Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1861: Xijian Chunxue

The bodyguards softened their legs and almost knelt in public.

"Keep looking."


These people went out again in a swarm.


Chi Shang played well.

Ruan Xi and this are very happy. The youngest children on stage are only 15 years old and the oldest is 26 years old. They are indeed children.

But without exception, they are tall, long-legged, and handsome boys.

The talent show really understands the hearts of the girls. This is no different from the large-scale selection of concubines. It is even more exciting. You can call for whomever you like.

Chi Shang is more focused on singing, and several lead singers are in this group.

His voice is very special, and he can't be described as beautiful.

If there is a barrage at this time, probably as soon as Chi Shang speaks, the barrage will be screened: open and kneel!

Fairy tone!

Loved love!

Chi Shang sings, it seems that he has no skill, so it is the most rare thing to sing by emotion and talent.

Skills can be learned the day after tomorrow, but this kind of talent is really hard to say. Some people are chasing after the meal.

Ruan Xihe also applauded the Chi Shang, although the lavender cheering stick was shaking...

After the host had a good word, even if the party was over, it was finally at the stage of canvassing for the leaders of each company to speak.

The fans are also excited. Watching the show with the bosses of the brothers, be sure to write down their faces. If you dare to treat your little brother bad someday, send them blades!

Everyone wants to know if Jiang Yachun's boss will come.

After all, during the entire variety show broadcast process, Hexi Entertainment went on several hot searches.

The first time Jiang Yachun called his family at the beginning, and he chose to call this "sister".

His girlfriend has a lot of fans and high enthusiasm, so multimedia is staring at him.

Then it was really found out that this elder sister is the boss of Hexi Entertainment, whose surname is Ruan.

But the photos and specific information can't be found at all, which is also amazing.

There are really women who are in the entertainment industry and the paparazzi can't find out.

If you can't catch any evidence, what should I do? Edit!

Anyway, it all depends on a mouth!

This is not hot, and the headlines are all the things that the female boss of Hexi Entertainment and Jiang Yachun have to say.

The writing is still decent, many people really believe it!

During that time, black reviews were raging, or it was terrible, the most feared in this circle are those who will come back, and hate you as much as you love you.

The beautiful little girl cursed people is really cursing the whole family, and the eighteenth generations of ancestors greeted them all over.

Fortunately, Hexi Entertainment's public relations measures are very tough. If nothing else, the police, and the legal letter are one-stop. This frank and fearless approach makes everyone stupid.

It's funny that the rumors stop at wise men. There are so many wise men who still have to clarify.

There are really no rumors for being so tough, after all, those who talk nonsense are all accused.

When the Steadicam swing arm shot passed by, the fans turned their heads one by one, wanting to see what the so-called Sister Ruan looked like.

Unfortunately, the first interview was not from Hexi Entertainment.

Go slowly little by little.

Many bosses put down their bodies, those who cast screens on their mobile phones, shouted the flag, played small videos, danced, and in short, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers!

When he arrived at Hexi Entertainment, everyone held their breath, but unfortunately, the vice president came.

Gao Liu was also willing to go, and in order to solicit votes for Jiang Yachun, he even skipped a section of meowing!

"I hope that all the girls present will vote for our little brother Jiang Yachun!"

There was a lot of laughter at the scene, but Gao Liu didn't put on airs at all, and he really liked the popularity of the public!


This is feedback from fans on the scene to Gao Liu.

Ruan Xihe watched with a smile, and it was good for the management to have a younger mentality.

After finally waiting for the show to end and the voting channel closed, everyone hesitated. Now that the dust has settled, it is a mule or a horse, and it will be revealed soon.

I was really nervous when I announced the ranking.

Out of 21 people, only seven can make their debut.

Announced from the seventh place, and read forward a little bit.

Not to mention the live audience, those who are holding their mobile phones watching the live broadcast are also nervous.

Twenty-one boys stood on the stage, and all of them felt confused and at a loss for a while.

Just like exams, even the best students are afraid of nervousness before the results are announced, of course, except those who learn God, but in real life, there are still more ordinary people, and they can't run away like the emotions and desires.

Ruan Xihe, who was infected by the atmosphere of the scene, also slightly squeezed the support stick in his hand.

More and more forward.

There is one less quota for every one announced.

Finally, the host read: "The third place, let us congratulate Chi Shang, our business, congratulations!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah, Shang Shang!"

"Shangshang, congratulations!"

"Ah, ah, business, ah, ah, mother loves you!"

Many people have tears in their eyes.

It's really not easy. Their height today is voted by fans.

Chi Shang got one place this time around, ranking third.

Jiang Yachun won the championship without exception. After all, his approval ratings on and off the court are terrifying!

All employees of Adam Holdings and HE Ventures voted for him.

What's more, Jiang Yachun himself also has a horrible number of fans, which is directly the victory of the crushing class, absolutely!

This variety show can be called a large-scale star making event, it's too powerful.

Jiang Yachun was already popular with that movie. Now in this form, he has officially made his debut. He has become a top performer when he is young, and he is unstoppable!

In his speech, Jiang Yachun said that the person he is most grateful to is Sister Ruan. All his fans know that Sister Ruan is the founder of Hexi Entertainment, but the female boss is too mysterious. There are a few clues on the Internet. Can't find it, and didn't come to the scene today.

But now, Jiang Yachun dared to mention her solemnly in a speech on such an important occasion, and it made everyone feel that the two people were frank and frank, and there was no problem.

The game has finally come to an end. This temporary group will be together for a year, but it doesn’t matter, you can ask for leave if you have something to do!

It was already very late, and the celebration banquet was put on the next day.

Everyone went back to rest.

Today everyone is still going back to the training camp to pack up and leave the next day. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you pack up tonight and leave tonight, but after all, the young children have been together for four or five months, and the relationship is deep, so All stayed one more night without appointment.

At the same time, the press releases of major entertainment companies have begun to be sent out.

The V-Bo is almost slaughtered. Counting from the top to the bottom, the first five are all related to this draft. The first title is Jiang Yachun, followed by the word "Boom".

Hexi Entertainment’s official blog has updated two pieces of information, one is on the top to celebrate Jiang Yachun’s first debut, and the second is to welcome Chi Shang’s brother to join Hexi Entertainment and become a member of our big family.

Because during this period of time, the relationship between the two in front of the camera is very good. Now Chi Shang, who they also like very much, has also signed Hexi. The fans are crazy, and some people even poke Sanshui CP, because Both of them have three points of water.

Lin Xishi also sent a V blog to congratulate Jiang Yachun.

Ruan Xihe didn't sleep with any public relations team, and everyone was waiting in front of the computer.

There are seven or eight notebooks in a room, and everyone is holding a small note in their hands, just waiting to check Jiang's college entrance examination results after zero o'clock.

Generally, after zero o'clock, a large number of children will enter the webpage to check the college entrance examination results, and then the website will collapse and directly cannot enter.

Ruan Xihe had a foresight, and he directly handed a computer, and if he didn't bring a computer, he would use his mobile phone to check it. Be sure to know how many points Jiang Yachun scored in the first time.

"It's 11:59 to make peace."

"Well, hold on."

"Grip, I'm so nervous." Gao Liu drank a sip of water, Mad, this is so nervous than since the college entrance examination.

"Stay steady." Ruan Xihe patted him on the shoulder.

Gao Liu stood up nervously, pacing back and forth.

This Ruan Xihe Yezheng heart beat wildly, she was not nervous at first.

"Boss, I'm also nervous." Xiao Hong, the manager of the public relations department, looked at Ruan Xihe and said.

"Stay steady, don't panic." Ruan Xihe comforted her.

"It's 12 o'clock, hurry up!"

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