Sky Dungeon

Chapter 865: It's better to let the other side lose triumphantly

With 4V5 head-to-head and lack of the main output lore skills, it is impossible to kill the alcoholic!

   After such consumption, the blood line can only be eaten up a little bit, and if the other party has a plastic surgeon, it has the advantage.

   This is the sorrow of the full output team!

   "Sister Jiaochuan, we are planted this time, so why don't we avoid it, we haven't had a draw anyway, and a draw is no big deal."

   Put an end to Lace, never expected that the five members of the Riding Cloud Guild would react so quickly, and not playing the cards according to the routine, it really made her chaotic head painful.

"Hehe, that's right, the big deal is that we will leave a person to drag the tie, even if it is a tie, we can't make them feel better! Lace, find a place to hide first, and the three of us will kill the carbine! I don't believe that the president of the Cloud Riding Guild is a scheming fortune. , Can you expect us to suddenly kill again when we are short of manpower and output?"

   There is a trace of self-confidence unique to mature women in the seductive voice in the night.

Jing Tian really didn't expect that night would kill someone with a carbine, but even if the three of them with poor skills succeeded in a sneak attack, they could not forcefully kill the drunkard. They were just three waves of shadow whirlwind controlling the riders while symbolizing Sexually set the drunkard.

  Even though their basic weapon skills and comprehension skills have taken turns to play a perfect short-term control field, but their poor attack skills and no follow-up force means, the three of them can only sneak away under the cover of the last group attack control.

   This woman at night really has two things!

   But why didn't all four kill the carbine?

   So that's it, they want to keep one person to delay time!

   But, don’t they know that if there is a tie, there will be a limited amount of liquidation?

   The side with fewer heads will lose the game!

   Sure enough, girls rarely look at the rules of the game when they play games, even if they read it, they don’t know how to study it!

   This is also the privilege of girls. They always ignore the rules when playing games and make silly mistakes, but boys can't get angry with them.

   Therefore, many veteran drivers will declare that they will not bring female drivers. They would rather have a group of more people for a while, but also to ensure the pure blood of the team.

   Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's a well or kicking a well, it sniffs at it.

   What's wrong with girls who don’t look at the rules?

   is born to make mistakes and be cute?

  Without a girl, just wait for the copy to burst into white outfits, la la la...

  At this time, Jing Tian could have urged the characters to use a series of misfortunes, and left one of them, but the skills of the five members of the Riding Cloud Guild were relatively poor, so they could only rely on the continuous skills of the village women to leave each other.

   So in order to retain strength, save some physical strength and energy, and deal with the next game, Jing Tian didn't bother to keep the opponent.

   What can be done if there is one person left. They only show up three people this time, which means that they want to drag the game into their fantasy draw.

   If you die, you can't end the game early, you still have to waste the same time.

   It's more interesting to let the opponent lose triumphantly.

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian's mouth has a strange arc, a sinister smile, as if he can pull the corner of his mouth to the ear, like a clown opposed to Batman.

   Even though it was sarcasm, after the sarcasm, Jing Tian felt more curious about the night.

   He thought that the mercenary creed was just a mob, but the president seemed not as simple as he thought. Sure enough, women are fickle, unexpected and reckless.

"Smelly man, I almost died, how about it? It's flat, don't you mean that they won't come out for the time being? If you didn't say that, everyone wouldn't get together, and they wouldn't run away grandiosely. Haha... men really are scornful!"

   The drunkard laughed happily, as if she was not the one who was beaten up the last moment, but was sitting in a well watching the sky.

   Jingtian also couldn't understand the thoughts of a woman with a hangover, and didn't know where the drunkard's gloating point was. Could it be that the embarrassment of my prediction error is more worthy of complaining than the drunkard being beaten up?

   Shouldn't women be more violent because they were beaten?

   Is it because the drunkard has a large amount of alcohol and must be beaten to death before complaining and going crazy?

  Of course, this has something to do with the character of a drunkard. A protected woman who has lived in an ordered life since she was a child, she has long surrendered her life and death to her father and brother.

   Even if she had any accidents, she would never blame her father, because his father's orders were absolute, she only had to obey.

   Even if my father was forced to order him to die, I am afraid I might do it.

   I am just a Springer Spaniel that my father loves, and I really like to be such an obedient bitch.

   How many times, she wanted to stick to her own opinions, but in the end she gave up, and finally chose to obey, because she gave up choosing to obey and felt inexplicably satisfied.

Not everyone yearns for freedom. Not everyone at UU Reading yearns to plan their lives on their own. There are so many weird things that like to be controlled by others, like to obey each other's orders, go through fire and water, just for the strange satisfaction of completing orders .

   However, for the drunkard, Zuijing Guantian’s instructions were wrong. Even if she died, she would not feel the slightest anger at the death of her character. On the contrary, she would be gloating for the arrogance of Yelang sitting Jingtian.

   As long as Jing Tian's order is wrong, then he has a reason not to obey the order.

   Although I am eager to be ordered, eager to complete the order, eager to get valuable affirmation, eager to be rewarded, but I will never execute stupid orders again and again.

   This made her believe once again that her obedience to Sit Jing Guan Tian was just casual play, and the throbbing in her heart was just an illusion after drinking.

   She seemed to be waiting to watch the sky and make mistakes, proving that he was not a wise master, not worthy of following, and no value of obedience.

   However, she hadn't thought about whether Springer would choose to abandon it because of his master's dull and absurd instructions. Once he recognizes the master, it is so easy to get rid of that fetter?

   Maybe, then it must be because Springer didn't really recognize the master.

Perhaps, for the alcoholic, her father is the first master, and her brother is the second master. She is willing to follow their arrangements, but as the age grows, father and brother pay less and less attention to themselves and arrange everything There are only articles, but these are not what the alcoholic needs, she needs orders more often!

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