Lingnan High School, basketball hall.

After a simple exchange between the two sides.

Coach Taoka called the cleaning staff to clean up, and took advantage of this cleaning time.

Coach Anzai led everyone to the dressing room to lay out the tactics of the match.

Come to the dressing room.

Coach Anzai gestured for everyone to sit down and smiled gently at Caiko on the side

“Caiko, give everyone a jersey.”

Saiko nodded lightly.

This is not an intra-team practice match, the jersey is the most basic requirement.

So he opened a large bag behind him, and the dozen red jerseys inside made Long Yan and the first-year players shine, and a full of expectation hung on their faces.

Saiko slowly spoke:

“Captain Akagi-senpai No. 4 shirt, Vice Captain Twilight-senpai No. 5 shirt, Yasuda-san No. 6, Miyagi-san No. 7 who did not come, Shiozaki-san No. 8, Tsunoda-san, Tatsuhiko-san No. 10, Rukawa Kaede-san No. 11, Ishii-san No. 12, Sasaoka-san No. 13, Kuwata-san No. 14.”

Saying that, he gave the jersey in his hand to everyone.

In addition to senior players such as Akagi, Kuwata is very happy and has a jersey, which means that this is an official player.

Long Yan looked at the jersey in his hand and was slightly surprised.

“Number 10? Isn’t that Sakuragi Hanamichi’s clothes? Alas! Later, the guy is going to start making a fuss again. ”

But he can’t manage these, the jersey is his, and as for Sakuragi Hanamichi, naturally there is Saiko watching.

And the Sakuragi Hanamichi in the far corner blinked his eyes, incredulous.

“Big sister, that, I don’t have a jersey yet.”

He couldn’t have imagined why he didn’t have a jersey.

Just when he was depressed, Saiko pursed her lips and smiled.

I took white tape out of my bag and affixed a large fifteen number on top of Sakuragi Hanamichi’s white T-shirt.

Seeing this, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes and he laughed.

“Hahahaha, Sakuragi Hanamichi, it looks good.”

Liuchuan Feng added lightly: “Big idiot, this dress is very suitable for you.” ”

As for the others, the corners of their mouths couldn’t help twitching, and a sense of foreboding slowly rose in their hearts.

Next second.


Sakuragi Hanamichi immediately slammed the clothes on his body to the ground, expressing his extremely dissatisfied thoughts at this time.

Seeing this, Takeshi Akagi was ready to make a move, but was dissuaded by Coach Anzai.

Then, Sakuragi Hanamichi grabbed Kuwata’s clothes and threatened Kuwata viciously: “Kuwata, you don’t want this dress, do you?” Right! ”

For Sakuragi Hanamichi’s intimidation, Kuwata, who has a weak personality, shivered and gave the battle suit in his hand to Sakuragi Hanamichi with tears in his eyes.

“Hahaha, I just said, you really don’t like it, and the genius accepted it.”

Sakuragi Hanamichi took the clothes, then picked up the tape and pasted a large number 15 on Kuwata’s T-shirt.

Then he sat back proudly in his seat.

The others looked at the aggrieved Kuwata.

No way, according to the childlike character of Sakuragi Hanamichi, if you don’t give it, I don’t know when it will be troublesome, so I can only make up for the team uniform for Kuwata later.

In this way, the distribution of jerseys was completed, and Kuwata stood aggrieved in the very corner.

Coach Anzai sighed.

Surveillance personnel are then assigned.

“Starter, Akagi, Kaede Rukawa, Tatsuhiko, Twilight, Yasuda.”

“Immortal Dao hasn’t seen it yet, I don’t know if it will play.”

“If you play, Kaede Rukawa will be responsible for guarding, after all, you are about the same height.”


Hearing Coach Anzai’s arrangement, everyone except Sakuragi Hanamichi nodded.

Long Yan was not surprised, after all, his height compared to the Immortal Dao, there is still a gap of more than ten centimeters, even if he can prevent it, it is more difficult, he does not want to walk back after the game.

Of course, Liuchuan Kaede does not live in another count.

“Daddy, what about me? Why can’t I play? ”

Sakuragi Hanamichi looked at Coach Anzai with a grievance.

“Sakuragi-san, you are a secret weapon, you can’t play so quickly.”

Coach Anzai looked at the aggrieved Sakuragi Hanamichi, like a child, and randomly made up an excuse.

“Secret weapon? Am I a secret martial artist? I see, Daddy. ”

Sakuragi Hanamichi looked at everyone with a smug expression, and then scorned Rukawa Kaede: “Rukawa Kaede, I am a secret weapon, so I will give you a chance to perform first.” ”

Akagi and the others pouted, speechless to the problem child’s Sakuragi.

Rukawa Kaede rolled his eyes even more, completely ignoring the idiot Sakuragi Hanamichi.

Saiko and Twilight smiled.

Finally got the uncertain factor of Sakuragi Hanamichi, with Akagi on the inside and Tatsuhiko and Kaede Rukawa on the outside, perfect.

Time flies quickly.

The time for the game is coming.

Akagi and the others walked out of the dressing room one after another and began the first battle before the prefectural competition.

Everyone’s face was full of strong fighting intent.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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