Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1444: Kaihua Longding

"WC, Wc Mad, laughed away! Absolutely!"


"This is much more interesting than a talk show."

This second generation of wealthy people in the group called friends and acquaintances to tell the brothers and sisters to come to the deep sea mermaid to eat melons.

The woman's face was blue and purple, which was extremely ugly.

"If you come to our shop to find your presence any more leisurely, believe it or not, bad luck will entangle you."

"You, what are you talking nonsense!"

"Then give it a try and see how bad luck can be for one person."

Ruan Xihe patted her on the shoulder lightly.

A very thin silver needle pierced the woman, ignorantly.

The woman knew that she couldn't ask for anything today, so she had to leave with the group first.

Ruan Xihe sat down in the position, no one noticed her small movements.

The thin silver needle was accidentally hidden back in the phone case by her.


The woman who claimed to be Ruan Xi and her aunt walked out of the deep sea mermaid and began to curse.

"When you open a broken cake shop, you think you're so great, my husband, look at that little hooves, I think!"

Women would dare to say this here, let her be in front of Ruan Xihe, these words can't be said!

She was a little afraid of that little girl subconsciously.

"Mom, then let's not go in and continue?" He is old enough to talk about marriage. If there is no car or house, no girl would marry him.

So he needs this money very much.

The woman obviously thought of this too, she patted her son on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we can definitely get the money, don't worry, mom will think of a solution."


Several people got on the subway.

At this time, there are not too many people.

As soon as the woman sat down, she let out a smelly fart with a "poof".

Even if it’s not the morning rush hour or the evening rush hour, there are a lot of people on the Beijing subway line.

Now that the woman is the center, the circle is scattered.

The son and dad also felt embarrassed, but faced with the strange eyes of everyone, they had no choice but to sit still.

The woman pretended to be calm, and said in a concealed manner: "I knew I would not eat that sweet potato, hahahaha."

The dry laughter is not over yet.

There was another "puff".

This time, it smelled worse than the first one, as she said just now, with a sweet potato smell.



A young man with yellow hair was close to him just now, and he couldn't help but vomited and wiped it. This bio-chemical weapon is too awesome | Force!

Can't hold it, can't hold it!

The suffocating tranquility, only the strong smell in the air, and the uninterrupted retching sound!

The woman felt very embarrassed, but farting is not something that can be controlled by humans, so in the next eight minutes, she fart fifteen in a row!

The entire carriage is empty.

When the subway stopped at the next station, the people in the two cars on the left and right were like canned sardines. They were so full, only this car was empty.

Pedestrians in line outside swarmed, all standing at the door of this carriage.

The door opened, and the people standing in the front row had been pushed into the car with inertia before they could react.




On this day, a collective vomiting incident occurred in a certain carriage of the Beijing Metro Line 10 on Hot Search and Beijing Morning Post.

Of course, this is something.


Mu Clan keeps looking for people to cause trouble to the Deep Sea Mermaid. Isn’t it just trying to force her out, so that she can’t help but go to Yan Fufeng for help, distract the attention there, of course, if there is a chance, catch her and take it directly You can also negotiate with Yan Fufeng.

Unlocking the phone screen and searching for the weather forecast in recent months, the corner of his mouth slightly ticked.

M Moser has to do a batch of such a large amount of engineering, the material and equipment workers are very tight, and everything is indispensable.

As long as one link goes wrong, they are completely finished.

Ruan Xihe didn't want to be so obvious, otherwise, he just had to get stuck on the material.

The fingertips tapped the desktop lightly.

"He and Miss, the photos have been cleaned up." Zhou Cong was doing this just now, and Ruan Xihe didn't want to be exposed to a large area.

"Well, sit down with Feng Xu, whatever you want to eat, order whatever you want."

Ruan Xihe dialed the phone, the emotions in his eyes changed several times.

"Ding Dong."

She clicked on the message.

Yan Fufeng left a message to her: Pay attention to safety recently, try to do less activities, I will send someone to protect you

He still doesn't know Ruan Xihe has recovered his memory, but he still thinks of her everywhere.

Ruan Xihe pursed his lower lip, turned off his phone, and did not reply as usual.

Don't worry, uncle, I will help you kill Muhammad.

She has a cheat device in hand, but if it is not for special circumstances, Ruan Xihe still likes to devour a company step by step and follow the normal steps. Although conspiracy is easy to use, but conspiracy makes people feel more fulfilled.

Lin Xi Shi was coming over the day after tomorrow. She was going to go out and live with the great writer for two days. Her brother was so pitiful and had to keep the vacant room alone, but there was no way. The less others knew about the two of them, the better.

The phone buzzed.

Ruan Xihe answered.

"Ruan Ruan, there is a fire in the Sunshine Orphanage."

There was a "click".

She couldn't hold the phone at all, her hands trembled so badly that the machine fell to the ground.

.................................................. ...............

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