Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1373: Dog brain tribute tea

After seeing that it was the front desk, there was a clear frustration in his eyes.

What are you asking for, do you really think that woman will come out?

She collapsed like that at the beginning, she didn't just leave without saying.

How can he care about his life and death now.

"No need." He rejected the front desk lady without any emotion.

"This is what Miss Ruan meant."

Song Ci stretched out his hand this time and took the umbrella. He felt a dream. His tone was a little impatient, and he repeatedly confirmed: "Are you sure this is for me by Ruan Xihe?"

"It's Miss Ruan, let us give you the umbrella."

Suddenly, Song Ci laughed while holding the umbrella, and then cried.

After so many years, it turns out that she only needs to show a little care for herself to completely stir his emotions and make him happy and sad.

The lady at the front desk looked a little distressed.

He must have loved Miss Ruan. Miss Ruan is so cruel. If this person is her boyfriend, she must be reluctant to make him feel bad and tell him to get soaked in the rain outside.


"Wang Si, did he get the umbrella?"

"I got it, but didn't hit it. Song Ci bought the umbrella back at the front desk." This was what 044 saw, and it was reported to Ruan Xihe truthfully.


"Song Ci's headquarters is in the capital. This time, he told him to know about you, so I can't say that I'll be entangled in the future." 044 is also reasonable.

The Beijing circle is really not big, and it is quite possible to encounter it.

"What's next, I'll think about it again later, sleep, good night arrogantly."

"Good night, and peace."


Ruan Xihe went back to the Shanghai stock market for a day's rest before taking a plane to the capital.

Hongqi cars are low-key and restrained.

Zhou Cong had been waiting at the airport a long time ago.

Not to mention that He Nanxian started at 8 o'clock in the morning and sent her a message every few hours, asking her where she was.

Sitting in the back seat, Ruan Xi and Zhou Cong, who was looking at the car, joked: "Why haven't you seen me for a few days, and you feel like you are tanned? Why, I'm not here, your chief abused you and asked you to go to the sun to give you a penalty station? "

Zhou Cong's eyes flashed.

"Maybe the sun is a bit poisonous these days."

Ruan Xihe raised his eyebrows and didn't take it seriously.

Naturally, she was going directly to He Nanxian's office.

But I can't enter today. There seems to be several leaders in the meeting.

She can only sit in the small lounge outside by herself.

Here, everything seems to be covered with a serious and upright coat.

Even the feet of the tables and chairs are meticulously horizontal and vertical.

Zhou Cong soaked the top of a pot of Kaihualong and placed it in front of her.

The tea smell is overflowing, and the fragrance is curling.

Ruan Xihe picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

The tea rolled between his lips and teeth.

Sweet aftertaste.

As expected, Zhou Cong is good at craftsmanship. In the future, she will break up with He Nanxian and Zhou Cong will have to take it away...

Taking advantage of her free time, she took out the tablet and continued to draw the dress.

This time the theme is national style.

She draws a lot of trouble, and it took a lot of thought, and she must pay attention to every corner. The more details are in place, the better the finished products will be in the future.

A strand of hair fell mischievously, and she naturally pulled the hair behind her ears with her fingertips, and the moment her fingertips rubbed the auricle, it was alive and fragrant.

Zhou Cong stood on the side and looked at her. He and Miss had a pair of magical hands. Every line in her pen seemed to be spiritual.

When he lowered his head slightly, the neck and shoulders stretched out a beautiful arc, snowy and white, elegant and fairy-like.

The sir is really blessed to like it with the young lady.

Yes, in Zhou Cong's mind, he never felt that Ruan Xihe was not worthy of He Nanxian.

Even, he envied the chief...

"Zhou Cong!"

Feng Xu pushed the door in, and saw Zhou Cong looking at Ruan Xihe intently and tenderly. A man understands this kind of look. His heart beats. Don't be stupid.

.................................................. ...............

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