Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1807: Xijian Chunxue

The hearts of both of them were beating a little fast for a while.

Regarding the person in front of him, he didn't kiss him, but held her hand tightly.

Cui Ensheng and other assistants went to take the ordinary elevator.

Park Jae-hyung pulled Ruan Xihe into the chairman's elevator.

It takes 57 seconds to get to the top floor from here.

If it weren't for the girl's skirt corners looming in the elevator mirror, there was no one at all, and it was all blocked by the man's tall body.

He kissed carefully, and the blush on her face was so beautiful.

I wanted to kiss her like this just now in the car.

No matter how she dodges, she can be caught by him, her scalp is numb and her legs are weak.

The slightly overflowing sound made the air temperature rise even more.

Slowly, his breathing became confused.

She noticed his changes, and she was obedient and dare not to move at once.

The elevator is coming soon.

She opened her face slightly, and the man's kiss better fell on her neck.

"Obba is almost at the office."

She breathed a little too quickly, and her tail trembled fiercely.


He hugged Ruan Xihe tightly and calmed down.

Ruan Xihe was going to his office. He originally wanted to take people to him, but when he saw that she was unwilling, he didn't force it. It's okay to finish the work first, and then accompany her well.

After returning to the office, she skillfully turned on the computer and found the TV series that she hadn't finished watching yesterday from the historical records.

It's another day of fishing at work, so happy.

But after a short while, I received a call from Hexi Entertainment, saying that the program group asked her to be a guest on the group night, and many other heads of the family went there in person.

Ask her if she is going.

Ruan Xihe doesn't want to show his face in front of the public, so it is definitely impossible to be a guest, but it's okay to mix in the audience.

In other words, it is the first artist of the company, or a kid, so I need to encourage it, so she told the person in charge over there that the guest is inappropriate, but reserved a ticket for her in the VIP auditorium.

After hanging up, she logged on to the intranet and took a look at Jiang Yachun's results. It was not bad, she was always number one.

Ikesho's ranking is also very high. In recent performances, his ranking has been around third and fourth. There is basically no problem with his debut.

Before she left Siming State, she signed the child, but it hasn't been announced yet.

"Ding Dong." A text message came from the phone.

Ruan Xihe looked up. It was Jiang Zhenxian, a friend she knew in the company. She didn't go to dinner yesterday, and Jiang Zhenxian asked her.

"Hee Jin baby, there is seafood in the noon cafeteria, you have to come early."


She actually likes going to the cafeteria to eat, and there is no need to clean up after eating, nice!

Lunch arrived soon, and after she left a message to Park Jae Hyung, she happily took the elevator downstairs to eat.

When Cui Ensheng went to call Ruan Xihe, the office chairs were so cold.

Park Jae-hyung's face was visibly bad, he let Choi Eunsheng go out, closed the door, and stared at the short message with a pitiful look, extremely wronged!

After Cui Ensheng went out, he immediately went to the cafeteria to find Ruan Xihe.

Although the chairman didn't say anything, he knew that the chairman was very upset now. For the sake of Miss Quan Heejin's waist, and of course the working atmosphere in the afternoon was more important, he felt that he had to bring people here quickly.

When he arrived, Ruan Xihe and Jiang Zhenxian were almost finished eating.

"Secretary Cui, why are you here?"

Ruan Xihe greeted him with a smile.

"Ms. Hee Jin, the chairman is very angry. You will go up early after eating." Now that there are outsiders, Miss Hee Jin said that she didn't want others to know, so Cui Eunsheng didn't say it clearly.

"Okay, I know."

Jiang Zhenxian waited for Cui Eunsheng to leave before whispering to her in a low voice, "Heejin baby, did you do your job wrong?"

"Maybe the president is not satisfied with what I posted this morning."

"Sympathize with you!"




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