Sky Dungeon

Chapter 978: BOSS is too weak, I singled out and killed

   "Lazy Boss, ibid!" The fat man didn't feel the contempt of everyone's eyes at him.

   Are the three substitutes in a hurry to watch the rollover? It's overturned to make a substitution?

  Before Jing Tian finished complaining, Liu Yaya on the side also joined in the fun and said, "Ibid."

   Even Feng Ji, who became a white spider, said casually: "Ibid."

   You can't just go it alone, right?

   Even a pit has to jump down, so Jing Tian said lightly: "Ibid."

   "Liaoyuan Arrow!"

In the next second, the magic bow in Yun Xueyiyi's hand was red light, and a burst of horror shot across the air, and the prairie arrow directly hit the quilt on the boss. The quilt in the next second seemed to be a barrel of explosives that was ignited. When it exploded, dense smoke and dust burst out within a few meters.

   "I'm doing... a mouse, this time you let your blind cat hit a dead mouse. This quilt is a trap. If you go up in close combat, it might be blown to black and gray!"

   Indeed, if everyone gathers around to attack the boss, it might be destroyed!

   Even if one person is killed in a melee combat with a meat shield, if a boss jumps out, it might still be destroyed!

   Jingtian's heart is full of black lines. Luo Xia rarely praised him once, but in the end he said so badly. What is more important is what makes a mouse blind a cat meet a dead mouse?

   Don’t you think the words are full of mess?

   However, his mouth was honest and faintly commanded: "Be careful, everyone, Fengji stepped forward, what's in the smoke bomb is still unclear, beware of the boss attack."

   As soon as the voice fell, there was a weird laughter not far away, and everyone's spirits tightened, their eyes widened and staring at the center of the smoke, as if to see through everything.

   In the next second, I just listened to Yun Yiyi coldly saying: "Empty."

  What is empty?

When    is so critical, can you not spare words like gold?

   However, Jing Tian subconsciously reacted, and said lightly: "The quilt is empty, pay attention to your surroundings."

   When Zhao Jiaxue was curious, she suddenly heard something. The next second she panicked and shouted, "Be careful!"

Before the voice of    was over, something had broken out of the bed, grabbed the mouse by the ankle, and dragged the mouse under the bed in an instant!

   "Help, help meow!" Yang Miaomiao called out in horror.

  A child is a child, and I fear the darkest place...

   How can I get under the bed now?

   This bed is not too high, even if you enter, can you fight?

Before everyone thought about these issues, the whole bed suddenly shook. In the next second, the whole bed was like an oversized textbook, and it started from both sides to close in the middle. Although everyone wanted to escape, it was basically There is no way to avoid it, and it is all caught by this inexplicable folding bed!

   What kind of super large folding bed is this? It is simply a super large clamp trap, the purpose is to clamp everyone into meat patties!

   Afterwards, no one wanted to recall this experience, or when I was young, my head could be squeezed by the door, but when I grew up I was caught in a folding bed, so I definitely can’t tell!

   "Oh, it's the boss, come and save me meow!"

   Yang Miaomiao’s cry for help was very loud, but everyone was helpless. They didn’t know why this mattress was so elastic. Even Feng Ji, who had become a white spider, was completely caught in the flesh, and no one could move.

   "Fujihime, attack with skills!"

There is no other good way for Jing Tian, ​​he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, such a large folding bed is unscientific if it is destroyed by the player character casually releasing skills, not to mention sitting on Jing Tian and all their current skills. They were all forced out of use, and the only breakthrough should be White Spider!

  As a boss-level existence, there are not so many restrictions on the ability to cast, and since the system does not have a powerful nuclear weapon, it will never let it be destroyed so easily.

   Sure enough, the next second the white spider-like Fengji seeped purple liquid all over her body. This was exactly the skill she had just understood: Wan Poison.

   This large-area venom skill can carry out a powerful corrosive attack on the enemies around the white spider, and the poor giant luxury folding bed is directly corroded into a billowing smoke.

   Within a few breaths, the entire giant bed was completely corroded!

   is such a powerful poison!

   "Hero, how about it, am I good? This is called Wantou, with powerful corrosive damage, and there is a certain chance of decay, or even complete decay of equipment. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities, have you recorded it clearly?"

  Fujie can't enter the mode of the internet celebrity anchor, but at her strong request, everyone naturally turns on the video recording function.

   "You guys come down, meow, the boss is too weak, I singled out and killed meow."


   Do you want to jump like this?

   Aren’t you still calling for help a moment ago?

   How come you have become a boss now?

  Are you making an international joke or an interstellar joke?

   Did Yang Miaomiao break out of the alien universe again?

   No one wants to jump down without eating the mouse.

   But everyone just didn't want to jump down. After the huge folding bed was corroded, everyone clearly saw the cabin floor with a super large hole.

   Feelings are to cover this hole, so that's why I made such a big bed!

   This concealment method is 666!

As a result, everyone fell freely, and finally merged with the non-eating mouse who killed the Everyone stabilized and looked around, the huge body of the octopus boss really fell not far The real boss room is at the emotional level. The boss is always deliberately not to eat mice. Is it to let him die for not eating mice?

   Are there any bosses eager to die?

   Or, is it because of the attributes of cats that scared the octopus to death?

   Say the octopus’s natural enemy is a cat?

What the **** does this happen?

   "Uh... how did you do it?"

   surprised and surprised, Jing Tian still wants to ask what happened.

Yang Miaomiao couldn't close his mouth with a smile at this time. He proudly said: "The boss's octopus hand dragged me down, but I accidentally slipped my hand. I fell like a meteorite and hit the boss. Thank you. On the top of his head, he stunned the boss. I think you didn’t get down, but you were impatient and gave the boss a set of skills to strike, but the boss fell."

   "Wait... You said that the boss dragged you down and slipped your hand for a while. You turned into a falling object and knocked the boss out?"

   Jingtian's eyes went straight, and he just wanted to ask: Is there such a silly boss in the world?

   Kicking Tian Nongjing designed this boss to be funny?

   More importantly, does the octopus's head exist? Should octopus have long hair?

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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