Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1843: Xijian Chunxue

Ruan Xihe shut up in an instant, and did not dare to look at him looking around.

Park Jae Hyung stared at her and suddenly clamped her firmly.

"Do you want to see it, eh?"

Every time he does this, it makes people blush.

To die, sure enough, the girls still have to eat the domineering president in their hearts.

The tip of his nose pressed against his side face, and the pressure became heavier for no apparent reason.

She tightened her nightgown nervously: "I hate it! Obba is really!"

Park Jae Hyung just chuckled and moved away.

The little girl finally settled down.

He embraced people and wanted to sleep with her, but Ruan Xihe couldn't sleep even after being so teased.

He took out the phone and started to draw again.

10 billion Oh, it's too hard to spend. Suddenly she saw a travel advertisement message box popped up on her mobile phone.

Hey, this place can be used to bet on rocks.

She poked into the webpage and took a look. The scenery was also good.

"Obba, let's go here to play, okay?"


"But if you are so busy, will you not be able to spare time?" Ruan Xihe's worries are also reasonable. The AI ​​industry chain is too large and it is really difficult to do.

"It's okay, take the time, do you still want to go there, I will take you there."

"Not yet, I want to play rock gambling."


"Can I swipe obba's card?"

"Yes, you can brush as much as you want."

Ruan Xihe bends the corners of his lips and leaned in his arms. If he can really sell the jade at that time, he will be given all the money from the sale.

It's just that this kind of thing is also risky, ten gambles and nine loses.

Isn't there an old saying that gods can hardly break an inch of jade?

So to play is to have a heartbeat. No one dares to say that the wool they buy can rise 100%.

"Obba, I have made good ingredients and I will give you all the money I sell."

"No, if you can get something good, we will give Hee Jin the dowry." He rubbed her hair lightly.

"Then I will be guilty for spending a lot of money on obba."

"My money is yours, you can use it whatever you want."

"Obba or I will open a jewelry store and buy the stones and open it myself."


He doesn't care how the little girl is tossing about it. Anyway, he has money and his girlfriend wants to do something, he will never stop it.

"Obba, where do you say I opened the shop?"

"Go and see where you like it, and I will ask them to move it out for you."

Ruan Xihe:......

These words, I feel that Versailles has arrived.

But what he said seems right, after all, AI has penetrated into everyone's lives.

The most profitable major shopping malls are all owned by AI.

"Obba, you are a chaebol like this, but I am the beneficiary. What should I do? I really like it." She said in the tone of a little fan.

All of a sudden, Park Jae Hyung made a smile.

"It's fine if you like it. If you like it, Ms. Quan Heejin can not be angry with me in the future. You can also be angry. Tell me what you are angry about, okay?" He squeezed her little nose gently.

"Obba can't keep pinching my nose, if my nose is fake, it's not being pinched by obba!"

"Then let me try if I will be squashed."

"Ah, really, obba is such an excessive man!"

One had to pinch, one had to hide, and the two started to make trouble again.

He forced the person into the bed.

"Yeah, what are you doing obba!"

"hug you."

The curtains in the room are tightly drawn, which is really suitable for sleeping.

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon when Choi Eunsheng knocked on the door.

She was still confused and had to Park Jae Hyung to open the door.

Secretary Cui has nothing else to do, just ask Park Jae-hyung what he wants to eat at night, and he will make arrangements. By the way, he will report to him about the follow-up after the chairman has left today.

Park Jae-hyung said that there is no need to make arrangements, he might take people out to eat.

Came back and hugged her again, and asked the little girl in a low voice: "Are you hungry, do you get up to eat?"

"Don't be hungry, go to bed again." Her voice would be hoarse and charming.

Park Jae Hyung didn't restrain himself this time, and kissed him gently.


It was the moment of this opening that made him seize the opportunity to kiss deeper.

A pair of weak, weak hands clung to his neck unconsciously.

Park Jae Hyung's breathing suddenly rushed.

The white shoulders were slightly ambiguous pink because of the force.

Slowly, her shoulder strap slipped down.

"Obba." She called his name in a low voice.

"I'm here." He couldn't breathe, letting go of her lips, and sniffing along her neck, his eyes full of oppression.

She couldn't bear this kind of gaze, struggling to move back, shaking her head gently.

[Omitted] [Onthehigh-speed]

Park Jae Hyung hugged her affectionately and kissed the corner of her lips: "My Hee Hee is so beautiful."

"Don't say it." She wanted to cover his mouth, but now she didn't have any strength to stop it.

He chuckled, picked her up, went to the bathroom, helped her fill the water, and then put the bubble bath ball.

"Wash it myself or do I help you?"

"You are going out soon, and they will do it themselves." She pushed Park Jae Hyung.

The man glanced at her meaningfully, Ruan Xihe shrank and hurriedly hid under the water.

He got up and went out.

She leaned in the bathtub and played with small bubbles, which was really comfortable.

"Huhuhu~" The white bubbles were blown up.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened again with a click.

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