Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1332: Dog brain tribute tea

If I am guilty, please let the law sanction me instead of letting this dog chase me and be my father!

She doesn't want to talk to this man anymore!

"I'm going back to review."

She casually found an excuse to stop him, and shook her hand, good fellow, can't get rid of it!

"Then you don't want to be my daughter, what do you want to be me? Sister?"

"Baba, why are you obsessed with this?" She frowned and looked at him, her face full of reluctance.

Song Ci is not the kind that likes to be strong, and if he is really unwilling to be a small person, he won't force it.

"Forget it, elder brother will take you out for dinner. You are not about to take the entrance examination. The food here is not nutritious. Let's eat well." Song Ci hooked Ruan Xihe's neck halfway and half hugged, and then abducted the child. gone.

Today is a little different.

Song Ci also bought a pink helmet. He didn't know which kind of little girl would like. He should all like pink and tender ones, so he bought this one.

The size is also a little smaller, she doesn't feel so uncomfortable to carry it, and the one she brought with Song Ci was a bit bigger before.

"do you like it?"

"Like it." Normal people would say they like it at this time if they like it or not, unless it is the kind of person with negative EQ.

"Just like it, next time I will take you to buy it on the spot and pick the pattern you like." Song Ci's long legs stepped onto the locomotive, patted the back seat and signaled the little girl to come up.


The music restaurant is romantic.

The two of them ate at the position with the best view.

She eats quickly, and in a short while, she finishes everything on the plate.

Staring intently at the young lady playing the piano.

"Do you want to play?" Song Ci asked her.

Ruan Xihe's eyes lit up: "Can you?"

"Yes." Song Ci called the lobby manager over and gave a few words in a low voice. The manager respectfully took Ruan Xihe to the top.

She can play very well, after all, if you play with more things like musical instruments, you can get a pass of Belden.

Ruan Xihe played a song "The Wedding in a Dream", which is a world-famous song. Whether it is played well or not, you can immediately hear it.

Song Ci didn't expect her to do this.

The little girl has an elegant posture and smooth technique, which is obviously a bad street tune, but she has a touching feeling.

The cheerfully jumping notes, with a hint of inexplicable sadness.

Many people stopped their knives and forks, and their eyes fell on the little girl playing the piano unconsciously.

She was still wearing a school uniform, her face was immature, and her ponytail was well-formed, but her elegant and calm temperament was undoubtedly revealed, like an aristocratic girl stepping out of a medieval fresco.

Ten fingers are slender, jumping flexibly on the black and white keys.

At the end of the song, everyone gave a friendly applause.

Ruan Xihe was in a very good mood, and the feeling of playing the piano in public has not passed for a long time.

When she was a child, every time her parents held their wedding anniversary, she would play this dream wedding in front of all the guests.

Even after many years, the score is still very familiar.

After sitting back in the position, the unnoticeable melancholy was aggravated a little bit if it was inexplicable.

Song Ci was keenly aware of the changes in the little girl's mood.

"How come you are upset by playing a piano?"

"I just remembered something from the past." She lowered her eyes.

Seeing her unhappy, Song Ci became in a bad mood.

"Big brother will give you a surprise soon! Come on, laugh!" Song Ci poked her little head lightly.

"What surprise?"

"You'll know in a moment." He smiled and gave a series of orders to his little brothers on the phone.

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Ruan Xihe, to be honest, felt a little expectant in his heart.

Holding the big cup of iced milk tea that Song Ci bought, she walked to the square with him.

"Brother Ci!"

"elder brother!"

"Here, here!"


The little brothers waved to him one by one.

The two looked over there at the same time.

Song Ci was stunned by the sight in front of him, his fingers were shaking, trying to restrain himself, and finally only uttered one word: "Fuck!"

.................................................. ...............

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