Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1785: Xijian Chunxue

Ruan Xihe sprinted towards that place at the moment when everyone hadn't reacted.

When an object falls from a high place, without considering all factors, the gravitational acceleration is about 9.8m/s2. Of course, this 9.8 is not a constant. This will vary according to different situations.

Take the northern hemisphere as an example. The gravitational acceleration in the Arctic region is the largest, reaching 9.832 m/s^2, while it is smaller in Guangzhou than in Beijing.

In Canton City, g=9.788 m/sec^2, but in Beijing City, it is g=9.801 m/sec^2, so it is obviously increased according to the increase in latitude.

The number of g is the value of the object in an ideal state, and the premise is that the object is small enough, heavy enough, and not affected by any friction, etc., so this effect is not easy to achieve. The value of.

And under normal circumstances, this value is impossible to achieve. If it is calculated based on 9.8 meters per second^2, where the height of the first floor is four meters, even if there is no initial velocity, it will only take 0.5 seconds, which is just a blink of an eye.

The current limit of human running is about 12.5 meters per second. Ruan Xihe's speed has been enhanced by genetically optimized fluids and is about five times higher than that of ordinary people. When she runs at full strength, it is conservatively estimated that it can be maintained at about fifty or sixty meters per second.

And they are 20 meters away from there.

Everyone believes this is a miracle!

Ruan Xihe caught the person, although because of inertia, she was knocked back again and again, and at the same time she threw the person out, but it is better to be injured than to lose her life!

Zhou Cong and Ah Da were so scared that their faces were pale. How could she dare to step forward with such a dangerous thing, this kind of thing would really be smashed to death!

Most of the other workers were frightened.

So did the foreman, his legs were a little soft when he ran over.

The man in the accident was still sitting on the ground, looking very dazed.

The man twisted his foot, and someone was arranged to take him to the hospital. Ruan Xihe asked Ah Da and Zhou Cong to go to the third floor immediately for investigation. Why did this man suddenly fall off? Security is right.

Just fear of human traces.

Her wrists were tingling faintly, but her physical fitness was greatly improved. Other than that, she was not a god. She had calculated the angle and strength of the movement that she had calculated many times before it was safe.

"Hehe, I don't think you are suitable to stay in the Shanghai stock market in the past few years. The troublesome autumn." 044 directly concluded.

"It's not enough. It's normal for business to be crushed." As she climbs higher, while enjoying the convenience of wealth, it must be accompanied by risks and unknown crises.

Everything has two sides, you can't just ask for the good side.

"Oh." 044 sighed.

Ruan Xihe ridiculed 044: "Your kid's family, sigh."

"Not too small." 044 mumbled.

Ruan Xi and instructed 044 to delete or blur all the clips she saved just now. This is too unscientific and cannot be captured by any equipment.

044 Don’t wait for Ruan Xihe to say, I’ve done this a long time ago, as long as it is there, don’t even think of Ruan Xihe’s face in the shot, unless she volunteers to shoot.

"Check the man just now, and check the surveillance on the third floor by the way."

Ruan Xihe was afraid of accidents, so every layer was shaking and monitoring.

But the workers didn't know that she was let go quietly.

It happens to be used now.

Zhou Cong and the others have not yet come down, and the results have been found out at 044.

"Hehe, there is no problem with all equipment protection on the third layer."

Ruan Xihe frowned slightly and waited for the next sentence.


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