Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 371: What if he can do

The latest website: "Go back if you have nothing to do." Wu Mian said relaxedly, "We still have to do pre-surgery exercises to ensure that the operation is 100% successful."

"Wu, what do you want to do?" Saipan Carr was still unwilling and asked eagerly.

"Doctor Carl, please leave." Wu Mian said, "Prince Apdul Aziz has just completed the examination. This is the closest information before the operation. We must conduct targeted training based on the current situation. And Lanco is our commercial competitor without the authorization of the board of directors."

"..." Saipan Carl looked at Wu Mian and said something else, but he couldn't say anything when he reached the point of his mouth.

"Your Excellency Senar, go back to rest, too." Wu Mian immediately began to push people out without mercy. Even Deng Ming and the leaders who accompanied several provinces were pushed out directly from the interventional operating room, without showing any sympathy. .

Deng Ming smiled bitterly again and again, Teacher Wu's temper is really big. Regardless of whether it is foreign royal family members or provincial leaders, they are treated equally.

But what they said is reasonable...

"Jack." Saipan Carr said to Jack Jones immediately after getting in the car, "I want to know how Wu does it! I want to enter the operating room!!"

"Doctor Carl, I told Wu about this." Jack Jones shrugged and said, "Wu refused. By the way, don't you think he is bluffing?"

"What kind of bluff?" Saipan Carr asked suspiciously.

"The window period is now." Jack Jones leaned on the back of the seat, lit a cigar and threw it to Saipan Carr, lit another one by himself, and took a deep sip of the cigar. Then he said, "Wu is A genius surgeon, but please don’t forget that he is also an excellent psychologist, even a top psychologist."


"He is pressing at the limit. I'm sure he is pressing at the limit. He is inducing us to make wrong judgments. Prince Apdul Aziz’s disease cannot be solved by minimally invasive surgery. Prove it."

"Jack, that's Wu, he's pretty sure!" Saipan Carr said, "You mean he is lying?"

"What he wants to do is thoracotomy." Jack Jones said, "In the current situation, you can only do thoracotomy. You have to have confidence in yourself."

"But he said he would close the door to us."

"Listen to his nonsense." Jack Jones said disdainfully, "What technology does Huaxia have? Their medical consumables are only crude and crude, and they can't be used in the clinical field. Of course, they have one advantage, only one!"

As he said, he raised his right index finger, with a smile highlighting the smoke of a cigar.

"Cheap." Jack Jones said, "Doctor Carl, you know, in the medical field, especially in the field of new technology, cheap means that profits are drastically reduced, and there is simply not enough money to invest in bottomless black holes. Damn black holes. , How much money Lanco has invested in these years, I think you should know."

Saipan Carr nodded.

"Do you think there is any company in China that can do this? Without any accumulation, it will directly surpass our Lanco?!" Jack Jones's disdainful smile grew stronger, and the more he spoke, the more certain he became.

"But the crown prince..."

"Wu never said that minimally invasive surgery must be used to solve the problem. This is just a word." Jack Jones said, "I know he is an excellent surgeon. Half a month ago, Stephen of Cambridge University Principal Topt’s heart bypass surgery was done by Wu."

As he said, he took a deep sip of his cigar, looked at the night outside the window, and said softly, "It's really desolate here, I can actually see beautiful stars."

"Mr. Jack, please finish talking first." Dr. Carl urged.

"It's finished." Jack Jones said, "He is putting pressure on the limit. I can guarantee that now the board of directors has passed a resolution to cooperate with him. His next request is to obtain valuable information that we have researched for so many years."

"You know the quality of Huaxia people."


"Hehe, anything high and sophisticated can never fall into their hands. In Wu's words, no matter what, they want to break apart and see what stuffing is inside. Actually I don't understand what this sentence means, maybe It’s their slang."

"..." Doctor Carl shrugged.

"Trust me, as long as the information falls into Wu's hands, within a year, China's several consumables companies will seize our few markets."

"Mr. Jack, but Wu said that as soon as the Crown Prince is discharged from the hospital, he will close the door to us and stop cooperating." Dr. Carl said worriedly.

"Carl, you are so cute. How can you take the threat of business seriously?" Jack Jones smiled. "You tell me, I have a good personal relationship with Wu. Two years ago, I invited him and his fiancée to go. I’m a guest at home. It’s a wonderful memory, and Wu is an interesting person."

"But it's different now. The door is closing." Jack Jones sighed slightly. "This is not something I can change, nor can Wu Neng change. And do you think Wu has something we expect in his hands? Can he close the door and threaten Wei Da's Ranko company?"

"What if he can complete the mitral valve clamping operation under minimally invasive conditions?" Dr. Carl asked.

Jack Jones' expression was slightly stagnant, he imagined this possibility, this worst case.

But it was just a moment of thinking The "reason" in Jack Jones's mind had the upper hand. If Wu Neng could do would be unscientific!

"Dear Carl, you are as innocent as a child. I repeat, Lanco spent nearly ten years and invested 1.7 billion US dollars in research and development funds. With the participation of top cyclic interventional doctors like you, we only get With a certain amount of progress, success is still far away."

"And Wu? What does he have? What can he do except rough and brutal surgery?" Jack Jones shook his head. "This is the opinion of the board of directors. Sending to China has completed our mission, and we will continue to study that **** valve clip."

Jack Jones looked at the dark sky outside after speaking, and didn't say a single word, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, the car passed Bajingzi Township with bright lights and dim stars.

Jack Jones' full discretionary expression on his face disappeared, and he suddenly asked in a soft voice, "Carl, you said that if Wu can complete the operation with a minimally invasive method, what should we do?"

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