Sky Dungeon

Chapter 992: You can be a team hero again!

The black wind entwined on the bone-refining halberd seemed to be continuously spitting out from the mouth of this skeleton. It was a bit evil, but the overall feeling gave people a sense of detachment, as if this bone-refining halberd was used by the **** of war. The magical soldiers who had passed through the battlefield were unscathed.

   This is definitely a craft in weapons, a magic weapon in crafts!

"It's so cool, so angry! No, frog, put it away, don't allow you to look at us! This is torment for us, our little heart can't bear it, I want to beat you up when I see it!" Zhao Jiaxue yelled regretfully stand up.

  The ghost will take it back!

   Yun Yiyi took the opportunity to propose a bone refining halberd. Didn’t he know that he was eager to use the halberd and gave himself a good opportunity to go downhill. How could it be so in vain?

   So Jing Tian didn't bother to pay attention to Zhao Jiaxue's unreasonable troubles, and directly directed the other three to fire at Fengji!

I have to say that Heiwu’s attack power is astonishingly high and enviable. Even Liu Yaya, the mobile weapon storehouse, actively asked during the battle: "Oh? Officials, it is better to take the slave house to the 9th floor of the underground city. I want some level 5 magic cores. You know, the slaves also want black rank weapons!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Jingtian's heart trembled: Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya, don't you want to get a black weapon? That's enough to arm our entire guild, do you think it might be your temper? How can it be impossible to equip you with a black rank weapon first? The key is that you are a bottomless pit. If you make a set, the day lily will be cold, right?

   However, Jing Tian’s mouth is not so silly, but he faintly replied: "Go if you have time."

   But just to deal with it casually, Zhao Jiaxue refused to let it go, and in reality she scolded Jingtian for being partial...

   With the addition of the Bone Refining Halberd, the battle rhythm has obviously become much faster, especially in the violent phase of the BOSS's vitality value of 5%. According to Jing Tian's previous arrangement, Feng Ji threw the Tianluo Poison Net directly to Zuijing Guantian.

   Jingtian undoubtedly let out a low voice: "Continuous misfortune!"

Feng Ji herself was trapped by the effects of the Tian Luo Poison Net, and all her members broke out. The praised skills were bombarding Feng Ji’s head. I have to say that with the general's continuous disaster skills, Let BOSS's final madness stage also become weak by three points.

   It seems that if you want to use the substitute system, you must bring a general when you download the book!

   However, the BOSS is always the BOSS. Don’t forget that the BOSS has the [Wan Poison] perverted state of continuous damage skills!

In the violent state, [Ten Thousand Poisons] will be directly strengthened into [High-level Thousand Poisons] without having to cast it again. As soon as everyone’s skills are empty, after Feng Ji’s poison is sprayed, she falls down. Up!

   Actually, sitting Jingguantian and the village woman also have only one blood skin left. They changed their ranged weapons to force their output...

   However, the attack range of BOSS skills is so large. After Feng Ji's group skills cover the position of Zuijing Guantian, she still feels soft. Without releasing her attack skills, she is not willing to kill her savior by herself.

   However, the world is tricking people. She releases the water, but the system will not release the water. [Fatal Stinger] burst out suddenly, still taking away the life of sitting in the well.


what's the situation?

   Is there any system correction operation?

   Lin Yumian looked a little surprised, but no one would believe what he said...

   At the same time, only 1% of the blood of the BOSS remains.

   "Thousand Jun Throw!" Liu Yaya's voice was a bit cold, as if full of murderous intent.

   It seems that the scene of sitting down and watching the sky and black feathers scattered all over the place had an inexplicable impact on her...

   After all, which fiancee would like to see her man leave by herself?

   Even in the game, this faint pain is like a knife cut.

  Of course I am angry, there is no reason not to be angry, right?

   Of course, Lin Yumian is also heartache, she even bears a trace of guilt inexplicably.

   She still had to continue her own killings, to perform the BOSS role to the end.

   The next second, the village woman also fell.

   History is often the same, and now the great historical mission falls on Yang Miaomiao again.

   "Why is it me again?"

   Yang Miaomiao pretends to be a tragedy, but his heart is full of joy, and he can be a team hero again!

   However, he seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, his skills have been exhausted. As a therapeutic auxiliary occupation, why can he exhaust less than 1% of the blood of the BOSS?

   "I'm doing it! Run away, mouse, why are you fighting the boss? Do you think you are a berserker?"

   Luoxia's heart was crying. Starting

   We can’t keep up with the jumping thoughts of aliens!

  You think the game is the same as in reality. If you find the weakness of the boss, you can knock it to death with a stick?

   That's right, but at this time, I didn't choose to retreat without eating mice, but rushed up to have a face-to-face fight with the boss!

   The secondary weapon in his hand, the red spear, was continuously pierced, and the three basic skills really made Fengji immobile!

   "Look at your own blood, BOSS has a lot of poisons, no matter how bad you are, you will be poisoned first!" Luo Xia continued to quarrel.

   However, if you don’t eat mice, you didn’t listen to others’ admonitions. UU Read www.uukanshu. com swapped out the spare weapon [Mandarin Duck Western Sword]. I don’t know when he secretly replaced this pair of Western Swords with Ziwu!

   I didn't pay attention before, this kid hides quite deep!

   After the gleaming purple mandarin duck western sword played three basic skills in a row, the boss finally fell completely! So inexplicably fell under the melee of a therapeutic aid!

   Everyone cheered at this time, and even had the urge to rush to lift the little cat, but the system does not have such a function.

   However, after the next breath, I fell down without eating mice...

   噗嗤! Everyone laughed, the little guy was so overwhelmed that he forgot to replenish his **** blessings. In the poisoned state, he immediately consumed his blood and died!

   As a result, an inexplicable scene happened. Before everyone came to resurrect and touch the corpse, the system had already ejected the dropped items. The first one was the orange rank 35 necklace [Zhang Spider Tooth].

Women are all from the appearance association. Don’t say whether this tooth is disgusting or disgusting when worn on the body. Whatever you think, wearing this kind of necklace will definitely be seen as a primitive man. There is no suspense. All the girls do not even see the attributes. I directly chose to give up!

So this [Zhang Spider Tooth] was successfully obtained by Luo Jing Xia Shi’s ROLL points. Not to mention, the necklace made of monster teeth is quite suitable for the shape of a fat panda, adding a fierce color to his simple appearance. .

   As for the attributes of [Zhang Spider Tooth], since it belongs to the type of blessing necklace, it increases a lot of energy and blood, and slightly increases the value of appearance.


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