Sky Dungeon

Chapter 936: Why don't you dare to go out?

Fortunately, this kind of confinement soon disappeared without a trace due to the placement of the furniture. With the help of Jing Tian and Luo Xia, all the furniture was put in place, and even the hygiene was cleaned by the two. .

  Of course, men work carelessly, and there is actually quite a lot of dust in the house.

Fortunately, Jiu Qianxun is not a big lady, she can clean it up slowly in the future. These are not important to her. The important thing is that when she calms down, she thinks of Jing Tian's words and feels that she can't face Jing. Heaven, this person seems to have no self-confidence in front of him.

Therefore, Jiu Qianxun directly drove Jing Tian and Luo Xia out, making Jing Tian and Luo Xia a little depressed, and Luo Xia couldn't help but vomit: "I'm doing it, and now it's really a good person who can't do it. Let’s help for free, but I didn’t even have a thank you, so why should you treat us to a meal? You said how unsuccessful it is to give your kindness? Walk around, let’s go home and have something to eat and help in the future. It must be charged, at least let the other party take care of the meal!"

   Not even a thank you, do you expect the other party to invite you to dinner?

   How do you want to add another meal?

   Are you hungry when you exercise?

  The law of conservation of energy is vividly reflected in you!

   "Uh...It's not because you make people worry about it." Jing Tian complained faintly, he didn't want to recite the scapegoat.

"It's fine if I don't talk about you, I have reminded you, how can you still take advantage of others? How can you be worthy of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi?" Luo Xia said in a tone of elder education younger generation. , The voice is full of regret for Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi.

"Screw you……"

   The two started another fight of saliva...

Soon, everyone went online in the game one after another. Such a launch naturally caused Yang Miaomiao's dissatisfaction. He complained in the chat room: "My god, what are you going to eat delicious meow? It was not online all morning. But I'm so anxious, do you know I haven't eaten yet today?"

   As if in Yang Miaomiao's eyes, Jing Tian and the others had nothing serious to do except playing games and eating.

   However, Jing Tian really has a snack, and today is really delicious.

   The point is, what does this guy’s lack of food have to do with him? Is it his cook that he will be hungry if he doesn’t work for a day?

So he faintly defended: "Didn't the alcoholic come here last night? Everyone drank for a few hours when they were happy, and then they drank too much. After waking up today, he accompanied the alcoholic to purchase the necessary furniture, and just sent it for installation. Okay, so tired. Why didn't you eat? Did you chase people to collect rent?"

   "You seem to have overlooked a very important part, and you invited me to eat Japanese roundabout cuisine." Jiu Qianxun suddenly said.

  'S tone is full of happiness, full of bragging, but actually poking Jingtian's backbone.

   "Xia Xia, I also want to eat Japanese roundabout cuisine. You can not bring Yang Miao Miao, how can you not bring me?" Yang Mimi acted like a baby after listening.

   "It's easy to talk, come here, my wife, I treat you to eat every day!" Luo Xia replied in a sincere tone, but anyone could hear the maliciousness hidden in his voice.

   Yang Mimi, this guy, the dragon sees the head but doesn't see the end, and really hasn't appeared in front of everyone.

   "Brother-in-law, I will go by now, I want to eat meow every day! Meow meow!"

   Everyone seemed to hear Yang Miaomiao's drooling sound.

   "It's easy to say, as long as you help me **** your sister over, you can stay as long as you want with food and housing." Luo Xia agreed with pride.

   "Silly brother, do you dare to go out? The world of takeaway is very dangerous. Aliens like you can easily be taken to research institutes."

   Yang Mimi asked a very critical question in a contemptuous tone.

   "Don't dare to meow."

   Yang Miaomiao's answer really surprised everyone.

   "Miaomiao, are you, like my sister, also suffering from anthrophobia?" Bai did not understand Hei asked curiously.

   There was a hint of surprise in his voice, and even his sister stopped the action of killing monsters when she didn't understand the white, and went into hiding and waited for his answer.

   "Of course no meow!"

   But Yang Miaomiao denied it.

   "Then why don't you dare to go out?"

   White does not understand the black tone, a bit disappointed, as if Yang Miaomiao is a person with anthrophobia, he can find a confidant in life, which is a thing to celebrate.

   "I'm so handsome, meow, it's dangerous to go out!"

   Yang Miaomiao didn't know where his self-confidence came from, causing everyone to vomit on the spot.

   The first time I heard that someone is too handsome to go out, is it an international superstar?

"I'm doing it! Someone is talking about handsome in front of the fat man. Are you sure you are not because you are too ugly. Going out will attract mad dogs to attack and bite you, so you stay behind closed doors?" Luo Xia didn't have any brother-in-law's consciousness at this time. , Spit out directly.

   "Of course not, I am definitely...a beautiful man!"

   Yang Miaomiao obviously paused when he said this, obviously his self-confidence was not firm at all.

   is obviously a ghost in his heart!

   "Silly brother, you have to say the key, even if you are a beautiful man, why can't you go out?"

   Yang Mimi is definitely his fake elder sister, and she has been able to sprinkle salt on this wound.

   "My I will tell my mom you are taking her medicine again!" Yang Miaomiao seemed to feel threatened, and immediately threatened his sister in turn.

   had to talk about this perfect turning point. Everyone was attracted by Yang Miaomiao's words. What kind of medicine did Yang Mimi steal?

   is the third part of the medicine, can it be eaten casually?

   stealing my mother’s medicine, this kind of thing can only be done by aliens, right?

   "You can talk nonsense, and medicines can't be taken indiscriminately. As a doctor, I remind you that it is better not to steal medicine."

   Plastic surgeon Jin Chengwu rarely speaks, and when he speaks, everyone looks contemptuously.

  You are indeed a doctor, but you are a plastic surgeon. Can you take medicine or something?

Fortunately, everyone just complained in their hearts. If they say it, Jin Chengwu must refute: "What's the matter with the plastic surgeon? You have to take medicine after plastic surgery, right? I have also studied basic medicine, Chinese medicine. I have read a lot of classics, so you can safely ask me if you have any illnesses."

   "Wife, the doctor is right, how can you take medicine indiscriminately? You have to be a little bit long and two short, I can't eat, what should I do if I lose weight?"

   Luoxia's voice is also full of worry and anxiety, but how does the last sentence sound so irritating?

   Jingtian is even more nervous. It seems that today he did poke Jiu Qianxun’s inverse scales today. This guy doesn’t like being thin, and he likes fat as the alien like Yang Mimi!

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