Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1722: Orchid Bitter Tongue

Eat her very carefully this time.

"Doctor Qi, you are really bad."

"What do you call me?"


"Baby, I love you."

She closed her eyes and suffered this dominance.

At the end, there were still tears on her eyelashes, which were all left behind when she was emotional.

"Husband, why are you jealous? You toss me so hard." She now knows that Qi Siyu is a jealous jar at all.

"Too many people around you make me uncomfortable."

"No matter how many people there are, you are my boyfriend, so I only love you, and I can only see you in my eyes."

Ruan Xihe leaned in his arms and spoke softly.

"You often lie to me."

"I don't lie to you in principle, husband, don't you believe me?" She leaned over and hummed.

"May I go with you?"

"Yes, let's go together." It doesn't matter if I go to the exhibition, I go whenever I want, and she is always open.

Qi Siyu twitched his lips: "I believe you, I won't go."

Ruan Xihe also laughed, just to make the man happy.

"That's right, I'm very principled, and Doctor Qi don't worry." As she said, she adjusted the stage to watch the new variety show.

Jiang Yachun's debut, she definitely can't miss it.

What's more, the most important mentor in this issue is still Jugalo. She even contacted Jugalo specifically for Jiang Yachun and asked him to take care of it.

She squinted in front of her, looking roughly, until Jiang Yachun came out, Ruan Xihe cheered up.

Qi Siyu knew that this was an artist under her. Although he instinctively didn't like the boy, he didn't say a single extra word.

There is no need to make her unhappy.

Ruan Xi and the phone rang, and she picked it up. She was the team leader on the other side of the company.

"Mr. Ruan, the data has started to jump now, do you want to arrange for a small group of people to go in for it now?"

"No need, first look at the public." The premature end will affect Jiang Yachun's popularity.


"But pay attention to the upward movement. Now there are a lot of people who are staring at us. We don't take the initiative to tear people, but if someone dares to attack Jiang Yachun, you don't have to be polite."

"Okay, I understand President Ruan."


"Then don't bother Mr. Ruan to rest."

"Well, everyone has worked hard too."

"No hard work, no hard work."

After Ruan Xihe hung up, he called Zhou Cong.

"Hi, and Miss."

"Go and order two hundred midnight snacks and two hundred coffees, and deliver them to the building of Adam Holdings. Hexi Entertainment is on the ninth floor. I will work overtime over there tonight."

"Okay, and Miss."

"Well, it's hard work."

Since Zhou Cong followed Ruan Xihe, all of his expenses Ruan Xihe has been covered, and he even gave him a card with 100 million yuan in it for handling daily affairs including banquets and diplomacy.

Hexi No. 1 Mansion can be said to have made money every day, and in just a few months it became the most famous gold-selling cave in the Shanghai stock market. Zhou Cong's name has also begun to resound in the Shanghai circle. After all, it is Ruan Xi and the next strong general. She was very respectful, and she was completely prohibited by Ruan Xihe without seeing that Miss Yu's offend Zhou Cong.

The car he drove was also given by Ruan Xihe, a low-key and expensive Porsche Cayenne.

If you ask Zhou Cong's former friends to recognize him now, they will probably call him directly. This has changed too much.

Zhou Cong looks ordinary, so Ruan Xihe took him to change his hair style and his style, from head to toe.

Nowadays, the places you go in and out are all high-end places, and the people on the side are all the top bosses in the Shanghai circle.

Even so, those people who met him were not polite to call Mr. Zhou.

With more mad bees and butterflies, he became more cold to the outside world, but in front of Ruan Xihe, he exhausted his softness.

"And miss, me."

"What's wrong?"

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