Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 973: Within our power

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

The day before, the New Year's Day.

Sitting at home, Guo Ruming didn't feel a trace of festive joy. He sat silently in front of the TV, watching news about Tianhe City.

Watching TV is better, at least there won’t be so many negative emotions in it. Guo Ruming no longer dared to watch social media such as Moments and Weibo, and his emotions were hit hard after every time he watched it.

Even when he was in Bajingzi, he saw Wu Mian use the words of desperation to ask the Communists to stand up, set up the first batch of medical volunteer teams mainly composed of party members, and rush to the front line.

[Get the red envelope] The cash or coin red envelope has been issued to your account! Follow the WeChat official account [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive!

Teacher Wu's emotions were so sudden, Guo Ruming even wondered if it would be Teacher Wu who had been away for too long and wanted to brush up on his presence at Jianxie Hospital.

Like everyone else, he thought it was another spread of the s virus a few days ago. As long as he pays attention to it, it is estimated that it will take a month or so to contain it.

With the passage of time, every hour Guo Ruming has new changes in his understanding of the epidemic.

Domestic, foreign, help-seeking, and denounced, all kinds of information fill the brain. The more I look at it, the lower my mood, the more I look at it, the more sad.

Every time he puts down his cell phone, Guo Ruming is surprised that his old world is also affected by negative emotions.

Knowing that there are a lot of things that are said in the Internet nowadays, I should not be sure, but the patients in the hospital are real, and the medical staff wears it as if it is a beggar.

Reminiscent of Mr. Wu Mianwu wearing a military uniform, Guo Ruming gradually became serious when he said that the policemen stood up after taking the stage.

Defend your hometown, defend the Yellow River, defend North China, and defend all of China!

Guo Ruming hummed softly, dispelling the haze in his heart.

Lou Liang's singing seemed to have a magical power. When Guo Ruming was depressed, he would always think of this song, of Mr. Wu standing on the stage, a figure in a uniform conducting the band.

I don't know if Teacher Wu is good now, Guo Ruming watched TV absently, and put his mobile phone aside. He didn't dare to look at it.

As the sky gradually darkened, Guo Ruming suddenly noticed a piece of news on the TV that the construction of the Huoshenshan Hospital had begun in 30 nights, and the construction of another hospital called Leishenshan was also about to break ground.

Others may be sighed with the confidence of the infrastructure madman and the strength of the country's rescue, but Guo Ruming does not think so.

In 2003, the Imperial Capital only built a Xiaotangshan Hospital to control the S virus. As for the inexplicable disappearance of the virus, it was too late to make a vaccine.

Guo Ruming is not a medical professional, and he doesn't know why.

Only the Xiaotangshan Hospital remained in his memory.

But this time is different. Huoshenshan Hospital has just opened up, and another larger hospital is about to be built!

If it is not a last resort, who is willing to build two large infectious disease hospitals for the New Year.

The situation in Tianhe is at least 10 times more serious than that of the 2003 s virus.

Guo Ruming recalled what Professor Guan Yi said--it is conservatively estimated that the scale of the infection may eventually be 10 times that of the s virus. I have been through so many things, never felt scared, most of them are controllable, but this time I am scared.

At that time, Professor Guan was slandered on the Internet, but Guo Ruming did not think so.

Especially now that I look back, Professor Guan's academic level is really high, and he dares to tell the truth.

The s virus is 10 times faster than the s virus, and the two infectious disease hospitals that have been built one after another, one is bigger than the other! Coupled with the closure of the city on the twenty-ninth lunar calendar, what Teacher Wu said while standing on the stage in a uniform...

No, just do something by yourself.

Guo Ruming's heart was extremely depressed, he was in a daze, his mind went blank.

Guo Ruming doesn't know exactly what it will be like. He has no knowledge of severe infectious diseases. Promoted by several patriotic health campaigns in the country after liberation, most of the infectious diseases in the old society have been eliminated.

But this time, it was definitely different.

A sentiment called family and country feeling rose in his heart. Guo Ruming thought for a long time, and finally picked up his mobile phone.

He was not in a hurry to call, because an idea that emerged in his heart was still very vague, and even Guo Ruming didn't know what the specific implementation should look like.

After pondering for a long time, Guo Ruming made a call.

"Ms. Wu, have you set off?"

"Not yet, I am preparing things." Wu Mian's voice and various chants and roars came over the phone.

"Can I interrupt you for a few minutes?"

"Guo, don't you want to go to the front?"

Guo Ruming heard a slight ridicule in Wu Mian's words.

"I didn't lie, the front is dangerous, it is really dangerous. A Vulcan Mountain is built, and Thunder Mountain is ready to be built, and the Sino-French New City campus that the Imperial Capital's medical team went directly to turned that side into a intensive care hospital. "

"Guo, you stay at home honestly, just make a contribution."

"Teacher Wu, I know the situation is serious." Guo Ruming took a deep breath, "I want to record the frontline situation, if I have a chance in the future, I can make a documentary."

"I don't recommend it." Wu Mian said in a deep voice, "The key is that you are likely to be infected after you go. If you have to go, it's not impossible. I'll talk about it in a few days, and wait until the epidemic is under control."

"..." Guo Ruming pursed his mouth and looked out the window.

"Don't come, this time if you carry you can shoot anything you want. If you can't carry it, who do you want to make a documentary for? Those **** of Ziangsa?"

Wu Mian scolded in a deep voice.

Guo Ruming was speechless, this was not the teacher Wu Mianwu he had in mind.

Someone greeted Wu Mian on the phone.

"Guo, I'm dead." Wu Mian said, "This side is busy. Finally, the situation is ten times, a hundred times more serious than you think. Don't come, you, a literary and artistic worker, come to Tianhe. It's useless."

Guo Ruming was speechless.

When he hung up the phone, Wu Mian suddenly remembered something. He said, “What is lacking on the front line is the supplies. Ask your familiar artist who can get masks and protective clothing. This is not other disaster relief. , Come up without preparation, it may become a cumbersome. Okay, I'll hang up."

Guo Ruming was holding the phone, and a blind tone came from the receiver.

Ms. Wu Mian Wu said that it was very serious, and the feeling that he was not ready to come back alive after he left was even more intense, so heavy that it made Guo Ruming unable to breathe.

Switching the screen, Guo Ruming did not read Moments or Weibo, but was in a daze.

Is it a mask? Guo Ruming pondered.



He was lying on the hospital bed and underwent an operation a year ago. In addition, he was going to hide and stay quiet.

When news of the epidemic came, he immediately bought 150,000 masks from SF Express to Tianhe.


He is at the airport.

I bought 160,000 masks and stuffed 4 large suitcases. There was no way to consign all of them back. He saw the countrymen and asked where he was flying to, and asked someone to consign the masks back.


She is working hard for the operation of the charity fund. Every account must be clear and sent to the front-line medical staff. It is not easy to talk about.

Everyone is doing what they can do.

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