Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1341: Dog brain tribute tea

"What?" The dean's mother looked at the supervisor suspiciously.

"That's it, clean up a little bit for the children to look good, and there are many other children." The supervisor is also for the sake of the young master.

But the dean's mother obviously didn't think so much, but thanked the main channel gratefully.


When Ruan Xihe received the notice from the dean's mother, he was quite speechless in his heart, okay, fierceness is really generous.

She didn't have a few clothes at all, and the only dress was white.

On the day of departure, she wore a modest black short sleeve and denim shorts.

The arms and calves are fine.

The black Benz of Paul Luka drove to the door of the Sunshine Orphanage to pick it up in person.

Many children were holding the door and looking at Ruan Xihe enviously.

The taillights of the car flashed, and Mercedes Benz spouted exhaust gas and left. For a moment, like a hint, it separated the little girl in the car from the dilapidated Sunshine Orphanage.

The car took Ruan Xihe to the airport.

Song Ci was waiting for her in the VIP room. In fact, if it weren't for the dean's suspicion, he would like to pick her up in person.

The little girl has nothing wrong with her body except for the old ones. It is the schoolbag, which is really shabby. Song Ci feels a little bit painful. The idea of ​​adopting that she had suppressed before suddenly arises.

Only this time, he never wanted to be a little girl's father again...

He touched Ruan Xihe's head, helped her carry the schoolbag, and took someone to the sofa to sit down.

"In a while, let's go to Italy for the first stop."


He put his hand on the sofa behind Ruan Xihe, looking from a distance, it was like Song Ci holding the person in his arms.

"After getting off the plane, let's rest or play first?" Song Ci was soliciting the opinions of the children, and his eyes fell on her white thighs. After a few seconds, he looked away and ordered the waiter to bring a thin blanket over. .

Take it down and hand it to the children: "Dress it on, it will be cold after a while on the plane."


"Master." Someone frowned and walked in hurriedly.

"What's the matter?" Song Ci sat upright.

The man said something in Song Ci's ear, and he frowned and stood up.

"Little bit, you sit here for a while, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, you go."

Ruan Xihe opened a pack of small snacks and sat on the sofa to eat.

The door opened suddenly.

A middle-aged man came in, a little bald, with a beer belly, and he knew a lot of oil and water.

It looks like it should be quite rich, followed by a glamorous female secretary, holding a hemisphere, trembling.

After taking a look, Ruan Xihe withdrew her gaze, she seemed to be dizzy.

The man walked to the sofa and sat down, very close to Ruan Xihe, and the sofa felt very depressed.

She smelled the sulky perfume on the boss, frowned without a trace, and even the snacks in her hand became a little hard to swallow.

Ruan Xihe turned around.

"Little beauty, how old is it?" The man's eyes kept falling on the little girl's lap.

Ruan Xihe's washed white schoolbags are also quite abrupt here, and the quality of their clothes is not very good. Men are only the poor relatives and children of a rich boss.

Being able to stay in the VIP lounge and dress like this is certainly not favored at home.

This kind of little girl is generally eager to pay attention and is easy to get started, and it is not the first time that he has done this kind of thing.

And this one is fresh and tender like never before.

As long as the man thinks of how he put the little **** the bed, he gets a little excited.

The obscene look in his eyes almost turned into substance.

Ruan Xihe said that he was disgusted, picked up the snacks and ignored him. He sat down on the one-seater sofa on one side, and by the way covered the small blanket Song Ci asked him on his lap.

The man feels a little bit upset when he has been smashed like this.

So when the little girl got up to go to the bathroom, he followed.

Just as Ruan Xihe was about to close the door, a pair of broad and fat hands pressed against the door panel.

.................................................. ...............

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