Sky Dungeon

Chapter 855: Everyone is Zhuge Liang

That’s right, most professions don’t have enough knowledge of agility. Few kite-flying professions accumulate agility to increase movement speed. Even knowing that speed is crucial for a long-range profession to fly kites.

However, considering that Sky Dungeon has very few one-on-one occasions, most people choose to give up this attribute.

This kind of thinking is naturally not completely right or wrong. It is safe to build a long-range turret stacking output, happily and madly outputting and plundering people under the protection of teammates, it is naturally a very happy thing, especially when you finally open the kill statistics rankings. At the moment of his name, an inexplicable satisfaction and glory poured into my heart.

Therefore, all attributes must be added to the attack!

There was no suspense in the result. The short moment was like a nightmare for the three people in the teaching building, residential building, and apartment building. They looked at the white without understanding and raised the tin stick in their hands to sing to themselves. : [Compassion for the bosom].

Compassion is the signature single-body blood-increasing skill of Medical Buddha, just like the signature group therapy of Pastor Shennong, with extremely short cooling time and short singing time.

However, in the eyes and minds of the three people in the teaching building, residential building, and apartment building, there was a slow motion of ignorant black singing of compassion, as if this short moment became thirty seconds, or even one minute. , They hope that a miracle will happen at this moment, and hope that someone can stop it during this long and painful process.

However, it did not.

All hope turns into despair, and then it must be madness.

However, before the three of them went crazy, Bai did not understand black and put a Dharma shield on himself very skillfully, and chanted again like no one else: Compassion!

It's compassion again, why should a single milk skill with a shorter cooldown be set for the treatment?

Can't they be weaned?

How could the three of them let him succeed?

No, how could the two of them let him succeed?

At this time, the skills of the apartment building were empty, and he was so angry that he couldn't stop him.

However, the teaching building is different from the residential building. The skills in their hands are still surplus, and they directly hit the white and ignorant.

The tears of white and black will fall, dear sister, why don't you protect your gentle brother?

That's right, Bai didn't understand Hei at all, never thought that his sister would suddenly let the two attack him, interrupting his "compassionate"!

Although there was some pain in his heart, Bai didn't understand how the serious sister-in-law of Hei could blame his own sister. Whether his sister made a mistake or deliberately did so, he would inherit a feeling of pain and happiness, because the pain was also given by his sister.

As long as it is something given by my sister, then I must cherish and happily accept it. This is the truth of a sister control!

That's right, in fact, Hei didn't understand Bai was deliberately letting the two of them take the shot, not because she was unable to stop, but because she didn't have many group attack skills that she could use.

The enemy used the weapon basic attack skills of rapid chanting, and the damage value was not high, so he interrupted rashly. If the opponent had any other players, then he would also be in a dilemma.

What's more, what the enemy is interrupting now is compassion. Even if it is interrupted, the cooling time of this skill becomes half of the inherent, then can't it be performed again after two breaths?

Although there was no interruption, the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue in Heibujiebai's hands did not stop, constantly bringing data mosaic scars on the body of the Element Mage teaching building.

The teaching building just seems to be unheard of, and continues to output attacks without seeing it. In his opinion, there is basically no chance of winning in this game. Even if he moves and dodges, it is meaningless. Instead of wasting time, it is better to take advantage of it. If you don't understand Bai and don't have the skills to control yourself, you will try your best to change your blood to kill Bai who doesn't understand black. Even if you can't win the game, you will lose decently at least.

At the very least, kill the other's dad!

The game is like this, many people expect to lose will choose a negative attitude to the game, just to lose decently, rather than trying to win exciting.

At this time, it’s not just the teaching building that is holding the idea of ​​breaking the tank and falling to death. As the so-called master of the online game industry, there is no dedication to game victory at all, let alone the belief in winning, even the basic separation and pulling The operation of driving a distance to avoid even damage is too lazy to do, and it is really a vain person.

Just when the two of them were outputting higher damage skills, Hei did not understand Bai decisively and again shot and continuously interrupted. Bai did not understand Hei and had to seize the opportunity is another "compassion", blood line again Suddenly rebounded for a while.

At this moment, the members of the three small buildings are naturally like vented balls, the operation becomes weak, the output becomes even more powerful, and the skills are not connected.

Without effective continuous control blows, there is no threat to a healing profession at all, and he can take the time to pull up the bloodline and consume the enemy to death.

The Green Wolf Guild players outside the field naturally complained, and one after another put on a pointing tone.

Yes, they may have such admiration for the office building, but for the performance of the other people, they are absolutely open-mouthed, and they will scold if they should.

"Trash operation, it's better to replace me!"

"In the beginning, you shouldn't chase the empress all over the She is recognized as the king of kites, how can the kite catch up with the empress?"

"Yes, at the beginning, start a sneak attack in a yurt and wait for the prey to be caught in the net."

"That's right, the yurt map should be used, otherwise why not give everyone an open prairie."

"Without any strategic vision, using the map, as long as the layout is good, the female emperor can't run with long legs!"

Most people are naturally like this, they like to put on an afterthought to evaluate the whole battle, and then say that if anything happens, then they are guaranteed to win.

This scene gives people the illusion that "everyone is Zhuge Liang".

Of course, these people cannot be completely denied. They at least think about how to win, think about the deficiencies of the whole battle, and summarize the experience of failure, but if they mistakenly think that they can turn the tide and reverse the whole battle by changing themselves on the field, it is a big mistake. That's wrong.

Not to mention whether the online game experience of Wuxiaolou is a good match for the word "master", just from the level of equipment, it can crush other ordinary players.

If another player came in, I'm afraid I would have been defeated by the empress!

What's more, Wuxiaodilou has been through all the obstacles until now. If there are really no two brushes solely relying on equipment advantages, they may have been eliminated early.

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