Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1840: Xijian Chunxue

She looked up. As expected, it was Park Jae Hyung's face. She smiled and kissed him on the lips.


"looking at what?"

"This." She showed him the small video in her hand.

Park Jae Hyung knows that this is a very popular video software in Huaguo.

But what is important now is the video content, in which a boy picks up a lantern and knits a handbag for his girlfriend.

"Obba, I want this too, you knit for me." She said to him delicately.

It's rare for Park Jae-hyung to be speechless, because he really doesn't.

But she wants it.

"Well, I'll study when I go back tonight."

Ruan Xihe originally thought he was going to grind for a while, but he agreed so easily.

"Mo, really?"

"Really." After he agreed, there was not so much psychological pressure.

She stood on the sofa happily and kissed him on the cheek.

"Love you, obba!"

He also just came over during the intermission, and the matter was not over.

Come here to take a look at her, and I'm going back soon.

Ruan Xihe doesn't care about this. There are too many projects that she can entertain herself, and even if he is away, she can also deal with some important matters in the country.

Park Jae Hyung was teased as soon as he went back.

He didn't care much and said openly that the little girl was still young, so he should take care of her.

The bosses expressed their understanding.

Zhou Cong handed her a decoration plan for a different space.

For things like this, it’s still very slow to make a profit. After all, the Shanghai stock market has a lot of money, and the land was photographed for real money. It is a long-term profitable project, but she does treat these things quite well. Heart.

After carefully reading the layout of the hydropower lines on each floor, she frowned and sent a message to Zhou Cong.

There are not enough escape routes, and it is too unobtrusive to arrange them all at such a corner. In addition, more fire-fighting equipment must be installed inside.

The reply is fast over there, just like waiting in front of the screen.

Said that he would pay attention and let the construction staff over there adjust.

Ruan Xihe will notice this. It is completely because of the frequent fires in the past few years and the lack of awareness of firefighting. Of course, those who do business must hope to go smoothly and profitably. It's always safe to be prepared.

In view of Qi's lessons learned, when the building is completed, she will have to 044 to install the entire defense system.

Speaking of Qi family.

Teacher Qi is indeed upbeat. Although the profitable money has been filled in in the past few months, it is almost flat in the accounts. It is conservatively estimated that she will receive the money in two or three months.

Hexi Entertainment passed to her several books, all of which were written by major directors and screenwriters delivered during this period.

Ruan Xihe flipped over with a lack of interest.

There is always something missing when making a TV series. Jiang Yachun’s first work is a movie. There is a movie in the entertainment circle who despises filmmaking. Of course, in Ruan Xihe’s opinion, the TV series is finished. The same, but he is so hot now. If he takes advantage of the limelight to act in a TV series, she is afraid that the traffic star label will not be removed from him in the future.

Therefore, if it is a movie script, Ruan Xihe may give priority to it. Of course, if the quality of the TV script is particularly high, then it can also be accepted.

By the way, just to ask Lin Xishi to see if she has any good books lately.

Lin Xishi said that she had nothing to shoot recently, but she opened a new novel, and has been saving the codewords for this period of time.

She took advantage of the trend and invited Lin Xishi to participate in the celebration of Hexi in July.

After all, according to the current trend, as long as Jiang Yachun can stabilize, it will be no problem to get the first place.

Just a few days after the results of the competition and the results of the college entrance examination, you can also bring a wave of marketing, Lin Xishi came over to Jiang Yachun platform, the big screenwriters in the circle can also focus more on the newcomer Jiang Yachun .

Lin Xishi quickly agreed over there. She had a good impression of Jiang Yachun, mainly because she was handsome. In a few years, if her acting skills become more mature, she can become her queen protagonist together with Teacher Ji and Teacher Qi.

Lin Xishi: By the way, Ruan Ruan, an old man I knew before, now I have a very good book in my hand, Xianxia Opera. I bought the copyright of my friend's novel. That old man is a well-known screenwriter. He finalized the draft. The quality of the book is absolutely guaranteed.

Ruan Xihe raised his eyebrows, Lin Xishi said yes, that you can really take a look, and gave her a good reply, let Lin Xishi say hello to that side.

Then he gave the phone number sent by Lin Xishi to Gao Liu, the vice president of Hexi, and asked him to find a way to contact people, saying that it was recommended by Lin Xishi.


After talking about business, the next step is to entertain and relax.

Originally, the bosses still had activities for eating, drinking, and having fun, but today Ruan Xihe followed, they were embarrassed by coincidence.

But they were uncomfortable without playing, so they made a compromise and went to a swimming pool.

At first, Ruan Xihe thought he really went swimming.

However, as the music rang.

One after another, the girls with cool clothes and excellent bodies walked up the catwalk show on the shore, lined up in a whole circle, and when they passed the bosses, they looked like hooks hidden in their eyes.

Hey, is this the happy life of these rich old men?

She suddenly knew how to complete the task of running away from home.

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