Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1720: Orchid Bitter Tongue

"Mingyue, your brother dare not." She wiped the paper, and then said to Qi Mingyue with a smile.

"Can't lose."

The little girl wrinkled her face.

Ruan Xihe smiled and let her go.

Children can't care about so much with her.

Back home, Qi Mingyue began to take pictures with her slimy again.

"Other children have a lot of pictures with their mothers, and I want them too."

A word made Ruan Xihe feel softened and cooperated very well.

Qi Siyu knew that Ruan Xi and the day after tomorrow had left, and came home early today, and brought milk tea to the two little babies at home. He doesn't like to let them drink on weekdays. Drinking too much milk tea is not good, doctor. , Occupational diseases, always pay attention to something.

"Wow, Dr. Qi came out from the west side of the sun today." Ruan Xihe took the milk tea he put in the tube and teased.

Qi Siyu chuckled lightly: "If you don't want to drink, then give it back to me."

"No." She chuckled and drank immediately: "Dr. Qi gave it to me, it's mine."

"Drink slowly, no one will rob you."

He hugged her lightly, and whispered a word in her ear.

With scorching temperature in her breath, she was a little itchy, and she subconsciously hid back, but was pressed against her by his waist and limbs.

"I hate it." Mingyue was still here, she could only lower her voice and stared at him with an aversion.

"Shall we go upstairs?" The hint in his words was so obvious.

The two went upstairs together.

The door was eagerly closed.


This long wind and waves, one wave after another, has not calmed down.

The deep blue sea lifted high waves and slapped the reef violently.

Don't dream about the hungry on the coast.

Like weeping like complaining.

The bright moon hangs high, the stars flicker, the sound of music, waves, rolling, and beating are endless, harmonious and abrupt.

The sea washed the mounds and carried away the dust, leaving only the soft and delicate texture of white jade.

Every time I was overwrapped, I seemed to hear a soft chirping from the 箜篌, and the strings shattered.

There are mottled marks everywhere.


Qi Mingyue is happily watching TV downstairs. Mom and Dad are happily watching TV upstairs. She doesn't know if they are happily or if they watch TV. Dad is very happy anyway...

Mom didn't come down at dinner.

"Dad, my mother, why doesn't she come to eat?" Mingyue called her mother addicted today.

"Your mother is a little tired, so she won't come down to eat." Qi Siyu was a little unnatural.

"Then I will go see my mother now."


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