heavily, but because this skill was an area attack, the damage to Nangong Lingxi was not particularly significant.

   Of course, a discerning person knows that this is definitely an unsatisfactory output damage caused by the difference in equipment grade, but it has nothing to do with whether the skill is group damage. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https:// New 81 Chinese network update fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   That's right, a purple-ranked Nangong Lingxi, and the addition of points has been washed into a biased physique, and the equipment has added dual defenses, which is simply a blood cow in front of ordinary players.

   Isn’t he really leaving?

   Not to mention that the members of the milk eggplant team thought so, even the audience began to think so, after all, Nangong Lingxi’s vision did not change in the last two minutes.

   "Nangong Lingxi must have just abstained from voting because he couldn't use the trivial blew method in this game."

   "If you abstain from voting, why not move for a long time?"

"Maybe she is still holding the idea of ​​trying her luck. Maybe she can meet a squad of one or two people, so that there is still room to fight. If she encounters a strong enemy, she just pretends to be offline. "

   "That is, to die to face and to suffer."

   "That's it, everyone is happy to win, but if you lose, you can say that you left temporarily because of something."

   "It seems she is very unlucky."

   "It's better to surround yourself with the spirit puppet, and you can share the damage and hold on for a while. In this way, when you expose yourself behind the spirit puppet, isn't it clear that the enemy will beat her deity first?"

   "That is, does she think this can scare the enemy? It is self-defeating?"

   "I die anyway, is there any difference?"

Ever since, the milk eggplant team rushed forward, and as soon as the melee attacked Nangong Lingxi, the three warrior spirit puppets not far away rushed over at the same time, and the next second they hit the ground. Hitting this group injury control skill, before everyone could react, the magician puppets not far away all raised their staffs. In an instant, Nangong Lingxi was instantly covered by fire, even far away. Pastor Shennong and Elemental Mage at the place were also slammed!

Of course, it’s not that Nan Lingxi can predict the future, nor can she see through which point the remote enemy will choose to output. However, she used the delay command on several puppets. After she orders them, these puppets will attack her. Around, at the same time, she also quickly used timely instructions to order the magician puppet to suppress the remote elemental wizard and Shennong priest. This is her chess game.

In fact, at the beginning, Nan Lingxi did not consider the long-range occupation to suppress the enemy. After all, if the local long-range occupation is more cautious, you can keep the longest attack distance and launch a fierce attack on yourself. In that case, even if you use timely instructions, you need to move afterwards. In order to suppress the enemy's long-range.

However, the element mage of the Milk Eggplant Guild did not maintain the awareness of the longest range output, or for safety reasons, she kept a certain distance from the melee profession as much as possible, so that once attacked ~ melee at least can be Give back a carbine for support.

  Who knows if there are any stalkers in the dark? Maybe the Riding Cloud Guild temporarily recruits a few other guild thugs. They are local tyrants and can be very willful.

   Damn, self-defeating!

   is also the case, Nan Lingxi was able to take the opportunity to suppress the enemy, at the same time, the figure of Nangong Lingxi quickly moved away from the close combat of the Milk Eggplant Guild.

Originally, the purpose of showing her back to the enemy is not all to paralyze the enemy. Nan Lingxi pays more attention to the role of eliminating the part of turning around. For her poor operation, there is a difference between running directly and turning around. The essential difference.

   For example, now Nangong Lingxi runs like a rabbit, but if she turns around, it will take two or three seconds, and now it is impossible to run out of the range of long-range professional attacks.

   Seeing the distance opened, Nan Lingxi immediately ordered the spirit puppet responsible for suppressing long-range occupations and healing to turn to the melee enemy, and launched another round of fierce attack on the melee three before he could heal.

   Don’t think that this round of onslaught is nothing. People who have eyes have long discovered that Nangong Lingxi carried twelve puppets in this round of competition!

Nangong Twelfth, this is the alias that the world players gave to Nangong Lingxi. In fact, at the beginning of this round of battle, the audience was already boiling. Countless people were vying to discuss how abnormal Nangong Lingxi was and how it could control ten. Two puppets?

   More players came forward and questioned: Why were there only ten puppets before, and where did the other two puppets emerge from?


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