Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1804: Xijian Chunxue

"My house doesn't go like this, it's the wrong way."

"That's right, take you to dinner, do you have other arrangements for the evening? If not, let's go on a date."

"That's not true."

Romantic candlelight dinner, elegant and charming cello, red wine goblet veal steak, romance is nothing more than these, but these are not annoying to women.

Sometimes I have to admit that a woman doesn't necessarily want you to spend money on her, she just likes romance and surprises, but romance and surprises require you to spend money.

"Don't you like necklaces?"

"Like it."

"Then why?"

"I think it's too flashy, it's not suitable for usual." She cut a small piece of steak, the taste is very elegant.

Park Jae Hyung suddenly pushed a black card over.

"I have never given a gift to a girl in the future. I don't know what is the most suitable, so you can buy anything you like."

She was taken aback: "I can't accept this."

Ruan Xihe pushed the bank card back.

"Hee Hee is also a way for me to express my liking. Don't refuse me, okay."

"If I max out your card, you know you regret it!"

"Then I will work harder to make money for you to use."

Ruan Xihe chuckled lightly.

The date Park Jae-hyung said was originally for shopping.

There are entertainment companies under him. In so many popular dramas, women like jewelry, flowers, food, shopping...

So he brought Ruan Xihe to buy things without even thinking about it.

The role of Jeon Hee-jin is that the early death of her parents left her a rich legacy, not to mention how rich she is, but enough for her to live happily without having to work.

Therefore, Ruan Xi and the objects on her body are very particular, there is no heavy luxury, and even the red jade bracelet that she particularly likes has been taken off.

The only fixed jewelry for the whole body is a ring on the hand.

The bag she carried was a small incense, which was not too expensive, only more than 40,000.

Park Jae-hyung's stepmother has bought a bag for millions of dollars, so his girlfriend can use it better.

He led Ruan Xihe into a Hermes.

The president is rich, so he has to choose the most expensive and the best...

"This pony is so cute, obba, you said I want this orange or blue."


"The silk scarf looks good."


Seeing that Park Jae-hyung is so lavish, the shopping guide will also open his mouth to guide him: "This is very suitable for Miss Hee Jin."

Then the man will ask for it.

When the h drama chaebol fell in love with me, it shines into reality, this feeling, love, love!

Ruan Xihe buys their slippers every year, and she buys several pairs of them. After all, she really wears them as shoes. She is unambiguous when it is time to go into the water and wears out several pairs every year.

Park Jae-hyung said that these slippers come in one pair of each color. It smells like a food stall ordering food...

It's the Dreaming Night series again.

The cabinet sister almost engraved the word "Envy" on her face.

Hermès slippers looked thin, but they looked good. She didn’t know that other people. Ruan Xi and herself were very fond of them. They took off their high heels and replaced them with slippers. The heels were tired when walking, so it was more comfortable to change slippers. .

As for the shoes, of course Park Jae Hyung carried them.

At checkout

"Obba, I'll swipe the card~" She is so cute, and Park Jae-hyung certainly won't refuse.


She began to pave the way: "The sound of swiping the card is so nice."

044 I was silly, and said in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Foul with you."

"Why did I foul? Did he spend his money? Is it a form of shopping?"

044: ...

After she swiped the card, she took the initiative to kiss Park Jae-hyung, the kind that touched her.

Then I went to watch the cabinet sister packing, but Park Jae-hyung's ears were red, and his emotions were not calm. It turned out that being kissed by his girlfriend in a public place felt so delicate!

One night’s income was quite substantial, it’s Park Jae Hyung, who spent at least 20 million to go out...

In the car, he pressed the flap, Ruan Xihe hooked his neck and leaned in his arms: "Obba, put these things in your house, I can't put them down here."

Park Jae Hyung hugged her tightly: "Okay."

"Boom." She touched his lips.

Park Jae Hyung's eyes changed: "Just kiss like this?"

"Then what do you want."

"So." He supported her neck with one hand, and pressed her waist with the other, his fingertips were scary, and he sucked her lips accurately.

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