Sniper Track

Chapter 110: Blue and blue, sword and halberd


Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye looked at each other, their faces confused.

We had a good chat just now, why did Grandpa Quan suddenly kick people out?

The voice of the man in the forging room came out again: "No, Master Quan, please help with repairs, waxing, nursing or something...

Hey, hey!

Grandmaster! Say something nice, you put the hammer down...

what! pain!

Master, don't start!

I was wrong... Bye Master! "

It seemed that Quanxiong's offensive was too severe, and the man in the room couldn't stand it, so he had to flee.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Chen Xingxi looked intently, and saw a bald man running out of the room...

A bald soldier.

There is no badge of the fittest on the chest, but the military rank on the neckline is very eye-catching.

Company commander.

In the Lion's Mouth Barracks, the position of the company commander is no longer low.

In the entire army, apart from Chen Jianxie as the guard and Yu Jinding as the adjutant, among the remaining officers, the company commander was already the backbone.

Rifle company, sniper rifle company, submachine gun company, medical company...

Every company has a company commander, who is responsible for the leadership and command of its own company.

If I remember correctly, the bald uncle in front of me should be the commander of the submachine gun company...

It seems that the surname is Sun...

Sun Che was kicked out of the forging room by Quan Xiong, and he patted his big round bald head in despair, looking a little embarrassed.

If the fittest wants to return the firearm in their hands to the mental space in their bodies, it probably only takes less than five seconds.

The exact time varies from person to person.

The fewer accessories installed on a firearm, the weaker the firearm and, therefore, the easier it is to recycle.

At the same time, the more fit the fittest is with their firearms, the more tacit understanding they are, and the easier it is to take it back into the spiritual space within the body.

He ran out without putting away the gun...

It seems that he was really scared by Quanxiong's beating, and patronized to "escape".

Recalling the previous conversation between the two, Chen Xingxi already had some eyebrows in his heart.

There is an accessory on Company Commander Sun's gun that Quanxiong made for him. Today, he came to Master Quanxiong to repair the accessory...

And it's still early in the morning.

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye's levels are not high, but they are in the third-grade realm, and the strength of the accessories they can absorb is also limited.

The difficulty of making it is far less than the accessories that Quanxiong once custom-made for those bigwigs from all walks of life who came to visit.

However, the victory lies in "more quantity".

Chen Xingye needs two accessories.

Chen Xingxi's accessories... are even more strange.

To make them all in one night, even if Quanxiong is a master craftsman, it will take a lot of effort.

After finally falling asleep and being woken up again, no matter who it is, there will be a feeling of getting up, right?

Sun Che touched his shiny bald head, holding a submachine gun in his left hand, and looked back in the direction of the forging room with lingering fears.

It seemed that he was afraid of Quanxiong chasing him out to beat him.

Chen Xingxi's eyes were fixed on Sun Che.

The focus, of course, was not Sun Che's bald head.

Although his bald head will be very conspicuous in the crowd, Chen Xingxi's interest is not here.

But it's...his accessories!

On the dark gun body... on the muzzle, the magazine, and the grip, it is impossible to tell whether any accessories have been installed.

Above the gun body, where the scope should have been installed, was even more bare and nothing.

It seems that Sun Che should not have a scope installed.

As for the muzzle, the magazine, and the grip, there is absolutely nothing outstanding about it.

If you say that he has never installed accessories, I am afraid some people will believe it.

Because from the appearance, it is really indistinguishable.

However, that gun stock looks quite extraordinary!

Its color is like brass, and its surface is decorated with small raised balls, like the metal nails on the city gates in ancient times.

Before Chen Xingxi could take another look, the firearm was taken back by Sun Che.

As soon as he turned his head, Sun Che saw the two brothers at the gate of the courtyard, and he didn't blush at all because of the embarrassment just now.

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye took two steps forward and politely took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Uncle Sun."

Sun Che grinned, and inadvertently placed his right hand on the back of his smooth head: "Hey, good morning."

A few years ago, when people in the military camp saw the Chen Xingxi brothers, they called them "little master", which also troubled them a lot, and felt that the name was too feudal.

Later, for the sake of strict military discipline, Chen Jianxie did not allow the division of class and rank, and explicitly prohibited similar names, and the two brothers became more comfortable in this military camp.

When they encountered these soldiers guarding the city on the road, the brothers would take the initiative to say hello to them.

Sun Che quietly leaned forward, covered his hands halfway, and whispered to Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye: "I'm telling you two... Master is angry now, you two better not enter..."

Before he could finish speaking, Quanxiong's angry voice came from the forging room again: "Why don't you hurry up! Be careful next time your 'giant tower' really needs to be repaired, I won't repair it for you!"

Sun Che was terrified, his calf jumped so fast, he didn't dare to wait for a second, and said "wronged Baba", "This time it's time for me to repair..."


A small hammer flew out of the forging room, and with a sound of "chua", it slammed into the ground.

Seeing this, Sun Che took out the strength to suckle, and rushed out a few hundred meters away, only that bright head reflected a beam of sunlight in the distance.


The two brothers looked at each other helplessly, not knowing whether to go in or leave.

Speaking of which, Grandpa Quan... wouldn't he really be angry?

Chen Xingye stepped forward and picked up the small hammer on the ground.

Quan Xiong had a big belly and walked into the yard. When he saw the two brothers, most of the anger on his face dissipated: "Xiao Xi, Xiao Ye, come in."

The two followed Quanxiong into the house.

Chen Xingye respectfully put the hammer back on the table of the forging table, and Chen Xingxi asked boldly, "Grandpa Quan, why didn't you repair the **** of the gun for Uncle Sun just now?"

Quan Xiong's eyes widened, the white hair on top of his head was about to "explode": "Fix your ass! That gun stock isn't broken at all!

There were just a few small scratches on the top. Wearing reading glasses, I searched for a long time before I could see where the mark was on his mouth!

Don't mention it, I'm **** off...

I just regret it, I shouldn't have given him a custom gun stock at that time...

This old bachelor took it as his wife, the scratches that were almost invisible to the naked eye, even took it away and let me fix it..."

Chen Xingye stepped forward, put his hand on Quan Xiong's chest, stroked up and down a few times, and then Quan Xiong calmed down.

Quan Xiong looked at the well-behaved Chen Xingye, brushed his hair, and said, "Two stinky boys... come with me!"


It is false to say that he is not excited. No matter who it is, as long as it is the "first time" for anything, there will be nervousness.

Chen Xingxi stretched his neck so long that he wanted to see through Quanxiong's body and quickly see that exciting accessory.

Quan Xiong took out a metal box from the cabinet under the forging table.

The box was tightly stitched and closed tightly, but there was still a wave of energy oozing out of it.

It can be seen that the things inside are so powerful.

Quan Xiong said with a smile, "This small box is not as simple as it seems to you, it is very famous in our manufacturer industry.

The metal cover above, as long as the input fitness, will turn into a transparent color. "

Chen Xingxi: "?_??"

"What? Don't believe it?" Quan Xiong looked at Chen Xingxi's expression, tapped his right finger lightly, and a wisp of fit could enter the box, and the lid actually turned transparent by the way!

It looks like glass.

You can see everything inside.

Quanxiong: "We will use this kind of box to pack the accessories after they are made. Otherwise, too much contact with the outside world will damage their origin before they are "conquered" by the fittest.

However, we can't help our employers to check and accept them, so we developed this kind of thing.

It can not only prevent the leakage of energy, but also not delay the observation. "

One butt, one magazine.

Chen Xingxi took the initiative to take a half step back and gave Chen Xingye a better position.

After all, this is his accessory.

"My accessories...Is it possible, can't I make them..." Chen Xingxi thought silently in his heart, and a little loss came out from the bottom of his heart.

Quan Xiong was as bright as a mirror, and before he turned his head, he felt Chen Xingxi's loss: "Xiaoxi, don't worry, I have prepared your accessories, and they are in another box."

When Chen Xingxi heard the words, he smiled happily.

Looking at the gun stock and magazine in the box, Chen Xingye muttered, "Grandpa Quan, this...will it be very conspicuous...

As a sniper, is it really impossible to be discovered by the enemy? "

The magazine is dark, and it is the same color as the black iron firearm, and there is not much difference.

It's just that the curved magazine is full of inscriptions of some ancient civilization.

Like a devil's claw, like a thunderbolt, like a carved seal on the Hall of Gods.

The pattern is raised with positive engraving, and the color is silver-white, which is in sharp contrast with the surrounding black iron-colored magazines and is more conspicuous.

Another accessory is silver and white, with an eagle standing on the **** of the gun.

The eagle's claws were tightly gripped on the **** of the gun, its piercing eagle eyes and sharp eagle beak were forward, and its wings were spread out, as if looking at the world.

It is not only an eagle, it is more like an eagle king!

From an aesthetic point of view, these two accessories are impeccable, whether it is the ancient **** inscription or the eagle monarch with silver feathers and silver feathers, they are all exquisite and delicate.

It can be seen that Quanxiong put a lot of effort into it.

But... with such a delicate decoration, wouldn't the opponent's snipers really find it?

Quan Xiong shook his head and smiled inscrutable: "Don't worry, absolutely not.

After you absorb it into your body and install it on the firearm, it will become a part of your body.

At that time, you only need to think about it, you can hide the appearance of the accessories, just like your main gun looks like now. "

Chen Xingye nodded slowly: "So that's it... Thank you Grandpa Quan."

Quan Xiong handed the box in his hand to Chen Xingye and exhorted, "Remember, you must be quick when picking up accessories.

Take one out first, then quickly close the box, **** the accessories in your hand into your body, absorb and fuse.

Wait until the first one is assembled on the gun, and then absorb the second one. "

Chen Xingye took the box with both hands: "Thank you."

After hehe smiled, Chen Xingye followed the direction of Quanxiong's fingers, went to a quiet place, and sat cross-legged on the futon on the ground.

Before "retreat", Chen Xingye glanced at the place where his brother was.

Chen Xingxi smiled at him.

Chen Xingye closed his eyes with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and began to absorb "Tianwei" and "Tianying" in the box.

Quanxiong mysteriously took out another box and was able to input it.

Chen Xingxi rubbed his fists and rubbed his hands together, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that this accessory was really made by Quanxiong!

The lid of the box slowly became transparent, and Chen Xingxi couldn't wait.

Inside the box, lay a particularly oddly shaped accessory.

A long tube, which looks like it should be a muzzle silencer, has a black block-shaped protrusion on the lower side of the foremost end of the muzzle, protruding down about one centimeter.

At the rear of the muffler, where it should be connected with the gun body, a very thin "strip" extends backwards, which is connected to a vertical grip.

Yes, this is a complete accessory.

Shaped like a silencer muzzle and a vertical grip, held together by a section that looks fragile.

This is Chen Xingxi's "ghost idea".

The mainstream accessories on the muzzle are only muzzles, flash suppressors, and compensators, and two types of muzzles, and bayonets.

When the muzzle is installed, the bayonet cannot be installed.

In the same way, if the bayonet is installed, there is no way to install the muzzle.

With Quanxiong's professional level, he can create the strongest muzzle that integrates the functions of silencer, flame suppression, and However, the muzzle and the bayonet cannot have both.

So, Chen Xingxi had this immature idea.

Forge the bayonet, muzzle, grip, all into one accessory!

Three in two.

One accessory, occupying two positions, just fills the position of the muzzle and the grip.

In this way, the dual functions of the muzzle and the bayonet are achieved.

Chen Xingxi liked this accessory very much. Holding the box, he went to another quiet corner and began to absorb the accessories.

The chef's favorite scene is when diners happily eat their own meals.

The favorite thing for accessory manufacturers to watch is that others are holding their own forged accessories, looking happy, right?

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye each found a place to sit on the ground in the forging room. Quanxiong tiptoed and exited the forging room, leaving peace for the two brothers who were "retreat".

Step, step.

Chen Jianxie walked slowly and opened the courtyard door: "How is it, Master?"

Quan Xiong hurriedly made a "shush" gesture: "Be quiet, they are absorbing accessories."

Chen Jianxie nodded cautiously: "Yes."

Quan Xiong looked at Chen Jianxie, then looked at the door of the forging room that he had just closed, and patted Chen Jianxie on the shoulder: "Jianxie, this kid Xiaoxi... very good..."

Chen Jianxie: "???"

"I know, what is..."

"the student surpasses the master……"

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