Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 479: Change fate

Wei Dabao was sitting at home, looking at "Diagnostics" with a sad face.

Wei Dabao has never worked so hard in this life, even including the previous life that may exist. He sometimes imagined that if he read so hard when he was young, would he go the other way?

There is no need to stay in Bajingzi. Now I am the director of a certain hospital in the Imperial Capital. There are more than a dozen of his own doctors and more than 20 doctors with advanced studies.

But there are no assumptions in life, and nothing can be done again.

During this period of reading and constant reading, "Diagnostics", which used to be like a heavenly book, has also unknowingly changed a "face".

Lines of boring words used to be heavenly scripts, but now occasionally they can be associated with certain diseases. Before, everything was cold and fever, but now Wei Dabao can also associate some clinical conditions with diseases in "Diagnostics".

Especially when thinking of certain cases that might be misdiagnosed, Wei Dabao was frightened, as if he were a thief.

For so many years, it is impossible without misdiagnosis. The more he knows, the more guilty Wei Dabao will take. It's so scary. When I was a doctor before, I really complied with that sentence-the ignorant is fearless.

"Dabao, come and see!" Wei Dabao's lover greeted him.

"What's so good about TV? I'll read the book again." Wei Dabao "nibbled" "Diagnostics" with a sad face.

"No, no, you watch this variety show, how come I feel like I was shooting here!" Wei Dabao's lover shouted.


Wei Dabao was startled.

Someone come to Bajingzi to shoot a variety show? impossible. Thinking to himself, he stood up, turned and went to the living room.

Seeing the picture on the TV, Wei Dabao was stunned. Isn't this Jianxie Hospital!

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Wei Dabao said in surprise, "It's the Jianxie Hospital. Why didn't I know that someone would come to shoot a variety show?!"

"I saw a lot of cars passing by the other day, I didn't expect to go to Jianxie Hospital." Wei Dabao's lover said, "Dabao, when do you go to Section Chief Wu to ask. I told you that Jianxie Hospital earns money. Many, you don’t care too much. You know bragging every day!"

"What did I blow to me?" Wei Dabao said with a guilty conscience.

"Every day, I said that Section Chief Wu took a high look at you. I went to Xiangjiang to take you. Why did someone bring a nurse to the Jianxie Hospital? Think about it, did you offend Section Chief Wu." Wei Dabao's Asked the lover.


"Others didn't have a door on their lips after drinking." Wei Dabao's lover continued, "You can pour well, and there is no door on your lips if you don't drink. Why did Chief Wu accept you as an apprentice? What did you see Lin Xian? My long name is Senior Brother, why don't I miss you if it's good."

"What do you know." Wei Dabao said stiffly, "This is experience! This is called if you want to use your advantage, you must first frustrate the front. You don't know if you don't know how to use it."

"Don't be nonsense, you got the words. You know!" Wei Dabao's lover said contemptuously, "Hurry up to Jianxie Hospital tomorrow and ask, should we give a gift to Chief Wu? You one from Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. How much money can I open each month..."

"Oh." Wei Dabao sighed, "Don't worry, Section Chief Wu said, let me memorize "Diagnostics" and naturally arrange for me."

"You won't be able to memorize it for the rest of your life? Just your elm-wood head, sloppy, and pretending to be a fool. If you really talk about reading, I think it will be enough for the next life."

The couple quarreled while watching TV.

Wei Dabao was curious about what Chief Wu would look like on TV. But he was disappointed, only seeing Chu Zhixi peeling apples to the child in the ward, and Section Chief Wu didn't show up at all.

"Dabaozi, do you think this is true?" Wei Dabao's lover asked, "Is there still such a good thing in the world? You can get a lot of money for this operation once."

"You don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Wei Dabao said, "It must be true, can this be fake?"

"If you want to say, this person is fate. There seems to be a child in Liu's shack who has this disease and died at a young age. A few years ago, his parents brought him to Bajingzi to go to the market, and I took a look. Thin and small, you can't live long at a glance."

"It's all fate, so how do you fix it." Wei Dabao said with a sigh.

Although uncommon in children with congenital heart disease, it is not uncommon.

It is estimated that three or five children in the rural areas around Bajingzi have congenital heart disease in recent years. Wei Dabao does not know the specific type. But the ending... is basically the same.

This is a heart disease, and the city can't cure it, so I don't dare to cure it. At the very least, I have to go to the province. At that time, Bajingzi was not a provincial capital. Wei Dabao knew how much it would cost to see a doctor in the province.

The family worked for a year with their faces turned to the sky, and the money saved was not enough to cover the cost of an operation. Not to mention one year, I am afraid that two or three years of savings can barely perform surgery. This is not 100% successful.

Who can't think about it? Just think about it, this kid will probably be abandoned.

It is better to give up the treatment directly than the old snacks of Zhuanyancai for two or three years.

Not to mention children, even if adults and elderly people are sick, it depends on whether they are two different things.

In recent years, there have been no agricultural taxes and the new rural cooperative medical system. Life has improved a lot. At least I would come to the hospital if I was sick. Wei Dabao at the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine felt this particularly deeply.

"Dabaozi, what do you usually say about changing your fate against the sky?" Wei Dabao's lover suddenly asked, "Then you say that what Mr. Wu did is counted?"

"Uh..." Wei Dabao was stunned by his lover's question.

Changing fate against the sky, such a tall word is connected with the black and thin **** TV...

Don't say it, it's so exciting!

With the sound of singing, Wei Dabao's lover's eyes were filled with tears, and he was already moved. But Wei Dabao stared at the TV blankly, thinking about the four words his lover said in his mind.

Change your fate against the sky!

The black and thin girl should be discharged from the hospital. She had a congenital heart disease. Her life is fixed. But an operation completely changed her destiny.

What about yourself?

Can a copy of "Diagnostics" change one's own destiny?

At the thought of this, Wei Dabao was shocked.

Silently, he turned around and returned to the table, and continued to read "Diagnostics." The thick, brick-like diagnostics seemed to have another meaning at this time.

This is Laoyashan's secret book, you must gnaw it down word by word!

This is a stepping stone, used to knock on the heavy and destiny door.

He didn't know what was behind the gate, but Wei Dabao had throbbing thoughts for the first time, and he wanted to see it.

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