Sniper Track

Chapter 191: Ghost Face Phosphorus Fire, "Vengeance" Night (Part 2)

The wind at night is as cold as water.

Some people also say that after the sun sets, the earth loses the nourishment of sunlight, and it will "secrete" a kind of "cold poison" with extremely low temperature.

Therefore, even in summer, if you sleep in the wild, you will catch a cold, and if it is serious, you will even get seriously ill.


For a high-quality powerhouse like Yan Lao, fitness, mental strength, stamina and blood...

There are so many ways to protect the body.

This kind of ordinary cold can't penetrate half of the body at all, even if you sleep in the wild all year round, you won't catch a cold.

At this time, Yan Lao hovered at a high place, took a look at the vast area he was responsible for, and then slowly descended.

Eighth-rank powerhouses are also human beings, not gods, so they will feel tired after all.

Just now, Yan Lao and other tutors took turns to change shifts, went to have a simple dinner, and then took a break. When the shift time was over, he immediately returned to his "post" and became the guardian of students' safety again. By.

Yan Lao's body landed on a large horizontal branch of a tree, and the black cloth shoes under his feet stepped on the branch, as light as a feather, without making a sound.

The body slowly fell backwards, and was about to fall from the tree!

However, Yan Lao behaved dignifiedly, without panic at all, with a light-hearted look.

In an instant, Yan Lao had turned his head down, but his feet were still "sticking" tightly to the branches, and his whole figure was hanging upside down like a bat, as if he was completely free from the effect of gravity.

(Newton: "How many times have I said that, that place in Huaxia is not under my control!

Come on, nail my coffin board to death, don't call me if it's alright...")

The night is so peaceful, there is no hustle and bustle, no intrigue, no all kinds of things that will make people worry...

Even the beasts were lying quietly in the cave, motionless, and entered their dreams early.

If nothing else, tonight will be a quiet night as usual, right?

Then why not...

Just like in the previous year's Beast Hunting War, with a little bit of mental power as a warning, the body had a good night's sleep?




Yan Lao stretched out his old hand, took out a pocket watch from the inner pocket of his clothes, and held the chain attached to the pocket watch, ready to take a look at the time.

I saw that the chain "stretched" straight up from the place where he was pinching with his two fingers, and the dial of the pocket watch "flyed" to the top of his head.

Yan Lao: "..."

I almost forgot about this...

Yan Lao himself can hang upside down on a tree, but not a pocket watch!

It will still be affected by gravity.

Hanging upside down, isn't the pocket watch pointing in the direction above your head?

This time, Yan Lao learned to behave, the vicissitudes of life...

The big hand no longer holds the chain, but directly holds the dial of the pocket watch.

Yan Lao murmured, "Is it half past eight...

Tsk tsk, it's so quiet, it looks like I can get a good night's sleep tonight..."


Meanwhile, somewhere in a pothole.

Ai Chengxiang: "When will it start?"

Chen Xingxi thought for a while: "rest first, wait for twelve o'clock in the morning..."

For an old man, he should have slept soundly at that time, right?

Imagine that when Lao Yan was at his most relaxed, he suddenly made a little explosive "big thing" for him. It would probably scare him a lot, right?

Hehe... (smiling that can't get any worse)

Chen Xingxi sat down cross-legged, leaned his back against the vertical earth wall, and said, "Take a rest first, so that you won't lose energy until the early morning.

In addition, you must be careful when the time comes, and follow the plan..."

After all, Yan Lao is an eighth-rank. If he is caught accidentally, it will be over.

Ai Chengxiang lay down in a corner and said with a cold face, "Well."

Chen Xingxi: "..."

Can't you say two more words?

Do you have to be so cold?

Ai Chengxiang closed his eyes and began to rest.

Chen Xingxi, who was speechless, turned around and said to everyone, "Everyone, please rest early, you have to get up early tomorrow.

We arrange the time to kill more monsters during the day, so that we can rest well at night..."

As the saying goes, too much is too much. If you blindly pursue hunting points and hunt monsters day and night, you will be overwhelmed both physically and mentally.

In the end, I am afraid it will backfire and be inefficient.

It is better to sleep well at night to improve hunting efficiency during the day.

After Chen Xingxi finished speaking, he said softly "good night" to Lin Gechang, then found a comfortable place for his head and fell asleep.

The animal bone mask lay quietly on Chen Xingxi's stomach, extremely ghostly.

Shen Longxiao blinked his small eyes, looked at the mask lying flat on Chen Xingxi's body, and fell into contemplation...


Night, early morning, 00:00.

Chen Xingxi slowly opened his eyes, looked around, first put Lin Gechang's little hand on his stomach, and then helped her straighten the hair on her forehead.


Chen Xingxi was surprised.

After looking around, he didn't find Ai Chengxiang's figure.

This eldest brother... Could it be that he acted by himself...?

The power of shadow is like a poisonous snake, moving slowly against the ground, exploring the surroundings, and just after exiting the hole, he found Ai Chengxiang.

With the mask in his hand, Chen Xingxi got up tiptoe, cautiously all the way, for fear of waking everyone up. He had only a few meters to go, but he left...

over a minute.

Walking out of the cave, Chen Xingxi asked with a smile, "How long have you been awake?"

Ai Chengxiang folded his arms around his chest and wore a mask on his face: "..."

Chen Xingxi's face was full of black lines: "..."

Is it so cold?

Emmm, it's also possible that it's because everyone doesn't have a watch, so he can't see the time, and he can't tell how long he's been awake...

Chen Xingxi took out a small packet of phosphorous powder collected before, handed it to Ai Chengxiang, and asked, "Why didn't you call me when you woke up, in case I've been sleeping all the time and wake up till dawn ……what to do?"

Ai Chengxiang pursed his lips and smeared phosphorous powder on the mask: "No, you won't be so unreliable."

Talking about how to chat normally with someone who doesn't know how to take memes, wait online, I'm in a hurry...

After smearing with phosphor powder, the mask becomes a "luminous" material, which emits a green light in the dark, and is matched with the shape of a skeleton ghost face, so that people dare not look directly.

The two put on masks at the same time, and the "little ghost" was born.

Chen Xingxi raised his steps and whispered, "Okay, let's go."

Ai Chengxiang: "Will phosphorus powder not spontaneously ignite?"

Chen Xingxi: "No, phosphorus powder needs 40 to burn. If you're worried, you can wrap it with a layer of energy, so that it won't ignite spontaneously."

When it is time to ignite the phosphorous fire, a little friction can completely ignite it!

After Ai Chengxiang heard this, he answered with "enthusiasm", "Oh."

Chen Xingxi: "..."

I took it. This team is friendly and cold.

Can it be returned?


Two figures wearing bone masks floated in the jungle, like two lonely ghosts.

The destination of this trip is a canyon that everyone passes through during the day.

The canyon is born between small ridges, with dozens of small caves, and nearly a hundred galloping horses live here.

As a swarm of monsters, the hurricane has two characteristics:

First, the hurricane is extremely fast, running like a gallop, and it can also manipulate the wind element to make its body lighter.

According to legend, a certain combat technique called "Wind Step" was created by a senior of the fittest by observing the behavior of the Wind Horse.

In addition, the galloping horse population is huge, breeds quickly, and is widely distributed. Similarly, the number of people hunted and killed is also large, and it is widely used in the industry of the fittest...

The animal soul of the hurricane horse, as well as related firearm accessories, etc., enter the market in large numbers every year and sell them to the fittest, improving the strength of the fittest.

(Hurricane Horse: "I may not be human, but you are real dogs.")

Second, the hurricane is short-tempered, aggressive and aggressive. Often when one member is bullied, the entire tribe will help it recover together...


The whole family was dispatched, the sound of thunder drums.

Not only the sound of iron hoofs hitting the ground, but also countless neighs.

Wind Horse's voice is notoriously loud...

Obviously, this Hurricane Horse tribe is the "target" of Chen Xingxi and Ai Chengxiang, and likewise, it will also be an "accomplice".

Chen Xingxi made a "silent" gesture and said in a low voice, "Don't move, I'll 'seduce' a hand,'ll shoot!"

Ai Chengxiang was silent and nodded quietly.

On the green ghost mask, the eyes glowed with golden light!

Hawkeye opened, and Chen Xingxi's vision became clearer. It was like turning on a night vision device or an infrared imager. The entire canyon was under his "control".

The rifle is now aimed at the canyon with the muzzle of the black hole silencer.

Chen Xingxi could see every grass and tree in the canyon clearly, but the inside of those caves, because the moonlight was too dark, couldn't get in, so it looked just pitch black and couldn't find the target at all.

Without a magnifying mirror, aiming with the naked eye is still a bit difficult after all. Chen Xingxi made up his mind that the third accessory must be absorbed by an eight-fold mirror!

When the time comes, he will pierce through Yang with a hundred steps, and his bullets will not miss, "eight hundred miles away", it is not impossible to kill the enemy's sniper with one shot!

Chen Xingxi said in his heart, "Kaisha, mark a point."

Kaisha said impatiently, "It's really troublesome!

Give me a 'magic shadow'. "

Chen Xingxi thought: "Be careful, don't let Chengxiang find out that something is wrong."

Kaisha: "Crap!"

Chen Xingxi secretly condensed a curse nail, and used it as a medium to release a bullet-shaped ghost, which he handed to Kaisha.

In the blink of an eye, a dark shadow clone appeared in front of Chen Xingxi.

Although Kaisha couldn't get too far from Chen Xingxi's body, he could use Shadow Clan magic to separate a shadow clone.

The shadow clone sneaked in with Chen Xingxi's ghost, randomly found a "lucky" hurricane horse, and stuck the ghost on its butt.

"Perfect!" Chen Xingxi praised Kaisha in his heart.

Even though he was separated by several hundred meters, Chen Xingxi could clearly sense his shadow, as conspicuous as a lighthouse in the dark night.

The left hand holds the vertical grip, the muzzle is aimed in the direction, the right eye is aimed at... the horse's butt.


This is an out-and-out "flattering" behavior!

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