Sky Dungeon

Chapter 881: Scepter·Punishment

   didn't know what comprehension skills the priest had learned secretly, it was obviously output type.

   Every nurse has a heart to output!

   It's a pity, only relying on the comprehension skills Aquila may not be able to do so.

   Maybe he will be upgraded to a full level in the future, and Pastor Shennong will start the killing mode, which will surely make all the nurses excited.

   However, these are all later things, so I won’t repeat them for now.

   took a sneak peek at his blood line, Jing Tian's eyelids suddenly jumped, what happened just now?

   What kind of skill was it that killed his bloodline to half blood?

   This skill must have a price, right?

   If the two comprehension skills were not stopped just now, I am afraid the village woman is really a bit dangerous...

Of course, Jing Tian’s blood line was originally dissatisfied, otherwise it would not be possible to be hit by two skills to half blood, but Jing Tian dare to be very sure that the green light glowing on priest Aquila at this time is definitely The comprehension skills caused some negative effects on him.

   is definitely not returning back after repeated misfortunes!

   Next breath, Jing Tian thought of a possibility, yes, it was the comprehension skill: [Scepter·Punishment].

Tier 1 Scepter·Punishment: Use the Scepter to use your strongest single-handed healing skills to attack the target, regardless of whether the skill is cool down, causing a lot of magical damage to the target, but you will get the "God's Punishment" status. The healing power is halved in 10 seconds.

It has to be said that this skill is also quite lethal. Pastor Shennong’s strongest single healing skill is treated as magic damage. Fortunately, the opponent’s magic defense is also calculated. If the healing value is directly converted into damage value, then the priest Really want to become a violent exporter.

   Of course, this comprehension skill is specially provided for the treatment profession. There is no single treatment skill that can be cast on the target, and learning it is a waste of skill grid.

   The 10-second healing power halved is actually quite a painful punishment. What it means is easy to understand.

   If anger can kill the enemy with a desperate throw, I am afraid that the next 10 seconds will be very difficult, and other people on the team will be needed to cooperate and survive.

   Many people must think that the negative punishment of 10 seconds is too short. If the other party continuously casts the scepter and punishment, the nanny can be invincible!

   It's a pity that the cooling time of this skill is too persuasive, and normal players will not choose it. Only nurses who specifically consider PVP competitions will do so at any cost, because the cooling time of this skill is as long as 60 minutes!

  Only in pvp competitions, will the skill cooling time be reset, so as to maximize the value of the punishment skill.

   Even so, in each game, the nanny can only use it once. It must be used on the most critical person at the most critical moment in order to achieve unexpected results.

   That's right, facing Qiyun Luoxue, whose skills are basically empty, at this time, as long as the village woman can be killed with the punishment, there is nothing worthless. It is a pity that this blow was given to the body by Sit Jingtian!

  In an instant, my heart is as gray as dead twice...

  The members of the Andromeda squad were so cold that they didn’t even notice that the plastic surgeon had already sang the magic light, and the bloodline of the five members of the cloud riding team slammed up for a short section.

Before the Star Guild squad could react, the plastic surgeon followed by another [Hand of God], which fell on the village woman accurately and accurately. However, it was not over yet, in the blink of an eye, a [blood therapy] Shu] Landed on the body of sitting Jing Guantian.

   That’s right, just after secretly displaying the magic light, Jin Chengwu gave an instant comprehension skill voice command: "???? (easy)!"

   Simplicity is the comprehension skill [Simple Chanting].

   First-order simple singing: The skill singing time is reduced to 50% within 3 seconds, but the damage caused by the skill is reduced by 50%.

   This skill is full of malicious malice for the magic output class. Although the cast is fast, the damage is low.

   But there are still many magic professions who will learn this comprehension skill. After all, the purpose of many skills is not output, but effect control!

   Many control classes, but I really like the skill of simple singing. Although the damage of the skill is reduced, the negative effects of the skill can still be produced!

   More importantly, this skill can still be upgraded. There are really not many comprehension skills that can be upgraded. Maybe the damage reduction value will be reduced after the upgrade?

   In fact, this is a misunderstanding. These people will find that after a long time, even if the negative effects can be hit, the hit rate is greatly reduced.

   That's right, how can the skills of simple singing make the negative effects perfectly appear?

   Don’t forget, this is actually a comprehension skill customized for the healing profession. Except for the healing skills, other skills are actually more or less attenuated by the effect of simple singing, but the system doesn’t say it clearly.

   If you don’t say it, it doesn’t mean you don’t. Many things can’t be said by the system, or how to arouse the player’s interest in researching games.

   If you specify everything, the player still studies a woolen thread, or learns a woolen thread by mistake, do you want to encourage players to demand offline points, or drive the development of the entire game industry?

   Yes, sometimes, the most benefit can be obtained by pretending to be confused. The principle that there is no fish when the water is clear is also an exaggeration.

  King Tiannongjing used these hidden settings to waste points to learn skills. Although it caused dissatisfaction among many players, no players made a fuss, so they retreated.

In a life, don’t explain everything to others too clearly. Tell the person you like about everything about yourself. Be careful that that person loses interest in you. Keep a sense of mystery. Let the person you like keep discovering your highlights or shortcomings. It is also an effective long-term exchange measure.

   Those boys and girls who fall in love and finally choose to break up are not because they lack a common language, or because they lack freshness, right?

  Of course, these are all about dating, not about marriage. When love and marriage collide, then the hidden problems before will explode.

   However, this is not the direction of our research... We still turn our attention to the game.

   The instant chanting takes effect, making the plastic surgeon chant the hand of God and the blood healing technique very fast.

Ever since I saw the black body with broken wings blocking the two comprehension skills of Zuijing Guantian, the morale of the Star Guild has plummeted again, and the reaction speed of thoughts and actions have fallen to the bottom, and no one will interrupt the plastic surgeon. Rapid continuous treatment.

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