Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1560: Angie White Tea

"elder sister."

"elder sister."

He called a lot of sisters, and the only response to him was the sound of dripping water from the shower.

This is the first time my sister is so proactive and enthusiastic. He, he is a bit shy, but he likes it so much!

There is no anger or jealousy anymore, only the sourness and swelling of the heart, and a little daze.

After losing control for a while, he held Ruan Xihe for a long time and did not let go: "Sister, I love you so much. You can't leave me. If you leave me, I will die."

"Like me so much?"

"No, but I can't say it, just like you." Wen didn't like Ruan Xihe doing this for him, he just liked the feeling she was willing to do.

He slowed down to help her wash her up, and then he hugged her out.

He doesn't want to go out today. He really likes his sister and wants to do something happy with her in the house.

At this point, Ruan Xihe really admired Wen Ye, and he didn't go in until he was so uncomfortable.

Every time I told her in her ear over and over again: "Sister, I want to marry you, sister, I love you."

The TV is on.

The quilt is a little bulging.

It took a long time for the movement to become quieter.



He Nanxianzheng looks down at a document

Suddenly, there was a sound of scratching at the door.

He heard the movement and raised his head, got up, and went to open the door.

"Shoo." Marshmallow crawled in and hid behind the door.


"Come out the cotton candy!"

Aunt Zhuo's furious voice was outside.

Like the grandson of Marshmallow, he sits quietly and doesn't dare to move at all. He breathes at ordinary times. He is very clever and knows who has the final say in the family.

In the past, when Ruan Xihe was there, it liked to go to Ruan Xihe, but now it hides in his study day by day.

He Nanxian squatted down gently and gently touched its head.

"Did you do something bad again? What did you steal?"

Marshmallow looked at him with those big innocent eyes.

It does this every time. When it does something wrong, it looks at people with this look. On weekdays, it's not that cute. There is no pet that is not afraid of it in the park where the cotton candy walks in this neighborhood.

Aunt Zhuo came here soon.

He Nanxian had to get up and open the door: "What's wrong with Aunt Zhuo?"

"Sir, I know that the marshmallow is in it, you and Miss Hehe are used to it, and today you ate the broccoli I just bought!"

He Nanxian smiled with a good temper: "Then put things higher next time so that they can't reach them."

Aunt Zhuo was annoyed to death, this little guy tossed her old bone every day, but she was still a little ancestor, and couldn't beat her. Every time she wanted to be aggressive, she would run away and couldn't catch it.

She knew that the dog could hear: "Marshmallow, if you dare to eat it next time, I will let your Fengxu brother feed you only once a day."

"Woo~~Woo~" There was no response from the marshmallows in front, and the left dog's ear went in and the right dog's ear came out.

But the latter is related to its vital interests, how can a dog eat only one meal a day? !

What's the point of being alive!

It is uncomfortable, it is wronged, it wants to say!

He Nanxian was a little helpless: "Well, Aunt Zhuo scared you, let you eat."

Marshmallow came over and rubbed his trousers obediently.

Marshmallow VS Auntie Zhuo

First round: KO~

After confirming that Aunt Zhuo would not make dog meat soup, Marshmallow dared to go out.

He Nanxian held the door frame but suddenly remembered that he had accompanied her to pick the dog.

It seems to have happened yesterday, but unfortunately, in a blink of an eye everything is wrong.

Although he didn't want to admit it, if she didn't have memory loss, why didn't she come back, even if it was just a phone call, so she didn't want him anymore?

Even if he just thought of this possibility, he was extremely uncomfortable!

Feng Xu came from outside and took a copy of the latest itinerary report.

"Sir, did you attend the F1 event held in the Shanghai Stock Exchange in mid-October?"

After all, this is the first time to apply for hosting in China.

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