Sniper Track

Chapter 107: Tianwei, Tianying, Xiaoya

"Huh? A summer vacation? What a summer vacation?"

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye were confused.

Why did Grandpa Quan say he waited for us for a summer vacation?

Chen Xingye stepped forward and stood behind the rocking chair. Following the rocking rhythm, he slowly pinched Quan Xiong's shoulders and massaged his cervical spine.

And Chen Xingxi took the fan from Quanxiong's right hand and helped him fan the wind.

Quan Xiong was very comfortable for a while, while enjoying the "serving" of the two children, he said leisurely: "I can hear Jian Xie saying that when you two just came back from vacation for a few days, you are already stable. The second-rank soldier of the Imperial Guard is repaired.

Old man, I thought that the two of you would come to see me at that time and ask me to customize the first accessories in your life for the two of you...

I really didn't expect that you two are really 'patient', you didn't come to see me all summer vacation..."

How could Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye not hear the sarcasm in Quanxiong's words?

Chen Xingxi laughed along with him, smiling awkwardly and said, "Hehe, Grandpa Quan, it's not that the two of us won't come to see you this month, we really don't have time to come..."

Quan Xiong opened his eyes, stretched out his fleshy old hand, and patted Chen Xingxi's head lightly, with a doting smile on his face, pretending to be "dissatisfied" and saying, "Little slippery, you will quibble every day!

Okay, you say, why is there no time for the law? Don't even have time to look at me? "

Chen Xingye smiled, and with a little more strength in his hands, he rubbed Quanxiong so comfortably that he groaned.

Chen Xingye: "Grandpa Quan, my brother and I have been trained so badly this holiday that we can't even sleep well every day..."

Chen Xingxi continued, nodding his head vigorously, "full of righteous indignation": "It's not bad, I'm so tired from training every day, I don't give Xiao Ye and me any rest time..."

Before the brothers could finish speaking, Quan Xiong brushed the dust off his clothes, and his fat hands supported the armrests on both sides of the rocking chair, struggling to get up and stood up.

The two brothers looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds.

Grandpa Quan is... angry or what... why is he ignoring people?


Quan Xiong had a big belly and staggered, like a naive giant panda, took ten steps, turned around and said, "Two stinky boys, come with me soon!"

Chen Xingxi: "Hey, here we come."

He stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Ye, who hadn't reacted yet, and Chen Xingxi quickly followed Quanxiong's footsteps.

Chen Xingye asked in a low voice, "Grandpa Quan is relieved?"

Chen Xingxi pursed his lips: "Remove anger, he's not angry at all!"

Chen Xingye: "Huh??"


The small courtyard where Quan Xiong lived was not in the slightest comparable to the villa of Chen Xingxi's family.

The overall area is only about 70 to 80 square meters, and there are only two buildings except for the surrounding walls on all sides.

One of them, located on the northernmost side of the yard, is a small single-story bungalow, which looks like a hermit's "grass hut", which is unremarkable.

The other building, on the far west side of the yard, is longer from north to south and narrower from east to west.

The two houses on the north side and the west side are the main buildings in the courtyard. The left southeast corner is built into a small courtyard, and the courtyard gate is also on the south side to the east.

As Chen Jianxie's master in the accessories manufacturing industry, Quanxiong received very good treatment.

This small courtyard was given to Master by Chen Jianxie.

Originally, Chen Jianxie wanted his master to live in the villa, but Quanxiong refused because he was not used to a house that was too big.

Quan Xiong grew up in poverty, and has always been unaccustomed to living in places where decoration is too luxurious. Even though he later became a well-known accessories manufacturer in the country, and was later hailed as a "master craftsman" in the industry, this "old problem" has not changed. Lose.

Chen Jianxie had no choice, so he built a small courtyard in the barracks area for his master.

The importance of accessories to the fittest is self-evident and beyond doubt.

Every military camp and unit in China will be equipped with several accessory manufacturers and repairers to provide soldiers with accessory services and related repair work.

The Lion's Mouth Barracks was no exception.

Quanxiong is not a specialized military accessories manufacturer in Shikou Barracks. In terms of his manufacturing level and status, no one can force him, let alone recruit him.

No matter how powerful the fittest, can not leave the accessories. It is precisely because of this that accessories manufacturers are endowed with a detached social status and appeal.

Like Quanxiong, a master manufacturer known as one of the most powerful and well-known "magic craftsmen" in China, he encounters "customers" who come to visit almost every day.

A few years ago, he stepped on his threshold.

The people who came to visit were well-known figures in various fields.

Business leaders, military leaders, high-quality fittest...

All kinds of old men... dressed in Tang suits, military uniforms, combat uniforms...

The white-bearded old man in red Tang suit, with Wenwan walnuts in his hand, smiled flatteringly; the old chief in military uniform raised his rough hand and gave a military salute; the strong fit man in civilian clothes was a little "twitchy" , "Shyly" pointed to the high-quality badge on his chest...

These people brought generous gifts, perhaps for themselves, asking Quanxiong to customize an accessory for them, or perhaps they brought their own descendants and grandchildren, and they came to ask Quanxiong to make a move.

There is an old saying: "Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and report to the emperor's family."

After we have learned a skill, when we can serve the society and serve everyone, it is the time when we are happiest and when we realize the value of our life.

At first, Quan Xiong enjoyed the feeling of being "held up" by others, like the stars holding the moon, and felt that his years of hard work had finally paid off.

But later, more and more people came here.

Almost every day, Quanxiong receives several waves of people who come to ask for accessories.

In one day, three or four accessories are to be manufactured.

Even the body of an immortal can't stand this level of consumption!

Sometimes, the guests who arrive at the same time will compare the amount of gift money with each other.

People who had hatred and grievances against each other would scold each other in front of Quanxiong and count each other's "black history"...

Over time, Quanxiong never tires of it.

Even though he had already announced that he would "close the mountain and live in seclusion", many people still "persistently" came to visit Quanxiong's residence.

Quanxiong is very troublesome.

Therefore, when Chen Jianxie decided to guard the post in the southern district of Beiming City, Quanxiong followed Chen Jianxie to the barracks in this seaside town... With him for so many years, he has made customized accessories for others. money coming...

There are also some precious materials and materials that are priceless...

They were all wrapped up by Quan Xiong and "escaped" to this place.

Living in a military camp, outsiders are absolutely impossible to come in.

That's why I "stealed my life for half a day".


Quan Xiong has lived in the barracks for more than ten years. It can be said that Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye grew up as Quan Xiong watched.

Since childhood, this "grandfather" in the military camp has been very kind to the brothers. Just like a real family, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye often go to Quanxiong's small yard to play.


In the courtyard, the little house on the west side, the brothers never entered.

It's usually locked here.

There are several layers locked inside and out. Not only is it a big metal lock, but there is also a combination lock that looks very tall and has a strong sense of technology.

The naughty Chen Xingxi once asked Wang Jing, only to find out that this very inconspicuous hut is actually a forging room of a master craftsman!

"The Craftsman" Quan Xiong had a big belly and walked in front, his heart was like still water.

The two brothers followed behind Quanxiong, feeling uneasy.

Entering this forging will get closer to your accessories, right?

Excited just thinking about it! !

Quan Xiong's chubby hand took out a small key from his pocket and inserted it into the iron lock.


The key was turned, and there was a melodious sound of a metal mechanism running on the lock, and the first layer of the lock was opened by Quan Xiong.

He took out the chain on the door bolt and threw it on the ground beside the door along with the lock.

Quan Xiong's fat body blocked the door, and he said half-jokingly, "Don't peek at my password!"

Ding, Ding Ding! Ding ding ding.

The six-digit password was entered, and a series of crisp electronic synthesis sounds sounded from the password door. After about three or four seconds, the ringing ended and the second door opened.

Later, Quanxiong entered palm print and iris information.

Behind him, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye stared in a daze.

How many anti-theft devices are needed for such an ordinary small brick house? ?

It's too much...

Could it be that there is real gold and silver in this forging room?

Quan Xiong pushed open the two doors, and what appeared in front of the brothers was a picture they had never seen before.

From the outside, this house looks like an ordinary brick building, just like a house built by suburban residents with an engineering team.

And within this layer of protection, it is like a fantasy world in the future.

If I have to give an example, the interior decoration looks like the most advanced science laboratory in the world.

The silver-white metal walls, the instruments that look "unintelligible", and the multi-colored metals, stones...the bones of the beasts are soaked in the unknown liquid that is vacuum-preserved in a transparent glass cover. and muscles and limbs...

It looks a little intimidating.

Is this really a forging room, not a laboratory?

Walking further inside, Chen Xingxi saw a forging platform, a hammer, and a tall furnace.

Quan Xiongyi sat on the forging table and said with a smile: "Come on, let's talk about it, what are your plans for the future?

Hey, by the way, first tell me what the auxiliary guns of the two of you are..."

Chen Xingxi: "Grandpa Quan, Xiao Ye's and I's auxiliary guns are both pistols."

"Oh?" Quanxiong raised his brows and said with his right hand on his chin: "Okay, the pistol is good... The fittest who have awakened to the pistol can completely ignore what to do with the pistol first.

As long as you plan the route of the main gun first, you can find your shortcomings in the subsequent battles, and then use pistols to make up for the shortcomings. "

When Chen Xingxi heard Quanxiong's words, he suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that the divine craftsman is unusual.

Unlike what Brother Yu said, the pistol, as an auxiliary gun, can not only adapt to various accessories.

In the same way, the diversity and balance of pistols allow us to use them to make up for our shortcomings and to check for deficiencies!

Quanxiong held his chest, how he looked like a big bear: "Tell me, what kind of fighting style do you want to favor in the future?

Xiaoxi, talk about it first. "

Chen Xingxi thought about it for a while, and was a little uncertain in his heart. At the same time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "emmm, Grandpa Quan, I haven't made up my mind yet. Let Xiao Ye speak first."

"Huh?...Okay, then Xiao Ye will talk about it first."

Chen Xingye looked at his brother nervously, worried that he hadn't thought about his future plans.

Chen Xingxi smiled and gave him a "it's all right" look, which made Chen Xingye feel relieved.

Chen Xingye said slowly, "Grandpa Quan, I still want to be a sniper!"

Quan Xiong smiled and encouraged: "Okay, very good! It's a good thing to find the target.

To be honest, the people of your Chen family are born with a pair of eagle eyes, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the most suitable people to be snipers.

This kid Jian Xie learned from me to forge accessories, and learned a lot about the manufacturing level, but he has so many crazy ideas!

A rifle can be designed by him as a weapon with dual functions of long-range and melee combat. It's really amazing! "

Chen Xingxi tilted his head, thinking of the eight-fold mirror on his father's rifle, and the state of the cold weapon that turned into a three-pointed, two-edged sword, and was amazed in his heart.

The eight-fold mirror snips at a distance, and switches to the form of cold weapons for melee combat.

Can be far or near.

Really a good idea.

When an accessory maker develops to a mid-to-high-end level, in fact, everyone's forging level is similar. What can open the gap is to see who has more ideas and "brain holes"!

Quan Xiong fell into nostalgia for the past, and murmured, "Jian Xie's rifle is used as a sniper rifle by him, and it's a good one.

Your two grandfathers also used a to win the title of "Sniper God"..."

Quanxiong suddenly came to his senses, knowing that he had lost his words, and said quickly: "Oh, I won't mention it, I won't mention your grandfather...

Xiao Ye, talk about accessories! What do you need for accessories? "

The brothers have never seen or heard about their grandfather since they were young, but they can vaguely feel that the relationship between their father and grandfather is so tense for some reason.

Chen Xingye put aside his curiosity about his grandfather: "Grandpa Quan, I don't think I need to assemble a scope now that I have an eagle eye, and the sight distance of the eagle eye is completely sufficient.

Why don't we make more efforts in terms of range and basic attack power..."

Quan Xiong first applauded, and then thought for a while: "Okay, yes! Then I'll... make you a 'butt' that increases the range of bullets, and a 'magazine' that increases the reload speed and basic attack power. how?"

Chen Xingye smiled very happily: "Okay! Thank you Grandpa Quan."

Quanxiong: "You give the accessories a name, and then I'll engrave text on them."

Chen Xingye: "Grandpa, give it to me... I have no requirements for this."

Quan Xiong thought for a while: "emmm, then... the **** of the gun is called 'Tianying', and the magazine is called 'Tianwei'!

Xiaoxi, have you thought about the accessories needs? "

Chen Xingxi, who kept his head down, raised his head and smiled confidently: "I'll choose the name first, as for the accessories...

Grandpa Quan, can I draw a sketch for you myself? "

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