Lingnan Arena.

The entire stadium fell into a short silence, and everyone could only hear the referee’s voice.

Xiangbei sent their current strongest lineup.

Outside three-strikers Tatsuhiko, Twilight and Tsunoda, center Akagi, and small forward Kaede Rukawa.

This is a lineup with extremely strong cutting ability, with Long Yan’s Xiangbei, the three-point shooting ability on the outside is extremely good, and he can suddenly shoot cold arrows at any position at any time.

And the inner line has Akagi Ichiju Optimus, and it is not weak in the face of Usumi.

The mid-distance Liuchuan Feng has extremely strong offensive ability, and almost no one can restrict him well except for the Immortal Dao.

The spectators of the venue took a deep breath of cold air.

“This Xiangbei is planning to win the game directly.”

“Lingnan is dangerous, and the scoring ability of this lineup in Xiangbei is too strong.”

“If you restrict Long Yan, then Akagi and Rukawa Kaede can definitely kill Lingnan, but you can restrict Akagi and Immortal Dao, Long Yan’s three-point threat is too great!”

The game begins.

Lingnan serves.

The off-road who was in opposition to Ryuhiko sneered.

“I’ll defend you next, and you don’t want to score anymore.”

Long Yan grinned, his eyes full of disdain.

“You think too highly of yourself.”

Sendo stood in front of Rukawa Kaede with the ball, while Long Yan slowly walked to Ruchuan Feng’s side.

Suddenly, Immortal Dao sank his center of gravity and made a simple change of direction in front of his body, directly shaking away Liuchuan Feng’s position.

“Be careful!”

Long Yan was ready to immediately make up for the defense, but was stuck in position by the off-road in front of him, reminding Rukawa Kaede.

But Sendo entered the inside line and immediately chose to break through the fish under the basket.

Immortal Dao thought that he had attracted enough attention, but he never expected that there was a door god guarding under the basket.

Usumi immediately jumped up for a layup, but his big hat completely blocked his view.

“Yusu, you can’t.”

After the Akagi Big Hat Fish stayed, he did not forget to mock.

Usumi stared at Akagi’s face with resentful eyes, it had been three years, and he had not been able to cross the threshold of Akagi for three years.

Although Lingnan’s record in the past three years has been far stronger than Akagi every time.

But in the confrontation between the two, he never won once.

“Out-of-bounds ball! Lingnan ball! ”

Sendo hurriedly walked to Yusumi’s side and patted Yusumi’s butt.

“Usumi, don’t worry! Steady. ”

Usumi Nagata breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and then glanced at Shigeichi Taoka under the field.

Only then did he think of the delaying tactic, and he couldn’t help sighing, and then reminded Xiandao and the others.

“Pay attention to the time of the attack!”


Now it is still Lingnan’s possession, and Ikegami serves.

Ikegami held the ball outside the boundary, looked at the opportunity, and passed the ball to the nearest cross-country.

Cross country holding the ball, gesturing to directly break through Ryuhiko.

However, he was blocked by Long Yan on his breakthrough route.

Even if Long Yan’s defensive ability is not very strong, but forced by Long Yan’s height and previous performance, off-road can only give up the idea of breaking through and start looking for the location of the immortal road.


Long Yan’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly reached out to catch the ball.

Still stunned, he only felt that the basketball in his hand suddenly lost control, and then turned his head to look.

Ryuhiko is already holding the ball and is advancing towards the backfield of Lingnan.

“Nice steal!”

“Haidilao Moon!”

Saiko jumped up excitedly, her beautiful eyes full of brilliance.

Tatsuhiko pushed to the basket with the ball, and he only turned his head slightly to see the cross-country following him.

“It’s time for a layup!”

Off-road followed closely behind Long Yan, saw Long Yan make a layup action, and immediately got up to chase the hat.

The imagination of a nail-board big hat had already taken shape in his mind.

However, when he jumped off-road, he found that Ryuhiko had withdrawn his hand again.


Seeing that the off-road had been completely shaken by himself, Ryuhiko once again raised the ball in his hand and prepared for a layup.


Sendo finally arrived, and he jumped high and wanted to directly hat Ryuhiko under the basket.

In the nick of time, Long Yan twisted his body in mid-air and threw the ball in his hand backwards from the side of his head.

“Over to you, Rukawa Kaede!”

Kaede Rukawa took Ryuhiko’s pass and scored with an easy dunk.

The score gap returned to single digits, trailing by only eight points.

Coach Taoka on the bench had a gloomy face and scolded off-road.

“Don’t lose your mind when facing Ryuhiko! Off-road! ”

Off-road quickly lowered his head and apologized one after another.

“Did you see it just now? That pass. ”

“The No. 10 in Xiangbei and the No. 11 cooperate tacitly.”

“These two guys played very well.”

The audience outside the stadium was excited, only eight points away! The opportunities in Xiangbei are getting bigger and bigger!

But the subsequent games were very different from the previous ones.

Long Yan, who performed well, was frequently taken care of by Lingnan, and did not even have a chance to connect the ball.

And Sendo who focused on defense and delaying tactics only scored four points.

The opposite is Rukawa Kaede, who has no Sendo restrictions and shows what is the level of an MVP in the country.

Breakthrough, middle distance, recline, back, Liu Chuan Kaede is simply omnipotent.

At the same time, Akagi under the basket is also demanding from Usumi, and he shows the audience all the technical characteristics that a center should have.

With Kaede Rukawa’s flowing three-pointer, the score was completely reversed!

Xiangbei is one point ahead of Lingnan!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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