Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1869: Xijian Chunxue

"Coincidentally, the woman who made me die is my sister. Why are you so excited that you didn't even enter the group of ex-boyfriends. It seems that it is not too important."

Ruan Xihe: ...wipe, it's numb

"What group?"

"Ex-boyfriend? What group?"

Fan Qingtong and Qiu Jialuo looked at her at the same time.

Ruan Xihe now... Ruan Xihe has no expressions now.

"No group, Wen shut his mouth for me, too."

"Okay, what I say is what my sister said." Wen is also very good, so he shut up and shut up. Anyway, he has responded to them, and now he is a little behaved.

His hypocritical manner directly made other people tickle.

Qi Siyu knew that she had some ex-boyfriends, but when they met, they were still very uncomfortable.

As public figures, Qiu Jialuo and Ji Wu naturally couldn't talk nonsense in this kind of scene, so they could only hold their breath and watch Wen Ye perform.

"Sister eat this."

"You can eat by yourself."

Ruan Xihe sensed that the patience of those people had almost reached its peak, and immediately got up and followed Gao Liu in circles.

The beautiful flowers and butterflies began to turn around again.

Wen Ye's obscure eyes followed Ruan Xihe. She had lied to herself once, and finally hit him now. It's not that easy to get rid of him.

If it is in another city, he dare not say anything, but it is within the scope of Fujian Province.

The cigarette that Wen Ye hadn't lit just now was finally lit.

He didn't believe that his sister could grow wings.

Ruan Xihe and Gao Liu walked in front, and the man whispered to her: "Mr. Ruan, are you uncomfortable sitting at that table? Or change with me later."

Gao Liu probably knows a little bit. There are almost all Ruan Xihe's love debts.

"It's useless, they will still follow after changing positions."

Ruan Xihe knew the guy too well.

In front of me, I took Jiang Yachun and Chi Shang ran all over the court, and didn't give them a chance. Now that they are finally able to sit together, it is strange that these people will let go.

But everyone else is fine, mainly Wen Ye.

Fujian Province is still the stronghold of other people, and how to run has to be discussed in the long term!

In circles, white and red beers, one cup after another, the gods have to be confused.

When the audience came down, she drank a lot of wine, did not return to her position, and went directly to the outside promenade to let the air out.

"Hehe, should I go back tomorrow or go to Beijing?"

"go back."

Ruan Xihe knew 044 was afraid that she was still thinking about that woman, so he asked her if she wanted to see it.

However, it is not necessary.

Ruan Xihe has no parents. Ruan Xihe is not short of love or money. Ruan Xihe is doing well now.

Wen Que Yi came over and brought her a glass of orange juice, which can hangover.

"Will you return to the Shanghai stock market tomorrow?"

"No reply, the ticket at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning will fly to country h."

Wen Queyi is now 100% sure that the dead child has talked about one over there, and this is really where he is going.

"Relax, don't delay the start of school."

"Relax." She chuckled lightly.


And the table of men lacking Ruan Xihe.

"What do you mean by the group of ex-boyfriends?" Fan Qingtong is most sensitive to this matter, but a sea king like him is afraid to pull his ex-girlfriends into a group and let them play freely in it.

So when he heard it just now, he thought he was blind in his ears and deaf. What a silly thing to say!

"Huh? Did I say this?" Wen also began to refuse to admit it again, just to extinguish their arrogance, and now Ruan Xihe is not there anymore, facing a group of wild men who have ideas about her, Wen does not. Interest in acting.

Jiang Yachun didn't like Wen Ye very much, maybe because of the similar age, Wen also called Ruan Xi and her sister openly. These similar fragments made Jiang Yachun feel threatened, and he could even clearly perceive himself. The gap between Wen Yede and Wen Ye De is that one of them is only an actor held by her, and the other is a rich second generation who can pursue her with integrity.

Unhappily poked the ribs on the plate. I really hope that one day, she can watch herself wholeheartedly, and she can let others leave and add a chair to him.

"Heh, there is one day Young Master Wen dare not admit it." Fan Qingtong sneered, and also lit a cigarette, and threw the lighter on the table in front of him.

The two met at the Nancheng Racing Club, and Fan Qingtong also loves to play, otherwise it would be impossible to form a game team and win Tang Yu, the world champion.

He has a lot of luxury cars, and he can play with him. He is not at a professional level, but he does not go to a club that the Fan family absolutely controls.

Wen too, not to mention.

Wherever the racing club equipment is good, he will go to make a membership.

So the two have known each other for several years, but they are both arrogant and domineering temperaments, and they are also the favorites of heaven.

"What does Lao Tzu need to admit?" Wen also sneered. He knew Ruan Xi and his predecessors everywhere, but he had studied all the people in that group, and they all said they were excellent.

What if this guy is a predecessor? If you don't join the group, you don't have a status. If you don't have a status, you don't have to be polite!

Of course, Wen, who has status, is still not ashamed!

He even choked on He Nanxian, what else he didn't dare to be tough!

"Wen Ye, what's so arrogant about you." Fan Qingtong's temper came up.

Wen is also not a vegetarian. He raised his eyebrows, and dangling cigarettes, he slammed the empty wine glass upside down on the table: "I'm so arrogant. My name is Fan. This is not Nancheng. Believe it or not. You can't get out of this hotel."

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