Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1496: Angie White Tea

The wind at the end of July is hotter than ever.

Bird's nest is also better than ever.

It took him a long time to raise his head and his voice was muted: "Is that right?"

The rolling look of the Adam's apple is as charming as it is.

wipe! This kid is absolutely amazing!

Ruan Xihe turned his head unnaturally: "Yes, that's it."

Wen also chuckled, his chest vibrating obviously: "My sister said earlier, it made me pretend to be very hard."

Ruan Xihe:......

"Are you born to tease like that?"

"When I meet you, I will do it, come, ah, take another bite." Wen put another chopstick to her mouth.

Ruan Xihe felt that this way of opening was wrong. Mad, my younger brother is too good at each other. Haven't the two of them been in love yet, but now this way of getting along, no one can believe it, they just met yesterday!

"Wait, don't we have a partner yet?!"

"It is my duty to take care of my future girlfriend." Wen Ye's attitude was natural.

Ruan Xihe:......

"Hehe, you have met your opponent, I always think he is attacking you in the opposite direction." 044 Liang Liang said.

"I think so too."

Ruan Xihe's chopsticks fell on the ground, and Wen did not give her the first time, but kept feeding her. With him, the young lady didn't need to use chopsticks.

"Brother, I can eat by myself." Ruan Xihe gently reminded him to bring himself a pair of chopsticks.

"Sister, isn't my little trash fragrant?" He carefully picked the fishbone profile, which was huge and well-defined, and when he took the cigarette, a faint faint faintly appeared, and now he seemed to be unspeakably obedient.

Ruan Xihe couldn't do this anymore.


She opened her mouth.

A whole piece of fish was fed into her mouth, it was indeed without thorns, and the taste was good.

In fact, the meal was quite interesting, and Ruan Xihe gave it to him for the first time.

The half-way waiter came in once and served the last dish.

Wen also just fed that bite into Ruan Xihe's mouth.

This is so embarrassing to be seen by others that she needs to be fed by someone to eat.

His face flushed in an instant.

Especially the waiter boy still has a face, I know, I'm sorry to disturb you, continue, look in your eyes!

Ruan Xihe was even more embarrassed.

She subconsciously held Wen Ye's wrist to prevent him from feeding it.

"I, I'll eat it myself."

"Soft and good, open your mouth." His movements are very gentle, but his expression is faintly impregnated with a hint of wolfish domineering.

The waiter walked out in twos, and didn't forget to close the door for them.

In fact, many girls don't like being overly gentle or overbearing.

But with this kind of combination, Nima is absolutely amazing!

Who can stand this!


She obediently opened her mouth to eat.

It's hardly easy to eat.

"Are you full?" He finally confirmed one side, the broken hair on his forehead was very open.

Ruan Xi may like to have a lot of shorts on weekdays, but Wen is really good-looking like this. It can be sweet and salty, milky and fierce.

"I am full."

Wen also glanced at her red lips, then suddenly curled her lips and smiled: "Well, I'm full too."

He was shy when he kissed for the first time, but he had kissed him. Now, when he comes back, his skill proficiency will run up, which is called talent.

Ruan Xihe:......

"I'm gone." She turned her head unnaturally, trying to get up a little flustered.

Wen Ye pressed Ruan Xihe's shoulder, pinched her chin, and suddenly moved closer.

The breath of the two people seemed to be intertwined for an instant.

With unspeakable sweetness and a touch of tobacco.

"I'll wipe my sister's mouth." His voice was hoarse and sultry.

He lowered his eyelids, acting gentle and careful.

Do you need to wipe your mouth seriously?

The boy's face was infinitely magnified, and the small hairs on his face were clearly visible, and the tip of his nose touched her face several times.

It's kind of itchy.

There was a heartbeat again and again, and it was hard to tell whether it was his own or his own.

She swallowed unconsciously.

.................................................. ...............

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