Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1827: Xijian Chunxue

Chocolate is so sweet.

It was the first time that Park Jae-hyung felt that he still had such an intention to eat sweets.

The little girl nestled in his arms delicately, her face still red.

That is, no one is bothering here now, otherwise she might be ashamed.

The service staff on the plane came over and took a plate of freshly cut fresh fruit.

The red and colorful watermelon is made into a love peach with a model.

She sat in her place and ate the fruit plate.

Park Jae Hyung started to look at the documents.

The picture is also very harmonious when it is still and moved.

When I got off the plane, the sun was very big outside, and the weather was so good, it was suitable to sleep in the house.

Ruan Xihe stretched his waist and could just take a nap in a while.

"Obba which hotel we live in."

After Park Jae Hyung reported her name, she began to look forward to it.

"At that time, I want to order some grilled chicken wings to eat in the house."

Park Jae-hyung raised his eyebrows, curled his lips and smiled. He called Choi Eun-Sung: "Order a grilled chicken wings."


She was still very happy at this time.

"Obba wants another cup of milk tea with ice."

"Secretary Cui orders another cup of milk tea with ice."


After getting in the car, she found something was wrong.

"Why don't obba go to the hotel?"

"Go to the company first."

Ruan Xihe:......

"Then my chicken wings and milk tea?"

"Go to the office to eat."

Ruan Xihe:......

I got an emo in an instant. Why did I have to work the first day I came here? Of course, the work is normal, but she...does it need it too? !

Park Jae Hyung took her waist and brought people into the company.

Jedo branch office building

The two of them sat in the office first, and the meeting room was still preparing.

Cui Ensheng brought the grilled chicken wings and milk tea that he had delivered.

When I think of working, I feel that the milk tea is not sweet and the food is not delicious anymore.

It's really annoying!

Ten minutes later, Cui Ensheng came over and called someone to a meeting.

Ruan Xihe sat still, until now she thought she would just sit in the office and wait for him to finish.


"Hee Hee, go to a meeting."

Ruan Xihe:......? !

"You can bring milk tea and grilled wings in." Park Jae Hyung curled his lips.

Ruan Xihe: ...If she really does that, she would be too ignorant!

Followed behind Park Jae Hyung into the conference room.

"Sit here, right?" She pointed to the informal spot in the corner.

"No, you sit next to me."

Park Jae Hyung took her by the waist and brought the person to the first position under the first position.

"From now on, when I have a meeting, you are all sitting here."

Ruan Xihe:......

People came in one after another.

None of the employees here have seen Ruan Xihe, and they all looked at her in surprise.

What's the matter with the boss, there is such a beautiful girl with him, and even the meeting with him?


Park Jae-hyung didn't explain anything. They were all employees, and the boss didn't need to explain everything.

Start of the meeting

She did listen very carefully at first, but gradually she started to feel sleepy.

The sleep on the plane caused her back pain, which was indeed a bit unbearable.

However, there is always a smile on the face.

Slowly she lowered her head, her eyes fell on the file folder at hand, and saw that she took the file and turned over a page, and watched it carefully.

His eyes were very bright, and he seemed to be delving into the document very seriously.

In fact, 044 found a popular novel on the Internet and put it on the file. Ruan Xihe read it with gusto.

Seeing Ruan Xihe working so seriously, Park Jae Hyung's heart is warm. Although he doesn't need a woman to fight for anything, the way his beloved works hard to participate in his own life is really heartwarming.

After the meeting finally ended, he half hugged her out for dinner.

In the car

As soon as Park Jae-hyung got on the car, he raised the grid.

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