Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1823: Xijian Chunxue

Park Jae Hyung touched his lips and laughed in a low voice.

The look in her eyes was gentle.

She pretends to be cold, gentle and intellectual, and childish in front of herself, but Park Jae Hyung likes how she treats herself differently.

The child at the table next door stared at them blankly, and then ran over and gently pulled Ruan Xihe's wrist.

"Nuna, I want to kiss too."

Ruan Xi's face turned "red" all at once, ah, it was really embarrassing for the children to see it with a kiss.

This embarrassing look is naturally very cute in Park Jae Hyung's eyes.

044: ...the talent skill that can blush as you like is very impressive

Park Jae-hyung came forward in time to solve Ruan Xihe’s embarrassment. He called the children over: "This Nuna is my girlfriend, so I can kiss me. You are not Nuna’s boyfriend, so Nuna can’t kiss you. Oh."

The child seems to understand but does not understand, but he understands one thing, his girlfriend can kiss him.

So he ran over and hugged Ruan Xihe's legs: "Nuna will be my girlfriend, and I will play with all my toys for Nuna."

Park Jae Hyung: ...fuck

Ruan Xihe was amused by the kid and rubbed his head: "I already have a boyfriend."

When the child's mouth is flat, he will cry.

The child’s parents have discovered that the child is coming to someone else’s place, and they hurried over to take the child away.

But the kid hugged the legs of the table hard and fast, and looked at Ruan Xihe with tears in his eyes: "Nuna kisses you."

Park Jae-hyung suddenly felt that children were really annoying. He came to grab someone else's girlfriend at such a young age. Really, he couldn't find his classmates in the kindergarten!

Yeah West!

However, he is an adult, and he can't care about children.

The child's parents looked at Ruan Xihe with some embarrassment.

She had no choice but to give the little baby a face, and the child was taken away by his parents reluctantly.

When Ruan Xihe looked at Park Jae Hyung, the man's face was already stinking.

"Obba, don't eat the kid's vinegar." She held his right hand and fed him a spoonful of ice cream: "Hey, sweet to obba."

Not sweet, so sour.

"Quan Xi really only loves obba, no one can take me away." Ruan Xihe chuckled and scratched the palm of his hand lightly, which made the man amused.

When she took her hand out, the stars were already full of night, and the evening breeze was not cold.

"Obba stars are so beautiful!"


"Of course!" She stretched out her hand and grabbed one of them, vainly.

Park Jae-hyung looked at her profile, how could there be a girl so beautiful and clear, how could anyone make him feel happy no matter what he did, and his heart was beating a little bit faster inexplicably.

"Obba, uh~"

He bowed his head and kissed her under the dim street lamp.

Ruan Xihe's eyes widened because of shock, slowly dyed a smile, and gently closed.

The arm also gently hooked his neck.


Go downstairs to her house.

Ruan Xihe suddenly remembered that he had said before to show his heart.

"Are you sure you want to watch it now?"


She wanted to see how Park Jae Hyung wanted to make her care.

"Close your eyes," he said.

She obediently closed her eyes.

Park Jae Hyung went up in person, took Ruan Xihe's wrist, and asked her to put her palm on her heart.

10 seconds is no more than a second.

If I can kiss you quietly for 10 seconds, during these 10 seconds, without any hormones, and all the future I can think of are only related to you, then this should be love.

When she opened her eyes, she met Park Jae Hyung's deep eyes. Just now, her palm was pressed against his heart. In fact, she didn't beat very fiercely, but it was much faster than normal.

In the 10 seconds just now, she could clearly perceive that all his emotions were caused by her.

"Can this be proved?"

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