Sky Dungeon

Chapter 974: Is it a life potion that can be used in battle?

   Sure enough, the bosses are all out!

   If this weak state can be superimposed, as long as the boss casts ten times in a row, everyone can go home.

   I really don’t know who invented such a long debuff to make people not enjoy the game?

Fortunately, the boss didn’t drink cooking wine again for the next time, but filled soy sauce and peanut oil. Everyone’s skills also gradually cooled down after the boss ravaged them. After that, they naturally shot down the spider spirits and beaten them up. .

Even if you don’t eat mice, you ran to the boss’s hard landing point in advance, cast a thunder cage, and cursed: "Smelly boss, tell you to smoke me with **** before, and watch me make your **** bloom. Meow."

   Everyone clearly sees that it's just ginger, garlic and onion. You were still studying why the cooking wine turns into the magic of raw materials through the boss's intestines. Why do you have to say that it is **** now?

   You said that everyone’s mood just after calming down is completely bad again!

   There is an illusion that the stomach is inexplicably overwhelming!

After a few waves of going back and forth like this, Feng Ji asked casually: "Hero, the boss didn't take a pan or something at the beginning, so why don't you use one now? Is everything the power of the Internet celebrity? The copy meets the Internet celebrity. , The difficulty is reduced? No, no, maybe this guy is just a cooking net red, so the pot doesn’t leave his hands?"

   Jingtian's complexion changed when he heard that, according to the character of kicking Tiannongjing, this boss is 80% intelligent!

   Thanks to Fengji's casual reminder, Jing Tian immediately warned in a light tone: "Attention, everyone, the boss may run away afterwards, and those who haven't used it will use it."

   Sure enough, it didn't take long for the boss' bloodline to drop to 15% of the standard, and then a teleport began to run away!

  The boss who ran away indeed took out all the **** brand pans and **** brand kitchen knives, but the more important thing is that he asked why he drank soy sauce again?

  No, it’s soy sauce, peanut oil, and cooking wine. It’s definitely to amplify the rhythm of the move!

   More importantly, why should there be discount tips for the combination set of kitchen consumables such as soy sauce, cooking wine and vinegar on the screen now?

   And there is also a one-click purchase function button. It turns out that this copy is for advertising online supermarkets?

   How about your morals?

   The player is downloading the dungeon, how can it be possible to buy it with one click when in a mood?

   "This suit is quite cheap, not bad, not bad, I will buy one and see!"

   At this moment, a discordant voice sounded, and the initiator was Zhao Jiaxue who was lying not far from him!

   Someone really bought it!

   That’s right, although it’s a copy, isn’t there a substitute seat? You can buy it as a substitute, not to mention that many female players are prone to become substitutes. At this time, it's perfect to promote products!

   had to admire the wisdom of kicking Tiannongjing, it was so insidious!

   "Be careful, everyone stand behind me!" Jing Tian has nothing to do, so he can only try to make a meat shield by himself. After all, everyone has tried to interrupt, which is completely invalid.

   I saw the boss' abdomen bulging, and in the next second he opened his ugly mouth, and then he burped a bit loudly.

   Yes, it was just a burp...

   Everyone really wants to catch the Kicking Tiannongjing and play it. Why doesn't this game's main strategy play cards according to the routine? Isn't this a player?

   is really heinously evil!

However, in the next second, everyone’s complexion darkened, and the boss laughed loudly: "Hahaha, thought I would still breathe fire? I am not a fire-breathing dragon. It’s really comfortable, I feel a lot more relaxed. Recently, I always feel that I have a bad stomach, and it feels much more comfortable to burp."

   What makes everyone depressed is naturally not the boss’s irresponsible words, but its bloodline, which has unexpectedly risen to 30% again. What is the situation with Nima?

   Is the combination of peanut oil, soy sauce and cooking wine a life potion that can be used in battle?

   This is probably a great discovery in the history of the game. The local tyrants will finally have medicine to take!

   It's not right, right? There are seasonings to eat!

   It's a pity, even if you pierce your head, no one can think of where these three things are sold in the game!

   Is it necessary to buy a package with one click, and then get a copy in the game?

   Before everyone could figure out the problem, the boss sprayed a white ice line again, put away the kitchen utensils in his hand, and slipped to the ceiling. Obviously it was so relaxed, even the runaway state was relaxed.

   "I'm doing it, is this a joke? The runaway triggers the blood return ult, but there is no way to interrupt it? Even if the blood skill has a cooldown this time, can we guarantee that the boss will be killed in one breath during the cooldown?"

   Luo Xia, who is on the bench, can't stand it anymore, let alone the five people who have been playing so hard for so long?

   "Don't give up the pseudo-mother, if I were you, I would definitely continue to fight at this moment!"

   Yu Yan's elegant voice seemed as if a needle was stuck in everyone's ass, and everyone immediately woke up.

   is right, how can we give up?

   There is no unreachable copy, only players who give up the strategy!

   Jing Tian just thought for a second, and encouraged: "This skill must have a cooling time, and the cooling time is very long, everyone, come on and output, quickly kill the boss!"

   As a team leader, UU reading must give the team hope, even if it can’t be done, don’t let everyone despair.

   Since everyone is already familiar with the boss’ attack methods and routines, the boss’s bloodline quickly hit the 15% runaway line again. Not surprisingly, this time the boss once again teleported and began to run away.

   However, what makes everyone desperate is that the boss once again began to pour cooking wine, soy sauce, peanut oil into his ugly mouth with one bottle in one hand...

   This is too far from what you expected, right?

   Even if the boss cannot be killed before he cools down, at least it can be dragged below 5%, right?

   But from the current situation, the difference from the expected result is not a star and a half, but a huge difference!

   Is it necessary to upgrade the equipment to pass? Everyone must be equipped with black grade equipment. If the upper level is lucky, the boss on this level is the hard core!

   The next level is just to make everyone happy, is it time to feel hopeless?

   Sure enough, kicking Tiannongjing, this guy's evil fun playing with players is outrageous!

   I really don’t know if the Crow’s Mouth Cao Cao’s mouth virus has infected everyone in Qiyun Guild?

The boss glanced at Luojing Xiashi with an unkind look, but Luo Xia didn't know it at all, and said with a sad expression: "It's over, it's over, it seems that we can't get through this book now, even if we adjust the team members, the output is not enough. "

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