Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1797: Xijian Chunxue

Sea of ​​consciousness

"I said, why did you post such an ins that day, it was used here."

044 are unable to complain about Ruan Xi and the "fear of ghosts" character.

"I didn't expect him to be so fanatical at the time." Ruan Xihe chuckled lightly.

"Then what if Jiang Zhenxian is not drawn?"

"Then I will plunge into Secretary Cui's arms."

044: ...

Sure enough, the longest road in this life was Ruan Xihe's routine. Park Jae Hyung had already lost before it even started.

This movie is really mediocre!

Park Jae Hyung is not happy!

Cui Eunsheng originally thought that the chairman would be happier after watching the movie, but he didn't expect that when he came out, the chairman seemed to be even more irritable...

For a whole week, the two had all sorts of chance encounters, but the relationship did not progress at all.

At noon that day, he went to the staff canteen to inspect.

Suddenly I found that one of the places was very lively, and many male employees gathered there.

"What's the matter?" Park Jae Hyung frowned and asked Choi Eun Sheng.

"Uh, this." Cui Ensheng hesitated to say.


"Ms. Quan Xijin is so beautiful, every day at noon to eat here, the single young men in the company surround her like this." He carefully looked at the president's face.

It's just a man's instinct. Choi Eun-Sung always feels that the chairman likes Miss Jeon Hee-jin, but it has been a week since they created opportunities for them, and there is no movement at all between these two!

Park Jae-hyung stared at Ruan Xihe who was surrounded by men, really feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

"In the future, let her eat on the top floor, and come down to disturb the order, how decent she will be."

"Yes, the president!" Cui Ensheng was proud, he knew that the president felt, he was jealous!

Park Jae-hyung looked more and more upset, and simply sat down here.

The employees just noticed that the chairman is coming, and they all sat down immediately, not daring to be careless!

Ruan Xi and the people around him also dispersed, but there were three or four men sitting at her table and eating with her.

Work in the afternoon

As soon as she returned to the office, Park Jae Hyung was called to the office.


"Translate this thing, just translate it here, I will use it later!"

"Ah, good." She was going to do it on the small sofa, but Park Jae-hyung pulled out a swivel chair from under the table and pushed it to Ruan Xihe.

"Sit here."


The sky outside is overcast when it is overcast.

She worked fast and finished it in a short time.

Park Jae-hyung's expression was too serious and serious now, she was embarrassed to interrupt him, listening to the sound of rain outside, she fell asleep on the table without noticing it.

He had just finished processing a document and turned to look at her. When he saw someone lying unsuspectingly on the table sleeping, he was stunned.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger.

It's getting dark soon.

He glanced at his watch, it was half past six.

He hesitated whether to wake her up, but I couldn't bear to see her like this.

There was a sudden thunder outside.

She was scared awake in an instant!

The moment he woke up, his eyes were sleepy, and his face was innocent and misty.

Poor, there was mist in his eyes, and he wanted to cry.

Park Jae-hyung's body is faster than his head and he is already holding people in his arms, and his voice is as gentle as possible: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

She breathed a little hard, clutching Park Jae Hyung's clothes tightly with both hands, her body trembled fiercely, as if she was terrified.

044: ...

If it hadn't grown up with Ruan Xihe, it would have believed this weak person who was afraid of thunder!

"Boom!" There was another thunder.

"Ah!" she whispered, very frightened.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here." He patted her back gently to comfort her.

Fortunately, there was no more thunder in the back.

With tears hanging on his eyelashes, Ruan Xi and his face blushed and withdrew from his arms, a bit embarrassing.

"Sorry, just now, me." She didn't dare to look at him, her eyes flickering and avoiding.


"I, then I'll leave first, and see you, the chairman." She blushed and passed by Park Jae Hyung.

But the man grabbed his wrist.

.................................................. ..........................................

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