Sky Dungeon

Chapter 875: 0 steps through the Yang room, without a trace without a arrow

   Sit on the well and watch the sky continuously hit the key points, biting the bone, causing bleeding damage to the hound.

   Seeing that his summoner was hung and beaten, the tengu rushed over. The melee spirit beast has a powerful immunity to passive skills and can be immune to all action interruptions.

   However, lacking the combination of the summoner's combined skills, the Tengu could only unwillingly grab and pat the back of sitting Jing Guantian, sitting Jing Guantian seemed unheard of, and didn't even turn his head.

   If the spirit beast is really wise, I am afraid that it must be so angry at this time that the Qiqiao has smoked. Teammate Pig, can you give me some strength?

   "Bear Hunt!"

   At the same time, Yun Xueyi shot six cold rays of light in the center of the Hound's back. The bear hunting skill is really unsatisfactory. Even the tengu who wanted to block the bullet for the Summoner could do nothing to block the face.

   "Liaoyuan Arrow! Petrified Arrow!"

Yun Xueyiyi gave two skills to Dogs and Aquila respectively. Aquila is the main healer in the Star Guild team and Pastor Shennong, so he has to guard against it. If the opponent raises his hand and throws a heal, then The plan to quickly kill the Hounds was aborted.

   At this stage, control skills like [Petrified Arrow] are still easy to hit a negative state, even if the opponent is a priest of Shennong with spiritual attributes.

   Second-order petrification in 3 seconds!

   "A Thousand Jun Throw!"

   The village woman approached forward while using a long-range attack. She defeated Qianjun Throw and blasted out the trap in her hand, and slammed it heavily on the Hound's head. His bloodline instantly fell below the safety line.

   The village woman’s throwing skills are really crazy. Whether it is a light weapon or a heavy weapon, she can be thrown as a javelin, as if these weapons are in her hands, just like toys, and the village woman is born with supernatural power.

   Seeing, such a big heavy object hits his face door, Hounds' eyes closed subconsciously. Although the eyes are closed, the pupils are full of despair and helplessness.

   Jingtian didn't care about the three seven twenty-one, and tilted all the remaining skills in a short time, without any reservation.

   "Heaven descends! Sweep! Strangulation! Trick! Sweep the army!"

   So, under the support of several other people's attacks, Hounds did not cause any waves to fall down after all!

   "Control the priest!" Jing Tian did not dare to relax and reminded lightly.

   After all, it would be a big joke to be pulled up directly by the priest in the state of suspended animation. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Don’t think that masters can’t make mistakes. If you don’t maintain a clear awareness of the game, once you relax, you are likely to be caught by the enemy and counterattack. Many players are over-excited and think that knocking down the enemy means completing the task. A misstep becomes an eternal hate.

  The village woman is here, how could Pastor Shennong Aquila use the tears of God?

   The continuous skill falls on him, and he can only stare.

   At this time, his heart is also very bitter, why did he meet such a team, such a villager player?

  The drunkard was even sharper, and she ran directly in front of the enemy. With her breath-like command "Earth", the land within two meters around the drunkard suddenly cracked, and countless sharp stones were ejected from the ground!

   This is exactly the skill of the magister: lasing the ground!

   This kind of skill is mostly used for close protection, and it is also very good for drunks to use as an attack check.

   It's a pity that the lasing of the earth can only produce a momentary interruption effect, which is not enough to support 5 seconds. At this time, the village woman also tried her best to connect with a basic range attack skill, which is a reminder for everyone.

   "Chain of Lightning!"

   The plastic surgeon directly used the scepter’s basic attack skill, Lightning Chain. Unfortunately, this scepter’s basic skill does not have a negative effect. Otherwise, it can make up for the insufficient output control of the priest Shennong at this time.

   However, although there is no negative effect, the basic interruption ability is still there. The lightning chain also has the ability to attack and jump, which is much easier to hit than the basic skills of some weapons.

   Jin Chengwu's resilience is quite strong, and he has pressed the button to switch weapons just as soon as the chain of lightning is blasted.

   After the chain of lightning spewed out, the plastic surgeon was already holding an orange magic bow!

   is not to say that the plastic surgeon is not willing to spend money. His money is so much that only figures are left, but he does not take a special output route. As long as the weapon can use the skill control field, it is enough at this stage.

However, the basic attack of the magic bow is not instant, like the scepter. It still needs a short singing time. Obviously, it can't keep up with the rhythm of control. In this short moment, both Andromeda and Swallow grasped the shot. At the opportunity of, the tauren Andromeda, who is a sword demon, made a note in an instant: [Sorrowful]!

   Lost heart, it actually means madness.

   First-order frustration: close-range group attack, use two-handed magic sword or two-handed magic knife to dance to the front, launching a frenzied attack, reducing the backlash effect of the magic sword by 10%.

   As soon as the sorrow came out, sitting Jing Guantian and the others had to dodge in a hurry. Fortunately, the sorrow was only a close range attack, and only a quick back jump could dodge it.

   However, the Sky Swallow is a rapid-fire crossbowman, and many of the players simply refer to them as "rapid-shooters".

   This nickname reflects the characteristics of their combat ~ ~ short frequency is fast, continuous burst ability is poor, but faster than the attack speed, most long-range occupations are eclipsed in front of them.

   Jingtian secretly screamed badly, because he had seen the skill movements of the Swallows from a close range. Although the double crossbow in his hand was ejected in an instant, there was no arrow shot from the crossbow!

   This is: [No Shadow Arrow]!

   A hundred steps through the Yang room, without a trace of an arrow!

   Shadowless Arrow: Locking skills, crossbow arrows are strengthened to a special state, shuttle void attacks to lock the target, with dark attribute damage, and a certain probability of fearing the target for 2 seconds.

   The so-called lock skill, as long as the enemy does not leave the range of the skill, then the skill theoretically will inevitably hit.

   Of course, if the hit is a resistance or invincible player, then the effect of the shadowless arrow will not be produced.

   It was the plastic surgeon who was interrupted in the next instant!

   Obviously, he does not have invincibility and resistance skills.

   Fortunately, the equipment level of the plastic surgeon is not bad, and he abruptly resisted the two-second fear!

   Jing Tian patted his chest in his heart, and he can only think that the plastic surgeon was lucky. After all, the plastic surgeon is not badly equipped, but the Alien is even better!

   One of the main teams of the Russian Stars Guild, how could it be equipped with poor equipment? That is a piece of purple equipment!

   It can only be said that the plastic surgeon’s luck today is so good that the lucky value bursts out at this moment! First release https://https://


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