Sky Dungeon

Chapter 843: 1 shocking move

"If we rush up together and hit each other's arms, the comprehension skills of the king of swordsman are very popular in the world, and the short-term high outbreak can definitely cause a fatal blow to us if there is treatment. It is best not to give her a chance, Orion, Snake Husband and you two are separated by a certain distance, and you fly a kite to attack her. She has no long-range attack means and can only be consumed by you. If she dared to charge in front of one of you, the Phoenix will give an emergency treatment, and the rest will rush towards their treatment together. "Bei Mianzuo slowly said the strategy he had conceived in his heart.

   Orion and Ophiuchus didn't hesitate, they took their orders to separate a certain distance and attacked the King of Sword Cavalry.

Seeing the magic longbow in Orion's hand and the magic stone staff in Ophiuchus's hand, the King of Sword Cavalry screamed in his heart. Obviously, the opponent did not intend to rush forward, nor did he let melee strike forward. Seeing your own intentions, you are ready to consume yourself remotely!ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   This kind of war of attrition is naturally not what Yu Yan wants to see, and she is not an MT. Even if she can resist, this kind of battle is not what she expects.

Orion and Yun Xueyi are magic archers, and Ophiuchus are elemental wizards. The two chanted attack magic at the same time. However, the king of swordsman did not choose to charge forward as expected, nor did he escape from each other like a coward. The range of attack, but he didn't spare his health bar and stood motionless in place!

That's right, she didn't move. She didn't need to move, because she had blood blessings on her head, and a little mother brushed her blood behind her, facing the siege of two outstanding output players, Jian Qizhi The bloodline of the king was only hovering around 60%, and the attack of the Star Guild could not produce overwhelming damage.

   On the other hand, this is also the situation that the King of Swordsman is willing to see. Bei Mianzu has ignored a very critical issue, that is, blue consumption.

   Don’t forget, don’t eat mice but guard the shaman, and the blessing of the sky is of vital importance to the recovery of mana.

   Even if Ophiuchus and Orion have exhausted their mana, the little mother still has a blue bar to brush blood on the King of Swordsman.

   After a wave of skills was basically empty, Orion and Ophiuchus still did not give up. They used normal attack points to shoot the King of Sword Cavalry. Under the treatment of the little mother, the blood bar of the King of Sword Cavalry has recovered to about 95% fluctuation.

   It's not that the two of them have poor equipment, nor that they are incapable of their professions. It is that their skills are limited at this stage, and the combined strength of the two cannot kill the King of Sword Cavalry under the double blood.

  Especially, although the two of them are magic attack occupations, they are good at magic group attack and magic group attack. Even if the group magic hits a single player, it will not increase the single damage like physical attack skills.

   So the spells of the two seem to be very close, but for the king of swordsman, it is tickling.

   Just when Bei Mianzu began to think about how to deal with the enemy's immobile strategy, a skeleton staff exuding dark purple luster came out and pointed it at Orion. It was a good skill: [Love Curse]!

   murmured inwardly, but Bei Mianzu did not feel anxious because of this. He immediately commanded: "Ophiuchus retreat, Phoenix, you don't go up to relieve the love curse, they dare not rush out."

That’s right, only Phoenix is ​​a female player in the team, and she is the only one who can solve Orion’s current love curse, but if Healer rushes to stand together with Orion, then the King of Sword Cavalry is bound to rush out and fall into the world. Orion and Phoenix, even if the King of Riding is killed because of this, trading one for two is definitely a big deal!

   What's more, is there one's only treatment?

   Simply abandon Orion as a decoy for the time being. If the King of Sword Cavalry rushes out to show the world, then he will lose the two of them, and the next battle may be more beneficial to him.

Sure enough, the King of Sword Cavalry did not intend to rush forward to kill Orion, but the skeleton staff in Feng Ji's hand was raised again. The witch’s signature skill, the Blue Devil Curse, fell on Orion, this curse that swallowed the blue bar. Skills can't resist at all, this is also the unique overbearing feature of the unpopular profession of witch.

  Curse, this special skill system does not have a hit rate in itself, it can be said to be 100% hit.

   But there are some strange settings for the curse. Simply put, if you are unlucky and throw the curse of love in the crowd, you may not be able to produce a state of loss of soul for a second.

   After all, men and women are intertwined in the crowd, and it is easy to have a variety of cracking relationships. As long as one of them is effective, the curse of love will be lifted directly.

   There is also a curse of death. If this powerful curse does not have a strong number of attacks, it can only be triggered by luck, and I am afraid it cannot be triggered even once a day.

   Bleeding Curse is based on the number of attacks in a short period of time. If the attack frequency is low and the bleeding state cannot be piled up, the damage caused will be minimal.

   This gives people the feeling that the cake is big and beautiful, but everyone can't eat it.

But The skeleton staff in Fengji's hand didn't mean to stop at all, and directly added a note: the red devil curse, although the continuous damage is not high, it is better than nothing, and it is impossible for the Phoenix seat to have eyesight. Watching his teammate's bloodline decline regardless of his disregard, he would naturally have to be healed. Healing requires a mana cost, which would naturally help the Cloud Riding Guild fight a protracted battle.

   Seeing that the Star Guild was actually adopting such a defensive counterattack posture, the King of Sword Cavalry decided to let the dog bite. No, it was to let the cat bite.

   screamed out without eating the mouse, and aimed at the immobile Orion in the distance: black thunder!

After the    skill hit, he unscrupulously said on the current channel: "Wow, it's a wooden pile! It won't move, great, let me play a super big trick!"

I saw the magic stone staff in the hands of Don’t eat the mouse waving, and the black sand ray of comprehension skills was thrown out by him. The black ray was mixed with domineering particle effects, as if it were shot out by an alien spaceship. If it falls on the earth, the earth will be blasted out of a crater.

Everyone present even held their breath for a moment, and the players in the audience were full of expectations. Will the Guild Riding Cloud, which has always brought surprises to everyone, create miracles again, and will they create a world-shattering cry Where are the ghosts and gods? New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   It's really: Xiyun started to zoom in on the move, and the rain is about to come and wind all over the building.

   Orion felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness at this time. The other party was obviously an auxiliary occupation, so what kind of support did he dare to jump out and shout at him?


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