Sky Dungeon

Chapter 841: Even if the myth is eliminated, it is still an indelible myth

   However, a heavier blow is still to come. In the fourth round of the knockout, Nangong Lingxi, the polished commander of three consecutive victories, was eliminated by the enemy!

The audience was also a voice of regret. Facing the enemy's lineup of 4 long-range occupations and 1 healing occupations, Nan Lingxi also expressed helplessness. No matter how strong she is, it is impossible for the opponent to attack from four directions at the same time. The game must be entered by the enemy himself.

   But what I didn't expect was that the enemy team was obviously very cautious. After a tentative attack, it was divided into four directions to launch a fierce attack. Nangong Lingxi could only die in hatred.

However, the defeat of Nangong Lingxi did not affect her birth as a legend. Keyword tags such as 1V5 winning 3 games, Legendary Puppet Master, Nangong Twelve, Nangong Lingxi, etc. directly became the official forum of Sky Dungeon Popular search terms, and enduring.

   The second guild hegemony competition no matter who wins the championship, Nangong Lingxi’s legendary status cannot be shaken. It can be said that this guild hegemony competition is for Nangong Lingxi, allowing her to show off the demeanor of the puppet master.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   There is no objection, Nangong Lingxi became the first person in the profession of puppet master!

   Even if the myth is eliminated, it is still an indelible myth!

  Of course, in fact, everyone in the Riding Cloud Guild cannot use the in-game chat system, but it’s not difficult for everyone to open a mobile phone voice chat software to communicate before the start of each round.

   I learned that the other three teams who had been out of the two teams had not lost their morale. On the contrary, they had risen. This was somewhat beyond Jing Tian's expectations.

The first to incite everyone’s emotions was Yang Miaomiao. He didn’t say anything that would definitely win the final sensationalism. He just listened to him firmly saying: “Sister Lingxi, brothers from the Constellation Party, we will avenge you. Seeing those two guilds that killed you, he must be beaten to death."

  What do you mean to be beaten to death?

  What language is this, alien language?

   Why don’t you work hard for their share?

   The more important thing is the constellation party brothers?

   Double-tailed Scorpio, you come out to verify your body!

"Brother stupid, what's the point of beating to death? It should be tortured to death slowly. You should leave the illusion of victory for the other party, and let them work hard to the last minute and get a headshot! Let all their efforts be lost. If it's in vain, it's so happy!" Yang Mimi exclaimed in an experienced tone.

   Do you think you are in the FPS world, if you can really kill with a headshot, then it is really amazing!

  The key is, how do you give the opponent the illusion of victory in the competition?

   Could it be that you violently beat and killed the opponent's nanny, then left, waited for the remaining output professional to counterattack once, and then beat the opponent into residual blood?

   Then pretend to be lost and run away, returning to the carbine to kill while the opponent is chasing?

   I always feel that under your leadership, my own thoughts are becoming more and more sinister and vicious!

   "Well, you must take revenge for us. I was really scared to death just now. Anyone who is scared must be punished by God!" The two-headed Leo said with lingering fear.

   As if the game just hurt his nerves, his voice is still a little trembling now, it's a coward MT!

   "Aeromonas will... die! I will take revenge for you...!"

   "Come on, dear sister, my brother will take care of you!"

   If you don’t understand black, you’re a dead girl, can’t you care about everyone?

  In other words, what is Aeromonas?

   Are you sure it's not gas egg blast fungus?

   You know more and more types of germs!

Even the black and white who is phobias even made a morale-boosting declaration. The trembling sheep's voice is really different from what she said in the declaration, but I don't know why it is full of blood and smell. Maybe it is a little Luo. When Sister Li uttered the **** words, then the war had already burned to her eyebrows.

   Even the little Lolita has a fighting spirit. How could other people show weakness, unfortunately, they are the opponents in the fifth round. They are regarded as enemies alive, and their death is horrible.

Even the momentum of sitting on the well and watching the sky has changed. Together with the village women, they turned into a murderous **** in the dark. The continuous attack and cooperation became the enemy’s nightmare. They deeply realized the powerlessness of being killed by others, as if it were an instant. A few dozen years old.

   Not only that, but all the teams that played against the Cloud Riding Guild in this round left a shadow of varying degrees in their hearts.

   Especially for the teams in the fifth zone, they experienced the powerlessness and the ups and downs of the game for the first time after meeting their sister who doesn't eat mice.

   Luoxia's team allowed Yang Mimi to single-handedly challenge the opponent's entire team. Although the opponent chased the sister who didn't eat mice, they were all introduced into an ambush by the sister who didn't eat mice.

   originally thought it was a big deal. When he encountered a team with only one member and the opponent's output was obviously not high, he knew to escape all the way.

   They thought they could go through the chase all the way and let the other party choose to abstain in despair, but they didn't expect desperate to be on their own side. Not only did the five-person chase not work, but they fell into the enemy's trap and ambush!

   Black does not understand, white flashes like January 31st and Luojing Xia Shi are strong in, and the enemy team that is at the end of the crossbow instantly falls apart.

   is not the end of the battle. When they chased the sister who did not eat mice, they exhausted their long-range attacks!

   It's not that they are stupid. The key is that they want to win. If the sister who doesn't eat mice keeps flying the kite like this, the game may have to shake hands and make peace!

   After watching this, the audience will surely laugh and laugh. After the game, it will be even more shameless to face Jiang Dong elders!

   After the game, their most depressed thing was that the five members of their team chased a masked shaman and ran across the street, but they failed to make a single skill hit. What shame and despair is this? Starting

   What kind of ups and downs?

   I never want to meet my sister who doesn't eat mice again!

The sixth round of the knockout round is not that simple. The entire game has entered a climax. The guild teams remaining in the knockout round are naturally elites. The fighting power between the teams is equal, and the gap is not particularly large in terms of equipment and level. Up.

   At this time, the Sword Cavalry King Team in the second district met the Star Guild and played a friendly match?

Obviously it’s impossible. Regardless of whether everyone is in an alliance, but the spirit of the game is still there. The key is that the main team of the Star Guild is not the constellation party. If it is the constellation party, it is possible to directly let the personal affection out, but face it. If Yu Yan had won the game, then the duel would become a duel without any water.


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