Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1367: Dog brain tribute tea

"Will this be too?"

"No, it's called using the way of a person, but also ruling his body." Song Ci's voice was somewhat cold.

He understands people's hearts too well, that girl's only motive for committing the crime is Ruan Xi and the airborne, and she can't play the protagonist.

So if you want to be the protagonist, Song Ci satisfies her!

Holding her up, letting her fall into the abyss at the highest point, killing people and condemning people without blood, this is the best way to get revenge.

He asked someone to save Yan Dan to the provincial team, and gave her the best position when he came up.

How could Yan Dan not go.

It's just that this game is coming in a hurry, and it's about to be played in one week.

She rehearses very hard every day.

When the teacher dug her, he said that she had taken a fancy to her talent.

This is something that Yan Dan never dreamed of.

She practiced hard every day. After entering the provincial team, she realized that her previous self was nothing at all, and everyone here was excellent.

The first day of the game.

Everyone rehearsals together.

One group of actions is that the male partners lift her up and make a circle one by one.

When she got off the second male partner and rushed to the third male partner, the other man seemed to have no time to hug her.


This sound seemed to overlap the one in memory.

It's just that Ruan Xihe was only sprained, and she was fractured, and she had to recuperate for at least half a year, and the root of the disease might remain in the future.


After three days of rest in the hospital, the doctor asked him to go home to recuperate.

For seven days, Song Ci was busy taking care of her by herself, while still completing her academic tasks. On average, she could only sleep two hours a day.

Song Ci didn't go back until the day she finished removing the gauze.

A few days later, it was the Qixi Festival again, and he abruptly took time to come back to see Ruan Xihe, had dinner, and hurried back.

The tossing back and forth, the iron beating people couldn't stand it, and it didn't take long before Song Ci fainted in the school.

When Father Song and Mother Song received the notice, they hurried over in fright.

Ruan Xihe didn't know at first, it was because he hadn't received the news of Song Ci all day, and felt strange that he was asked to investigate and found that Song Ci had fainted and was still lying in the hospital without waking up.

After hesitating for a moment, she still bought a plane ticket to go there.

Song Ci woke up when she was still on the plane, and the first thing was to call Ruan Xihe.

The electronic female voice said that the phone he dialed was turned off.

Song Ci was about to get out of bed in a hurry. He hadn't recovered yet, and his legs were so soft that he almost fainted when he stepped on the ground.

"Son, son! What are you doing down? Go back and lie down."

"I want to go home!"

"Don't go, lie down for me!" Father Song, who had been silent, said.

Song Ci was able to do a few things that did not go home when he ran away from home. It was destined that he would not be obedient, but he was too weak now and was directly suppressed by the bodyguard!

"You let me go!" He became more and more anxious, Xiao Budian didn't answer the phone, and the phone turned off again. What's wrong!

"The doctor gave him a tranquilizer!"

"Go away, go away!"


one hour later

The two couples came out of the ward.

They have already learned about the situation from their son's classmates and teachers. He would blame the little girl in the country for this. If it weren't for her, the son wouldn't have to run back and forth like this!

"Husband, let's talk to that little girl, I think she has too much influence on her son." Mother Song still feels sorry for her son. Seeing the child toss like this, she is somewhat dissatisfied with Ruan Xihe.

"If there is anything to talk about, tell her directly to break up with Song Ci. I will never agree that he will be with that little girl again!"

"Da da da!" The footsteps stopped abruptly.

She ran over panting, just when she heard the words of Father Song.

.................................................. ...............

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