Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 111: Reveal the shortcomings

Gu Weimian wouldn’t be chasing things out because of the colloquial main complaint, but Lin Daoshi was a little strange, he asked, “That old man’s situation is obvious. The difficulty in swallowing continues to increase, he can’t eat anything, and he vomits as soon as he eats. And it’s obviously thinner, I guess it’s esophageal cancer."

"No." Gu Weimian said with certainty, "I have done all the examinations, nothing is wrong. The patient is now in my ward, and he refuses to leave. I have to say that Lin Xianchang can be cured here. If it can't be cured. , That's fate. As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, the old man committed suicide openly. Tell me what to do!"

   "..." Lin Daoshi spread his hands.

   He has been in this business for nearly 20 years. In fact, he is almost the same as a fortune teller. He talks at both ends. It is necessary to convince the patient and go to a professional doctor without causing any trouble to the doctor.

   Is it cure? How can it be cured 100%?

   I didn't expect such a thing to happen, Lin Taoshi thought about it, but he couldn't laugh or cry. It's no wonder that Gu Weimian insisted on pulling himself to drink this time, and it was hard to guarantee that he wouldn't be angry if he changed to the position of Gu Weimian.

There is no doubt about Gu Weimian's level. Lin Daoshi didn't ask about the inspection. He nodded and said, "If I'm sure it's okay, I'll go to the provincial city to see him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I'm sure I won't cause you trouble, how about? "

"Or you can open a hospital in Laoyashan. You, a wild Taoist priest, are more effective than my director." Gu Weimian said, "I said the same as you, and the patient laughed. The words are different. The patient told me, Lin Xianchang said..."

   Gu Weimian became more and more angry when he spoke, and said more and more angry. After speaking, he became happy himself.

"Lao Lin, I'm telling you the truth, I came with a fire today." Gu Weimian said, "I have been a doctor for so many years, and patients have never been better than you, a wild priest. I'll tell you today. You have to accompany me to a good drink, we will not get drunk or go home."

   Taoist Lin cried secretly, what's the matter with this. In fact, it is normal to drink with Gu Weimian. The two of them are classmates. When they were poor, they went to the provincial capital. Gu Weimian did much to help.

   But today is not a coincidence, and the main thing is to accompany the young master.

   If you are other people, you are all peers, there will always be friendship. Even if he is an academician, he wouldn't mind having a meal with a department director in the provincial capital.

   But the young master likes quietness. Every time Lin Taoshi sees Wu Mian wearing black sunglasses and black lambskin gloves, he feels a little frightened and panicked, not knowing why.

  I have experienced wildfires, and I don’t know what happened to the little uncle, so I took off my sunglasses and gloves. But he was lying on the bamboo chair, his white jade-like hands and slender fingers tapped the armrest of the chair lightly, and occasionally opened his eyes to look at himself, his eyes were clear, as if he could see through...This made Lin Daoshi feel flustered.

   Even he thinks that the little uncle is not willing to cause too much trouble to this mundane world, so he wears sunglasses and gloves.

   He didn't dare to offend Wu Mian, he didn't dare to beat him.

   "Old Gu, old Gu, this is to give me a face." Lin Daoshi completely lost the momentum of the immortal spirit, lowered his voice and said to Gu Weimian, "I have something to do."

   "You're a good-for-nothing! I can tell, you don't want to dump your old classmates if you have money! Believe it or not, I smashed the monument in your backyard!"

   Taoist Lin is helpless, this is a trouble...

   "First year of medical science, Gu Weimian? He will do a demonstration operation on the chest in 2016, and a thoracoscopy for 3 hours and 22 minutes?"

   Wu Mian's indifferent voice came.

   Gu Weimian was startled.

   At the National Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Conference in December 2016, I wanted to show it. Unexpectedly, after taking the stage, I was nervous, but I wanted to show my face but showed my butt. A thoracoscopic lung cancer resection, originally the bright spot was a single hole, but it didn't go well. In the end, it barely finished after two eyes.

   This kind of shameful thing, many people know about it, but no one slaps in the face. And if it took more than three hours, Gu Weimian can't remember now.

   He changed his face and said angrily, "Old Lin, you are going to turn your face!"

   Taoist Lin slapped his claws, watching Gu Weimian like a wild cat with his tail stomped on. He knew that the little uncle had touched classmate Gu’s pain in a word.

   "What you call, the sound is reasonable? Li always taught you this way?" Wu Mian pushed the door in, staring at Gu Weimian coldly with a clear gaze, making the back of his spine hairy.

   "Ms. Wu?" Gu Weimian said in a daze. He never dreamed that he would meet Wu Mian in Laolushan.

   "You have a good time, dare to smash the stone stele of my Laoyashan?"

Wu Mian handed over a thick chair and placed it in the middle of the living room. Da Ma Jindao took a seat on the chair and said coldly, "You go smash it, today you don't mess with the stone stele of Lao Yushan, you What a thief Sun!"

  The Taoist priest slapped his tongue. His own chairs were made of South China Sea agarwood mixed with Yunnan ironwood. A chair was tens of kilograms, and the little teacher did not see the chair like a piece of paper. What's happening here?

   Gu Weimian was stunned, his face changed a few times, and he suddenly noticed that I, Lao Lushan in Wu Mian's words... He looked suspiciously at Taoist Lin.

   "Old Gu, this is my little uncle, and my dad is a new year friend." Seeing Gu Weimian's expression, Lin Daoshi had already guessed something. Having floated on the rivers and lakes for so many Lin Daoshi's skill in observing words and colors is first-rate.

   Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Daoshi whispered, "When my dad passed away, he specifically told me that one day he must come back to Xiaoshushu. Didn’t I not accompany you for a drink today? Isn’t Xiaoshushu coming back?"

   Gu Weimian was dumbfounded.

   Wu Mian, a new generation giant in China, appeared in the medical field in a sweeping way, and was recognized by the elderly. He personally said that this is the future of the domestic medical field.

   I said that I went to the provincial capital a few days ago, and I felt a bit regretful that I didn't see it. But who would have thought of meeting him in Laoyashan today, or met him in such an embarrassing way.

   It's not that Gu Weimian is worried about the status of the rivers and lakes and will be suppressed in the future.

   The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the provincial capital of Montenegro is far away from the imperial capital. He didn't think about the professors of the Qing imperial capital who came to perform the surgery. Last time he lost the adults during the live operation, he never wanted his academic status anymore.

   The so-called “worrylessness” means being strong. Even if an academician sits here and dares to run himself, Gu Weimian has to go wild.

   It was Wu Mian, Mian Shao, and Teacher Wu... Gu Weimian really didn't dare.

   According to the legend, this person has a bad temper, and he can fight. Young people have no taboos, it is really a headache to think of. If you really beat yourself up, you won't be a laughing stock in academia in the future?

   Teacher Wu has a bad temper, Gu Weimian knows this.

Three or four years ago, Wu Mian was invited to perform an operation. The operation went smoothly and the local director was also very happy. He drank a few more glasses during the postoperative meal, and insisted on toasting, and finally wanted to pull Chu Zhixi. Drinking, when he was about to pull, Wu Mian stuck his foot on the wall.

   In front of the dean and many department directors, the slapped slaps slapped.

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