The game begins!

Hearing the whistle at the start of the game, Usumi once again abruptly stood up from his seat and shouted at Akagi on the field.

“Akagi, give me a hard fight against Miuradai!”

“Ah! Fish stay senior! ”

“Usumi senior, please calm down!”

The people around left the position next to Yuzhu with some disgust.

A few people in Xiandao were a little embarrassed, and quickly pulled the fish to stay.

“Still in the stands, Usumi-senpai.”

Yusui glanced around, and many people avoided his sight with some horror.

I have to say that Yuzhu’s appearance and figure still look very fierce and vicious.

However, the course of the game was completely different.

It had been five minutes since the whistle sounded, but the entire Xiangbei team was in a slump, and only Akagi struggled to support and scored four points.

Miuradai was simply a god in these five minutes, and at one point he scored 26 points, far ahead.

The audience looked surprised, looking at Xiangbei, which was lagging behind by a big score, and couldn’t help but complain.

“Isn’t it!”

“Is Xiangbei such a strength?”

“Why don’t you let the super newcomer Long Yan play!”

“Miuradai is too strong, even Xiangbei can only get 4 points.”


Usumi stood up angrily and scolded Akagi.

“Akagi, what are you doing to eat, what are you fighting!”

Hikoichi hurriedly grabbed the fish.

“Senior, everyone around is watching us.”

“Let them see! Xiangbei’s ball is also so bad, I really can’t stand it! ”

Akagi on the field sighed a little helplessly.

If it weren’t for the group of smelly boys fighting, how could they have been locked up by Coach Anzai.

It was as if he had returned to the previous two years, and he was alone.

In every game, once faced by the opponent’s chase, no one in the entire team can score except him.

Miuradai’s captain Kengo Murama was even more insulting, mocking Akagi.

“I thought you won Lingnan, just like this?”

The other Miuradai players also mocked one after another, looking at the Xiangbei players with high spirits.

Akagi gritted his teeth and looked at the Miuradai team members, but did not say anything to refute it.

On the big screen, the score was clear, confirming his weakness.

Shonan North Rest Area.

Sakuragi Hanamichi stood up from the bench, furious, with a frantic expression.

He walked up to Coach Anzai and slapped Coach Anzai’s chin with his hand.

“Dad, look what you’re all behind, let this genius play, this genius will definitely teach the arrogant Miuradai a good lesson!”

Seeing that Coach Anzai’s jaw was about to become three, Saiko hurriedly held Sakuragi down.

“Sakuragi, calm down, Coach Anzai must have his considerations.”

“But we’re so far behind, how can the gorilla beat Miuradai alone!”

“Don’t be in a hurry, Sakuragi-san!”

Saiko slapped the back of Sakuragi’s head hard with a fan.

“And you have to be respectful to Coach Anzai!”

Coach Anzai is still cheerful and does not have the slightest worry.

The situation seemed to be under his control!

Looking at Coach Anzai’s calm performance, Long Yan wanted to speak, but he still held back.

“Trust Coach Anzai!”

Long Yan and Rukawa Kaede looked at each other, and both understood the meaning in each other’s eyes.

Long Yan and Rukawa Kaede could only continue to sit on the bench.

Another five minutes passed, and the first half was already halfway through.

At the moment, the score is even more dazzling.


Shonan trailed by a full 30 points and struggled to race by a few points every five minutes.

In the stands, everyone frowned, very incomprehensible.

“What the hell is Xiangbei doing!”

“Why don’t you send the super newcomer Ryuhiko.”

“Didn’t Xiangbei want to win from the beginning!”

“They’re 30 points behind!”

Usumi was also full of puzzlement.

“What the hell is Xiangbei doing, why don’t you let Long Yan and Liuchuan Feng play, just with these few smelly fish and rotten shrimp in Miuratai, who can stop the two of them.”

Could it be that Xiangbei is going out in the first round of the county competition?

On the contrary, the immortal path on the other side was very indifferent, and there was no change at all because of the disparity in the score.

He looked thoughtfully at the cheerful Coach Anzai, and said in a faint voice.

“It seems that in the eyes of Coach Anzai, Miuradai is really very weak.”

In fact, Coach Anzai did not underestimate any team at all, just as punishment, he did not let a few of them play.

On the court, Miuradai’s entire team is almost cocked to the sky with their tails up.

“Akagi, if you surrender, we can still make you who lose not be so ugly.”

“You guys were so unlucky this year, you met us in the first round, hahahaha.”

“It feels like this game is easier than a training match, it’s not difficult at all!”

Listening to Miuradai’s constant taunts, not only Sakuragi couldn’t accept it, even Tatsuhiko couldn’t help it.

“Coach! Let me play, let me go up and teach them a good lesson. ”

Long Yan took the initiative to ask for help, he really couldn’t bear it!

Coach Anzai still looked calm and asked everyone in front of him softly.

“Can’t fight in the future?”

Hearing Coach Anzai’s words, everyone nodded frantically.

“Don’t dare, coach!”

“Not anymore! Instructor! ”

Coach Anzai nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that this class was not taken in vain.


The Xiangbei team asked for a timeout!

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